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Website Content Feedback Form Template

Understand your customers' perception regarding your website's content and it's usefulness to them using this Website Content Feedback Survey Template.

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Collect feedback from your website visitors on the quality of content and measure their satisfaction. Gauge visitors' experience with the content relevance, structure, engagement, informativeness, and more.

Questions in Website Content Feedback Template

  1. 1. How would you rate the overall quality of the content on our website?
  2. 2. How relevant is the content on our website to your needs and interests?
    • Not At All Relevant
    • Not Very Relevant
    • Neutral
    • Somewhat Relevant
    • Highly Relevant
  3. 3. How well organized and structured is the content on our website?
    • Very Poorly Organized
    • Poorly Organized
    • Neutral
    • Well Organized
    • Very Well Organized
  4. 4. Please rate the content based on engagement and informativeness
  5. 5. On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our website content to a friend or colleague?
    • 0 (Not at all likely)
    • 10 (Extremely likely)
  6. 6. Is there anything we can do to improve our website content?

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