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Net Promoter Score Survey Template

Use this quick NPS Survey Template to measure how likely your customers are to recommend your brand and services to others.

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Want to excel in measuring customer loyalty and reduce churn? Use this powerful template to get insights on how likely your customers are to recommend your business to a friend, family or a colleague. Regularly sending Net Promoter Score surveys using an NPS Survey Template helps you identify Promoters, Passives, and Detractors with a simple NPS question.


Questions in the Net Promoter Score Survey Template

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) Survey Template includes two essential questions (the basic nps survey questions and the follow-up question) designed to measure customer loyalty and gather feedback:

  1. How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?

  2. What is the primary reason for your score?

While simple, these two questions (NPS Survey Question and Follow-Up Question) provide powerful insights into customer sentiment, but Zonka Feedback enables you to take it further by customzizing these questions to align with your specific needs.

Customizing the NPS Question

The standard question can be personalized in several ways, depending on what aspect of your business you want to evaluate. Here’s how you can adapt the NPS question to fit different contexts:

  1. Changing the Subject (Product, Company, or Service): The default "us" in the NPS questions can be replaced with the specific entity you're seeking feedback on—be it a product, service, or your company as a whole. This adjustment makes the question more relevant to the respondent and ensures the feedback you receive is focused.

    • For product feedback: "How likely are you to recommend [Product Name] to a friend or colleague?"

    • For company feedback: "How likely are you to recommend [Company Name] to a friend or colleague?"

    • For service feedback: "How likely are you to recommend [Service Name] to a friend or colleague?"

  2. Adding Context to the Question: To make the NPS question more specific, add context based on recent interactions. For transactional NPS, reference a specific event, e.g., "Based on your recent purchase." For relationship NPS, mention the product usage, e.g., "Based on your experience with our product." This helps respondents provide more targeted feedback.

    • For a recent purchase or service experience: "Based on your recent shopping experience, how likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?"

    • For interaction with customer support: "After your recent interaction with our support team, how likely are you to recommend our service?"

  3. Incorporating the Scale Reference: If you want to explicitly remind respondents of the NPS scale, you can include the 0-10 rating reference within the question itself. This can make it easier for respondents to quickly understand the scoring system.

    • Example with scale reference: "On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?"

Customizing the Follow-Up Question

The subsequent question, "What is the primary reason for your score?", is crucial for gathering qualitative feedback and insights. Zonka Feedback allows you to either keep this as a single, open-ended question or customize it based on the respondent's score, ensuring you capture more detailed and relevant feedback.

Examples of Follow-Up Questions by Score Segment:

  • For Detractors (0-6): The focus here is on understanding their pain points and identifying what needs to be improved for the unhappy customers. Ask questions that encourage them to express their dissatisfaction.
    • "What specific issues led you to give this score?"

    • "What could we have done differently to improve your experience?"

  • For Promoters (9-10): Promoters are your loyal customers and advocates, and your goal should be to understand what they love about your brand and how you can continue to delight them. You can also explore how to leverage their positive experiences for future growth.

    • "What did you enjoy most about your experience with us?"

    • "What would make you even more likely to recommend us to others?"

How to use the template in Zonka Feedback?

  1. Sign Up for a Free Trial: To get started, sign up for a free trial on Zonka Feedback. Once logged in, you can access the survey templates library, including the free NPS Survey Template. Find the NPS template or click on ‘Edit this Template’ at the top of this page to start customizing.

  2. Customize the Template: When in editing mode, you have full control to tailor the nps survey template Template to your specific needs:

    • White-label the survey by adding your brand’s logo, colors, and branding elements.

    • Modify questions to gather feedback on a specific product, service, or the entire brand.

    • Set up survey logic to create personalized experiences based on customer responses.

    • Adjust the theme to align the survey’s look and feel with your brand’s aesthetics.

    • Choose a language to cater to your diverse customer base and ensure accessibility across regions.

  3. Preview the Survey: Before sharing the survey, use Zonka Feedback’s preview feature to see how it will appear to your customers. This ensures the questions, branding, and design are exactly how you want them. Make any final tweaks to perfect the survey.

  4. Distribute the Survey Across Multiple Channels: With Zonka Feedback, you can distribute your survey via multiple channels to reach your audience wherever they are:

    • Web: Embed the survey directly on your website.

    • In-app: Collect feedback from users while they’re engaging with your app.

    • Email: Send personalized NPS surveys directly to your customers’ inboxes.

    • SMS: Reach your audience via text messages, allowing for quick and easy responses.

    • Offline: Utilize the survey in physical locations like stores, clinics, or events to gather real-time feedback.

    • QR Codes: Share via QR codes in physical spaces for easy, contactless survey participation.

Integrate, Automate, and Act with Zonka Feedback’s Net Promoter Score Survey Template

  1. Integrate: Zonka Feedback integrates smoothly with your existing systems, ensuring feedback is easily synced and actionable across your organization:

    • CRMs (Salesforce, HubSpot): Automatically sync feedback with customer records, enabling holistic customer insights.

    • Helpdesks (Zendesk, Freshdesk): Trigger surveys post-support interactions and centralize feedback for your support teams.

    • Marketing Tools (Mailchimp, Active Campaign): Automate surveys after campaigns and personalize follow-ups based on feedback.

    • Custom integrations with APIs and webhooks allow you to extend Zonka Feedback’s capabilities into your specific tech stack.

  2. Automate: Streamline your feedback process with automated workflows:

    • Trigger surveys automatically after critical events like product purchases or customer service interactions.

    • Customize workflows based on feedback scores to manage detractors, passives, and promoters:

      • Detractors: Automatically trigger alerts and subsequent actions to resolve issues.

      • Passives: Send additional prompts to gather deeper insights and improve engagement.

      • Promoters: Encourage brand advocacy with review requests and referral programs.

    • Automate survey distribution via email, SMS, in-app, and more, ensuring consistent feedback collection at key customer touchpoints.

  3. Analyze: Zonka Feedback’s real-time analytics provide in-depth insights into your customer data, allowing you to track trends and make informed decisions:

    • Snapshot Reports: Get an overview of your current NPS score, feedback volume, and customer satisfaction at a glance.

    • Insights and Trends: Track customer contentment over time to identify patterns and changes in loyalty or sentiment.

    • Word Analysis: Use text analysis tools to uncover recurring themes and keywords in open-ended feedback.

    • AI Sentiments: Automatically analyze the emotional tone of feedback to understand whether comments are positive, negative, or neutral.

    • AI Themes and Subthemes: Categorize feedback into themes to better understand the key drivers of satisfaction and dissatisfaction.

    • AI-Based Reports: Generate AI-powered reports that highlight critical insights and prioritize actions based on customer sentiment and feedback trends.

  4. Act and Close the Loop: Take real-time action on customer feedback directly from the Zonka Feedback platform:

    • Send personalized follow-up emails based on customer responses—thanking promoters and resolving issues with detractors.

    • Manage customer concerns using Zonka Feedback’s case management features, creating tasks for your team to take appropriate action.

    • Assign tasks and track actions to ensure every piece of feedback is followed up on, helping you close the loop effectively.

    • Collaborate across departments with feedback insights to ensure continuous improvement.

Industry-Specific Use Cases for NPS

NPS is highly adaptable and can be used across industries to collect customer feedback, improve satisfaction, and drive actionable insights.

  • SaaS: Gather feedback after critical interactions, such as feature usage, onboarding, or customer support. Use nps survey template to prioritize product improvements based on customer sentiment and address any issues quickly to prevent churn. Engaged promoters can be encouraged to share positive feedback through reviews and testimonials for potential customers, strengthening your brand.

    • How likely are you to recommend our product to a colleague or friend based on your experience so far?

  • Healthcare: NPS can capture patient feedback after treatments, appointments, or hospital stays. Use insights to improve service delivery, reduce waiting times, and enhance patient communication. By responding promptly to negative feedback, healthcare providers can resolve issues before they escalate, while positive feedback can help build trust and loyalty.

    • How likely are you to recommend our healthcare services to a friend or family member based on your recent experience?

  • BFSI (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance): NPS is useful after key events like opening accounts, applying for loans, or submitting insurance claims. Insights from detractors help identify inefficiencies in processes, such as lengthy loan approvals, allowing you to streamline customer experiences. Promoters can be engaged with referral or loyalty programs to boost retention and word-of-mouth marketing.

    • How likely are you to recommend our banking/financial services to a friend or colleague based on your recent interaction?

  • Hospitality: After guests complete their stay or visit your restaurant, NPS surveys can provide insights into their experience. Address feedback about service quality, room cleanliness, or staff interaction to prevent negative reviews and encourage promoters to leave positive feedback online, improving your reputation.

    • How likely are you to recommend our hotel/restaurant to a friend or colleague based on your recent stay/visit?

  • Retail and eCommerce: Use NPS after purchases or deliveries to assess customer satisfaction with product quality, shopping experiences, and customer service. Quickly resolve any delivery or product issues raised by detractors, while encouraging promoters to leave product reviews or share their experience on social platforms to enhance brand visibility.

    • How likely are you to recommend our store/website to a friend or colleague based on your recent purchase experience?

  • Travel and Airlines: NPS is valuable for collecting feedback after a trip, flight, or booking. Gain insights into specific touchpoints like check-in, boarding, and in-flight services to optimize your operations. Address complaints about delays or customer service, while encouraging happy travelers to join loyalty programs and share their positive experiences.

    • How likely are you to recommend our airline/services to a friend or colleague based on your recent travel experience?

  • Customer Support: After a customer support interaction, NPS surveys can help measure satisfaction with the resolution process. Address unresolved issues from detractors by escalating their concerns, while promoters can be asked to share their positive experiences through testimonials or reviews, reinforcing the value of your customer support team.

    • How likely are you to recommend our customer support service to a friend or colleague based on your recent interaction?

Benefits of the NPS Template for Enhancing Customer Satisfaction

NPS Surveys are one of the most widely used surveys across all channels and industries.

  • Measure Customer Loyalty: Track customers sentiment and loyalty trends over time, allowing you to assess shifts in satisfaction and engagement.

  • Prevent Churn: Set up alerts to immediately address detractor feedback, enabling swift action to prevent churn and improve retention.

  • Drive Growth & Run Brand Advocacy Programs: Turn promoters into brand advocates by understanding what excites them, fostering word-of-mouth recommendations, and running advocacy programs to amplify positive experiences.

  • Identify Improvement Areas: Gather actionable insights from passives and detractors to refine your offerings, exceed expectations, and drive continuous improvement.

  • Enhance Customer Engagement: Show customers their feedback matters, fostering stronger relationships and deeper engagement.

  • Benchmark & Track Performance Trends: Compare your NPS score against industry standards and track your own performance trends over time to identify areas for improvement and measure success.

Distribution Channels for NPS Surveys

Zonka Feedback’s multichannel distribution ensures you can collect feedback from customers wherever they interact with your brand. Here’s how you can use each channel to maximize the effectiveness of your NPS surveys:

  • Email: Email is a widely used and effective channel for distributing NPS surveys. You can send personalized NPS surveys directly to customers after key interactions, such as purchases, support resolutions, or product usage. Emails offer a direct, customizable approach where customers can easily provide feedback from their inbox. You can also automate follow-ups based on their responses, ensuring detractors, passives, and promoters receive appropriate actions.

  • SMS: SMS offers a fast and convenient way to reach customers, particularly those on the go. NPS survey sent via text message are quick and easy to respond to, making it an ideal channel for gathering immediate feedback. This is especially useful for industries like retail, hospitality, and travel, where customers may be more likely to provide feedback while away from their computers. With a brief survey link in the message, you can capture real-time insights post-transaction.

  • Web: Embed the NPS survey directly on your website or within your online platforms. This is particularly useful for SaaS, retail, and eCommerce companies, where customers interact with your platform regularly. Website-based NPS surveys can be placed at critical touchpoints, such as after a purchase or during the customer’s journey, making it easy to gather feedback without disrupting their experience.

  • In-App: In-app surveys allow you to gather feedback from users while they are actively engaging with your product or service. For SaaS companies, this is particularly valuable as you can trigger NPS survey when users complete certain actions, such as using a new feature or completing onboarding. In-app surveys ensure real-time feedback without the need for external communication.

  • Offline: Collect feedback in physical locations using offline survey tools, especially in industries like hospitality, healthcare, and retail. Set up kiosks, tablets, or hand out feedback cards to gather NPS responses from customers immediately after their experience. This can be a great way to capture in-the-moment feedback, particularly in situations where digital communication might not be preferred.

  • QR Codes: Display QR codes in physical locations like stores, hotels, or restaurants to encourage customers to quickly scan and complete a survey. This is a contactless, easy-to-use method to distribute NPS survey and can be placed at checkout counters, on receipts, or on customer handouts. Customers simply scan the code with their smartphone to submit feedback instantly.

  • Integration with CRMs and Helpdesks: Seamlessly integrate your NPS survey with platforms like Salesforce, HubSpot, Zendesk, or Freshdesk. Trigger surveys automatically after customer interactions, such as support tickets or sales conversations, and sync feedback directly into your CRM or helpdesk for a complete view of customer sentiment. This helps you act on feedback in real-time and ensures customer feedback is always visible to relevant teams.

Each distribution channel has its unique benefits, allowing you to engage customers at the right time and place for the most accurate and actionable feedback.

FAQs on the NPS Survey Template

  • What is a Net Promoter Score Survey Template?

    An NPS (Net Promoter Score) Survey Template is a widely used tool to measure customer loyalty and satisfaction. It consists of a key question: "How likely are you to recommend [company/product/service] to a friend or colleague?" rated on a scale from 0-10. Customers are categorized as Promoters (9-10), Passives (7-8), or Detractors (0-6) based on their responses. NPS helps businesses understand customer loyalty and identify areas for improvement, with a follow-up open-ended question for deeper insights.

  • How often should I send an NPS survey?

    NPS is typically used as a relationship survey, aimed at measuring long-term customer loyalty. However, it can also be used as a transactional survey after specific events and specific interactions to gauge satisfaction. Some considerations for when to send the NPS survey include:

    • After critical interactions like a product purchase or support resolution.

    • At key milestones in the customer lifecycle, such as after their first year with the service or after a certain number of transactions.

    • Periodically (e.g., quarterly or annually) to gauge overall customer sentiment and track changes over time. It's important to balance survey frequency to avoid survey fatigue while still capturing valuable feedback.

  • Can I add multiple NPS questions to a survey?

    To maintain accuracy and avoid confusing respondents, it's recommended to use a single NPS question in your survey. You can inspect with an open-ended question to gather more detailed insights based on the customer’s response, allowing you to identify areas of improvement or customer satisfaction.

  • What response rate can I expect from an NPS survey?

    Response rates for an NPS survey generally range from 5% to 15%, depending on your industry and the channel used. Factors like how engaged your customers are and how often you communicate with them can influence these rates.

  • How do I use the NPS Survey Template to collect feedback online?

    Zonka Feedback's NPS Survey Template can be distributed through channels like email, SMS, web, and in-app surveys. You can also integrate it with platforms like CRMs and helpdesks for automatically triggered NPS Survey after specific customer interactions. Each channel allows you to reach customers in ways that are most convenient for them, ensuring higher engagement and response rates.

  • How do I calculate the Net Promoter Score?

    To calculate NPS, subtract the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters:

    1. NPS = % of Promoters − % of Detractors

    This score helps you gauge overall customer loyalty and identify areas that need attention.
    Zonka Feedback automatically calculates the Net promoter Score for you.

  • What is included in the NPS Survey Template?

    The NPS Survey Template includes:

    • The Rating Question: "How likely are you to recommend [company/product/service] to a friend or colleague?" on a 0-10 scale.

    • The Follow-Up Question: An open-ended question to capture the reason behind the rating, providing actionable insights to improve customer experience and satisfaction.

  • What are the pitfalls of using NPS Survey Templates?

    While an NPS survey is valuable for measuring loyalty, there are a few potential pitfalls:

    • Over-reliance on one metric: NPS provides a high-level view of loyalty, but relying solely on NPS without considering other feedback metrics (such as CSAT or CES) can provide an incomplete picture of customer satisfaction.

    • Survey fatigue: Sending NPS surveys too frequently can result in lower response rates or annoyed customers. Balance your survey frequency carefully.

    • Lack of follow-up: Collecting feedback without acting on it can frustrate customers. Make sure you have a plan to close the feedback loop, especially with detractors.

    • Limited context: The simplicity of NPS can sometimes lack context. Follow-up questions are essential to understand the reasons behind scores, especially from detractors and passives.

  • How can I improve my NPS score?

    Improving your NPS score involves several strategies:

    • Act on feedback: Address concerns from detractors immediately to prevent churn and improve satisfaction.

    • Enhance customer experience: Focus on improving product quality, customer service, and other touchpoints that impact customer experience.

    • Leverage promoters: Engage with promoters to encourage them to advocate for your brand through reviews, referrals, or testimonials.

    • Use segmentation: Analyze NPS by customer segment (e.g., by geography, purchase behavior) to identify where improvements can be most impactful.

  • How can NPS feedback help reduce churn?

    NPS feedback helps you identify detractors early, giving you an opportunity to address their concerns and prevent them from leaving. By actively closing the loop—whether through personal outreach, support follow-ups, or service recovery efforts—you can improve customer retention and reduce churn.

  • Can NPS surveys be customized?

    Yes, Zonka Feedback allows full customization of nps campaign, including:

    • Custom branding with your company’s logo and colors.

    • Personalized questions that align with your customer touchpoints (e.g., specific product feedback).

    • Survey logic and conditional questions to gather more relevant insights based on the customer’s score.

  • What industries can benefit from NPS surveys?

    NPS surveys are versatile and can be used in various industries such as SaaS, Healthcare, BFSI, Retail, Hospitality, Travel, and Customer Support to measure loyalty, identify service gaps, and improve customer experience.

Create and send this NPS Survey with Zonka Feedback

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