Measure customer loyalty along with the aspects of your brand that drives the loyalty and customers' likeliness of promoting your business using this NPS Survey Template with Key Drivers.
Find out what areas of your brand are working well and those that require more work using this simple NPS Survey Template with Key Drivers. Gauge customer loyalty and their likelihood of recommending you to others along with a deeper insights into the key drivers of their NPS score.
30 secs
An NPS Key Drivers Survey Template is a tool designed to identify and measure the factors that have the most significant impact on your Net Promoter Score (NPS). It helps you pinpoint the key indicators driving customer loyalty or dissatisfaction.
You can use the template to create customized surveys that include the core NPS question and additional questions aimed at uncovering the key factors influencing your NPS score. Then distribute the survey to your customers to collect actionable insights.
NPS key drivers are the specific aspects or factors that most strongly correlate with customers' likelihood to recommend your product or service. These are the key areas where improvement can have the most impact on your NPS score.
Through statistical analysis, the survey data is analyzed to identify which customer experiences or aspects of your product or service have the highest correlation with NPS scores.
Zonka Feedback’s NPS Key Indicators survey template is fully customizable with options for white-labelling, customizing the survey questions, personalized logos/background, and more. It allows you to add specific questions related to your industry, service, or product.
The insights can help you prioritize areas for improvement to enhance customer loyalty. Focus on the key drivers to make the most significant impact on your NPS score.
Yes, customer responses are typically kept confidential and are used for analysis and improvement purposes, not for sharing individual data.