Use this salon staff feedback form to capture the feedback about your staff members at the salon as per your clients. Sign up with Zonka to use this form template right out of the box.
Feedback forms are the best way to gauge customer satisfaction, experience and opinion about your brand. But if you want to know if your customers are satisfied with your salon staff, use this salon staff feedback form.
This feedback form allows you to know the customer experience according to the staff member. It allows your salon to get feedback about your staff and improve the pain points of the customer. Gather the staff feedback and use it to further enhance the experience.
You can customize the form according to your requirements and share it with your customers. There are plenty of stylish templates to choose from and sharing them with customers is even easier. It takes only a few minutes to share the template. It can be done via email, SMSes, web-app, via kiosk.
To create a survey using the Spa Feedback Form, just sign up or sign in to Zonka Feedback. You’ll be able to choose this Survey Template when you begin creating your feedback form or survey.
2 mins
The following questions are included in this Salon Staff Feedback Form.
Sign Up on Zonka Feedback for free and implement a Salon Staff Feedback Form in your account to capture the data.