Online Shopping Experience Survey Template
Collect customer feedback to measure their satisfaction with shopping on your ecommerce website using this Online Shopping Experience Survey Template.
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Measure and improve shopping experience of customers on your eCommerce store using Online Shopping Experience Survey Template. Gauge customer satisfaction with the ease of navigation and find out what made them shop on your website.
Online Shopping Experience Survey Template Questions
- 1. Please rate your overall satisfaction with the shopping experience at our website today
- 2. How satisfied are you with the ease of navigation on our website?
- 3. Which factors influenced your decision to shop with us?
- Competitive prices
- Wide selection of products
- User-friendly website
- Fast and reliable shipping
- Positive customer reviews
- Promotional offers and discounts
- Responsive customer support
- 4. How likely are you to recommend our shopping site to a friend or colleague?
- 5. Is there anything we can do to improve your experience?
Create and send this Online Shopping Experience Feedback Form with Zonka Feedback
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