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How to Collect Feedback for Your B2B SaaS Product

Customer Feedback is an important piece of information for your B2B business. It is not only a way to know how your clients perceive your product, but also an important source of information for your engineering and product management teams. It helps them discover the market trends and patterns of changing customer behavior and requirements over time and thus helps them to develop great products.

SaaS Feedback is useful when it is accurate and in good amount. The accuracy and the amount of data you are able to get depends on the way you approach your customers to collect it. So it is crucial to collect feedback the right way in order to obtain maximum and accurate feedback from your clients. So there must be a streamlined process of collecting feedback since the beginning.

There are various ways to collect customer feedback. When it comes to choosing the best way, the key is to be omnipresent and try maximum sources of information and then see what works the most for you and your B2B customers. In this article, we will explore and learn how you can effectively collect Customer Feedback of your SaaS product from your B2B customers. Let’s start with exploring some benefits of collecting B2B SaaS Feedback!

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Benefits of Collecting B2B SaaS Feedback

1. It helps to understand your clients better

When you gather Customer Feedback, you get the most valuable customer insights about various aspects.. With this information, you not only get to know about their experience with your product, but are also able to understand better about the needs and expectations of your clients. Moreover, with feedback, you can also collect other information about your customers like their demographic details, size of their business, their product usage requirements, and more. All information helps you to serve them better and thus increase customer satisfaction.

2. It helps to identify areas of Product Improvement

Collecting Customer Feedback provides you information about your product, which even you may not know. With this feedback, you can identify such problems and areas of improvement in your product which you otherwise would have never thought of. Maybe there is a bug that creates a problem for most of your clients, maybe there is a feature that doesn’t work the way your customers expect. With Customer Feedback, you can know about these problems and resolve them before they cause much damage to your business.

3. It shows that you care for your clients

Asking for feedback conveys that you care for your clients. When you work on the feedback, it tells that clients’ feedback matters to you and you really want to provide satisfaction to them. This poses a good impression on your customers about you and your brand thus enhancing your goodwill and customers’ loyalty towards your brand.

4. It helps to build loyal and long-term customer relationships 

Customer Feedback helps you develop long-term relationships with your customers. When you listen to the voice of the customers, and take actions accordingly, this induces loyalty among your clients and strengthens your relationships with them. Resolving customers’ issues instantly and working on their suggestions leads to happy customers staying with you for a long time and even recommending your brand to their friends and known ones.

How to Collect  Customer Feedback for your SaaS Product

So we have talked about the benefits of collecting Customer Feedback that help you in your business and make your product successful. Now, let's explore the right steps you should take collect Customer Feedback of your product from your B2B customers.

Steps to Collect Customer Feedback for B2B SaaS Product

  1. Plan and create effective SaaS Feedback Surveys
  2. Use Multiple Channels to share Surveys
  3. Motivate the Users to share Feedback
  4. Automate sharing surveys at different touchpoints
  5. Use Feedback to prepare Product Roadmap
  6. Close the Feedback Loop Effectively

Let’s learn how you can follow these steps and collect Product Feedback effectively from your clients.

1. Plan and create effective SaaS Feedback Surveys

Collecting and managing Customer Feedback using customer feedback tool is not the task of a single person or team. It is a company-wide activity that everybody in the organization must know about and engage in. So you should plan this activity well and engage all your staff and team members in it. 

Create effective surveys for each point of the customer journey and use relevant questions for this. You can use a good SaaS Feedback Tool for this purpose that lets you easily create surveys with ready-to-use questions of various types.

2. Use Multiple Channels to share Surveys

There are various channels to share your surveys to your clients. You can use emails, SMS, your website, QR codes, and of course your product to collect Customer Feedback. Don’t be solely dependent on one channel. Instead, follow an omnichannel approach so that your clients can reach you through the medium they are comfortable with and easily share their feedback. 

Provide options on your website and in your product and app for the users to share feedback instantly while using your product. You can also use methods like A/B testing where you test multiple channels for collecting feedback and choose those that work best for your customer base.

3. Motivate the Users to share Feedback

When there are problems or issues that arise in your product usage, you just have to provide easy options to your customers to share feedback, and they will do. But this is not always the case. Sometimes, customers can just try other products and switch to them without telling you a word about what happended. So it is important to motivate your customers to share feedback with you.

Write compelling messages while you ask for feedback and convince them to share it. Tell them that the feedback will help you to serve them in a better way and ultimately they will be able to enjoy a better product. Moreover, the action you take on feedback is also a motivation factor for your clients that prompts them to tell their issues to them and get them resolved ASAP. So always respond to and take action on feedback to convey to your customers that their feedback makes a difference. 

4. Automate sharing surveys at different touchpoints

The next step is to automate sharing of surveys with your clients at different touchpoints. Your customers should receive feedback surveys as and when they go through an important touchpoint like taking a free trial, onboarding, issue resolution, and more. You can automate both transactional as well as relationship surveys to be sent to your customers with the help of an effective Product Feedback Tool. 

5. Use Feedback to prepare Product Roadmap

There is nothing worse about feedback if you don’t utilize it well. So your next step should be to utilize feedback to prepare an effective Product Roadmap. This will help you develop products that your customers love.

7. Close the Feedback Loop Effectively

As discussed above, taking action on feedback is necessary to utilize your feedback. Therefore, it is essential to respond to your clients’ feedback and close the feedback loop effectively. Thank the customers for sharing their valuable feedback with you. Take appropriate actions wherever required, and also tell your customers what you have done for them. Take customers’ suggestions seriously, and if you follow some of them, personally inform and thank the customers who shared those suggestions. This makes them feel great about your product and brand and drives loyalty in them. Close the feedback loop properly and on a good note.

Let’s explore some best practices you should follow while you collect SaaS Feedback from your B2B customers.

Some Best Practices to Collect B2B SaaS Feedback

1. Never force your Surveys on Clients

Don’t present your surveys in a way that seems that you are forcing your customers to share feedback. Especially when you present in-app and in-product surveys, you must take care that they have the option to ignore your survey and continue doing what they were doing in your product. Filling your feedback survey should never be a compulsion for your customers

2. Keep surveys short and simple

Your surveys must be short and simple so that your customers can easily understand them and share feedback quickly and comfortably. Ask simple questions and avoid any leading or biased questions in the survey.

3. Use Customer Experience Metrics

Customer Experience metrics like NPS, CSAT, and CES are a great way to collect feedback in an easy way. These metrics surveys are short surveys, usually couple-question surveys asking the customers to rate your product and share the reason for their rating.

  • NPS - Net Promoter Score survey asks the customers to rate your product on a scale of 0 to 10 based on their likeliness to recommend your brand to others. NPS is an effective metric to find customer loyalty in quantitative terms.
  • CSAT - Customer Satisfaction Survey asks the customers to rate their experience with your product on the basis of satisfaction they got from it. It measures Customer Satisfaction in quantitative terms.
  • CES - Customer Effort Score Survey asks the customers how much they agree that your product, service and brand made their work easier and help them to resolve their issues. Basically this metric is to find customers’ perceived efforts to get their work done.

4. Use the right combination of Open-ended and Closed-ended questions

Closed-ended questions are best to make the survey experience simple and quick for your clients. However, it is important to use the right combination of open-ended and closed-ended questions. In our view, the ideal way is to ask closed-ended questions and include one open-ended question in your survey to let your customers share what they want to, and vent out their feelings.

5. Always respond to and follow up with the clients

Respond to every feedback you receive and follow up with your clients. Thank the customers who share positive feedback and you can also reward the truly loyal customers of your brand. To the customers who shared neutral feedback, ask them what you can do to improve their experience. To the ones who are unhappy with your product, ask them where things went wrong and make every possible effort to improve their experience.

6. Use an Effective SaaS Feedback Tool

Collecting Customer Feedback is crucial for your business. So it is important to have the right tool for this purpose. Choose a tool that not only lets you create and share effective feedback surveys but also enables you to take action on feedback at the right time and close the feedback loop effectively to avoid churn.

Zonka Feedback is one such tool that you can use to collect Customer Feedback for SaaS effectively. It provides you ready-to-use templates for preparing various types of surveys and sharing them with your clients through multiple channels. Its features like real-time feedback alerts help you get notified instantly about every feedback and take action in real time to close the feedback loop effectively.

You can Try it for Free for 14 days and see how it works for your product.

Nikhil Dawer

Written by Nikhil Dawer

Feb 27, 2023

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