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Zonka Feedback gets smarter with AI: Build smarter surveys, unlock deeper insights ➝

Checkout Survey Template

Start measuring customer satisfaction with their purchase experiences and track the performance of your eCommerce platform with this Checkout Survey Template.

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A Checkout or post-purchase survey is an ideal way to allow your customers to share their valuable feedback about their experiences with your eCommerce website or app about various aspects like availability and ease of finding relevant shopping items and making payments, and their overall shopping experience. This feedback data helps you gauge customer experience, identify improvement opportunities and make your platform smoother and more convenient for the customers.

Questions Included in this Checkout Survey Template

This post-checkout survey template includes the following questions to help you gauge customers’ shopping experiences, measure satisfaction, and ensure and improve your eCommerce platform:

  1. 1. How satisfied are you with the recent purchase experience?
  2. 2. Please provide any specific feedback or comments about your recent purchase/service experience.

You can customize this post-purchase survey template and remove, modify, or add any questions according to your survey needs and the specifics of your eCommerce platform. Here are some suggestions of questions that you can consider adding to your checkout & post-purchase survey to collect customer feedback about various aspects.

  1. 1. How easy was it to find the products you were looking for on our platform?
    • Very Easy
    • Easy
    • Neutral
    • Difficult
    • Very Difficult
  2. 2. Did you get enough information regarding the products available on this platform?
    • Yes, the information was comprehensive and helpful
    • Yes, but I would have liked more details
    • Neutral
    • No, the information was insufficient
    • No, I couldn't find any information about the products
  3. 3. How satisfied are you with the date of delivery committed to you?
    • Very Satisfied
    • Satisfied
    • Neutral
    • Dissatisfied
    • Very Dissatisfied
  4. 4. Did you find any hidden costs while going through the checkout process?
    • No, there were no hidden costs
    • Yes, but they were clearly explained
    • Neutral
    • Yes, and they were somewhat surprising
    • Yes, and they were not disclosed adequately
  5. 5. How would you rate your experience with the payment options and billing process during the checkout process?
    • Excellent
    • Good
    • Average
    • Poor
    • Very Poor
  6. 6. How visually appealing do you find our website/app interface?
    • Very Appealing
    • Appealing
    • Neutral
    • Not Appealing
    • Very Unappealing
  7. 7. How satisfied are you with the shipping cost associated with your order?
    • Very Satisfied
    • Satisfied
    • Neutral
    • Dissatisfied
    • Very Dissatisfied
  8. 8. Did you have any interaction with our customer support team during or after your purchase?
    • Yes
    • No
  9. 9. How satisfied were you with the assistance provided?
    • Very Satisfied
    • Satisfied
    • Neutral
    • Dissatisfied
    • Very Dissatisfied
  10. 10. How likely are you to recommend our platform to a friend or colleague on a scale of 0 to 10?
    (NPS rating scale with 0 as Not at all Likely and 10 as Most Likely)

Feel free to customize these questions based on your specific needs and add any additional aspects you want to gather feedback on.

How to Use this Checkout and Post Purchase Survey Template?

Gain valuable insights into your customers' post-purchase experiences with our Checkout and Post-Purchase Survey Template. Follow these steps to make the most of this template and capture feedback from users after their checkout journey.

  1. Edit with Ease: Simply click on 'Edit this Template' to access the Post-Purchase Survey Template. This will lead you to the editing interface where you can customize the template to your specific survey requirements.
  2. Customize the template: While in editing mode, tailor the template to align with your specific post-purchase inquiries. Add, remove, or modify questions based on your survey requirements and the aspects of your e-commerce platform you want to gather feedback on. 
    For example, if you provide gifting options on your platform, you can ask questions like: How satisfied are you with the gifting facility and the charges applied for charges of gifting facility.
  3. Review the Survey: Take a moment to review the customized post-purchase survey. Confirm that the survey questions clearly reflect your customers' checkout and post-purchase experiences. Adjust the flow to ensure customers easily understand and respond to the post-purchase evaluation survey.
  4. Distribute the Survey: Choose the distribution method that best fits your customer interaction preferences. Options include:

The adaptable Zonka Feedback survey tool empowers you to customize this template to your unique post-purchase requirements. Effortlessly add or remove questions to stay responsive to the dynamics of your checkout process. Leverage this versatile survey tool to collect valuable customer feedback and consistently enhance their post-purchase journey.

Key Features of Zonka Feedback to Leverage Checkout and Post-Purchase Survey

Developing and executing effective checkout and post-purchase feedback surveys for an e-commerce platform can be an intricate task. However, with the right survey tools, the process can be streamlined, allowing you to gather valuable insights from your customers. Zonka Feedback stands out as a robust tool for post-purchase evaluation survey, offering powerful features specifically crafted to enhance your feedback collection process.

1. Customizable Survey Template

Customize your e-commerce customer satisfaction survey using this customizable template and online survey form. Adapt this prebuilt template to address various aspects of the customer's shopping journey. It enables you to modify survey questions based on your survey objectives and specific touchpoints in the customer experience.

2. Skip Logic and Question Branching

Navigate through the e-commerce customer satisfaction survey intelligently with Zonka Feedback's smart survey logic. Customize the survey flow based on customer responses, ensuring a personalized and efficient survey experience for each participant. For example, if a customer expresses dissatisfaction, tailor the post-purchase evaluation survey to ask, "We apologize for any inconvenience. Could you please share the primary reason for your dissatisfaction?"

3. Real-time Feedback Alerts and Notifications

Stay proactive in addressing customer feedback with Zonka's real-time response alerts. Receive instant notifications for incoming feedback or negative responses, allowing for prompt resolution of concerns and enhancement of overall customer satisfaction.

4. Multiple Channel Distribution

Seamlessly distribute feedback surveys for checkout and post-purchase experiences through various channels, ensuring flexibility to capture insights at different stages of the customer journey in e-commerce activities.

SMS Survey: Gather Feedback On-the-go

  • Trigger: Immediately after a purchase or transaction.
  • Example: "Thank you for shopping with us! How would you rate your overall experience? Reply with a smiley for excellent, a star for good, and a frown for improvement."

Email Survey: Delve Deeper into the Customer Experience

  • Timing: 24-48 hours after the transaction.
  • Example: "Share your recent shopping experience with [Your Brand]! Your feedback helps us enhance our services. Click here to take our short survey."

In-App Survey: Immediate Feedback Post-Transaction

  • Integrated Channel: Integrated within your e-commerce mobile app right after customers complete their purchases.
  • Example: "How satisfied are you with your transaction? Rate your experience with stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐. Your feedback is valuable to us!"

Website Survey: Collect Feedback Before and After Online Shopping

  • Trigger: Offer a pop-up survey on your e-commerce website after customers browse, make a purchase, or complete transactions.
  • Example: "Planning your online shopping? Help us tailor your experience! Provide feedback on your website visit with this quick survey."

This multi-channel approach ensures that your checkout and post-purchase surveys reach customers through the most convenient and effective channels, maximizing the chances of capturing valuable feedback at various points in their e-commerce journey.

5. Automated Workflows

Streamline the post-transaction customer journey with Zonka Feedback's automated workflows. Trigger online surveys at different touchpoints like after a transaction or just after using online banking, capturing valuable insights at key moments of the customer's post-transaction experience.

6. Closing the Feedback Loop

Move beyond mere data collection with Zonka Feedback's actionable customer feedback loop. Take informed actions based on received customer feedback, effectively closing the loop and ensuring a continuous cycle of improvement for your bank services based on customer insights, thus preventing customer dissatisfaction and improving overall service quality.

Question Types to Include in Checkout & Post-Purchase Survey Template

Crafting an effective checkout and checkout or post-purchase evaluation survey involves incorporating diverse question types to extract comprehensive insights from customers. Explore various question formats to customize your e-commerce customer feedback form, addressing the specific requirements of post-transaction feedback.

1. Rating Scale Questions

Assess customer satisfaction after an e-commerce transaction using Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) rating questions. Utilize a five-point rating scale with options represented through adjectives (Excellent to Poor), self-explanatory smileys, star ratings, numbers, and more. Consider options like:

Clearly defined and consistent scales, such as 1 to 5, empower customers to easily express their satisfaction levels regarding the post-purchase experience.

2. Open-ended Questions

Gain profound insights into customers' post-purchase experiences by incorporating open-ended questions. Encourage respondents to provide feedback on the reasons behind their ratings, capturing concerns, suggestions, and special experiences they may wish to share.

Analyzing open-ended responses offers a deeper understanding of customer sentiments, facilitating the identification of areas for improvement in the checkout process and meeting your e-commerce clients’ expectations.

3. Multiple Choice Questions

You can also consider multiple-choice questions in your e-commerce feedback survey to streamline the feedback collection process and collect meaningful feedback data from your customers. Provide single or multiple response options, or include ranking questions to assess preferences, and organize the survey for standardized analysis. For instance:

"Among the facets of this shopping experience, which ones do you find most satisfying?"

  • Product variety
  • Checkout process
  • Delivery experience
  • Customer support

By incorporating these varied question types into your e-commerce feedback survey, you can gather comprehensive insights to enhance and optimize various aspects of the checkout and post-purchase experience.

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