Product Value Survey Template
Evaluate your product’s preliminary value based on usage, discovery, awareness and customers’ overall customer perception with this Product Value Survey Template.
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Collect feedback on your product and measure customer’s satisfaction with the value offered. Gauge their satisfaction with the reliability, performance, features, customer support, and more with this Product Value Feedback Form Template.
Questions in Product Value Survey Template
- 1. On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our product to others?
- 0 (Not at all likely)
- 10 (Extremely likely)
- 2. Please rate the following aspects of our product in terms of value
- Reliability
- Performance
- Features
- Price
- Customer Support
- 3. Which of the following benefits have you experienced from using our products? (Select all that apply)
- Increased productivity
- Cost saving
- Time saving
- Improved efficiency
- Better decision-making
- Enhanced customer satisfaction
- 4. How likely are you to repurchase our product?
- Very unlikely
- Unlikely
- Neutral
- Likely
- Very likely
- 5. How satisfied are you with the overall value for money of our product?
- Very dissatisfied
- Dissatisfied
- Neutral
- Satisfied
- Very satisfied
- 6. Please provide any additional feedback or suggestions on how we can improve the value of our product
Create and send this Product Value Survey with Zonka Feedback
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