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Use 1 to 5 Rating Scale Surveys to Measure Customer Satisfaction

Collect quick quantitative feedback with Zonka Feedback's rating scale surveys. Share via multiple channels and get real-time reports to understand customer sentiments and improve satisfaction.

1-5 rating scale surveys

Collecting Feedback Using 1 to 5 Rating Scale Surveys

1-5 rating surveys are a type of customer feedback method where respondents are asked to rate something on a scale of 1 to 5 to capture customer opinion.

They are commonly used to quickly gather feedback on various aspects, such as customer satisfaction, product usability, employee engagement, event feedback, website user experience and more. 

In this blog, we will explore 1 to 5 rating surveys, their types, questions based on use cases, best practices, and survey distribution channels so that you can leverage their power to the fullest. 


  • 1 to 5 rating scale surveys use a numeric scale from 1 to 5 to gauge customer sentiment, where 1 signifies strong disagreement or dissatisfaction, and 5 indicates strong agreement or satisfaction.

  • They provide a straightforward, quick and quantifiable method to measure customer satisfaction with products, services, or experiences due to which they have a higher response rate. 

  • 1 to 5 rating surveys can be implemented in various formats like star rating, smiley face, likert scale and can be used across industries like healthcare, hospitality, technology, and more.  

  • With Zonka Feedback, you can choose from a variety of 1 to 5 rating surveys, measure feedback through different channels, and understand customer sentiment better. Sign up for a free trial or schedule a demo to create your own 1 to 5 rating scale survey. 

Create & Send 1 to 5 Rating Surveys today🔥

Choose from over 30+ question types, add your own themes, and create amazing surveys that people love answering.

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What is a Rating Scale Survey?

A rating survey is a type of questionnaire that asks respondents to rate their opinions, experiences, or preferences on a specific scale. In this survey, participants rate statements or questions related to a subject, like a product or service, based on their level of agreement, satisfaction, or preference. 

💡Rating scale surveys offer a quick and easy way to measure customer satisfaction with a product or service. When combined with open-ended questions, they offer a more comprehensive understanding by capturing both quantitative data (ratings) and qualitative insights (explanations).

What is a 1 to 5 Rating Scale for Surveys? 

A 1 to 5 rating scale for surveys involves presenting respondents with a series of statements or questions and asking them to rate their responses on a scale from 1 to 5. The rating survey generally consists of a series of statements, questions, or attributes, based on which respondents are asked to give their ratings on a scale of 1 to 5. The scale is usually defined as:

1 - Strongly Disagree

2 - Disagree

3 - Neutral or Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 - Agree

5 - Strongly Agree

The rating scale survey offers a straightforward and intuitive way for respondents to provide feedback. It allows the survey creators to get very clear and quantitative data to quickly assess respondents' sentiments and preferences and is useful to measure satisfaction in product evaluations, employee engagement, conduct market research, and measure feedback in retail, finance, and healthcare among others. 

1 to 5 Rating Survey Types

1 to 5 rating scales are widely employed by businesses in various survey formats to gather valuable feedback from respondents to understand their target audience deeply. Before we delve into 1 to 5 rating questions, let us first explore the different survey types that utilize the 5-point rating scale to collect customer feedback. 

1. 1-5 Satisfaction Scale

The 1-to-5 satisfaction scale is used for measuring customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction with a specific product, service, or experience. The 5-point scale goes from very dissatisfied to dissatisfied to neutral to satisfied, and very satisfied.   

1 to 5 rating scale survey question

2. 1 to 5 Likert Scale

1 to 5 Likert scale measures respondents' level of agreement/satisfaction or disagreement/dissatisfaction towards a statement or question. These rating scales offer five response options, typically ranging from "Strongly Disagree/Very Dissatisfied" (1) to "Strongly Agree/Very Satisfied" (5).

You can use a 1 to 5 Likert scale survey template to precisely assess respondent sentiments across statements or questions. Below is one of the most commonly used Likert scales to measure shopping experience.  

1 to 5 rating surveys- Likert scale

3. Star Rating Scale 1 to 5 Poor to Excellent

In a 1 to 5 star rating survey, respondents are presented with 5 star surveys in which they are asked to rate a product, service, or experience using a star rating system, where 5 stars represent excellent or positive feedback, and 1 star indicates poor or negative feedback.

1 to 5 star rating scale

4. 1 to 5 Smiley Face

One of the most appealing and fun ways to collect customer feedback, the 1-5 Smiley Face survey offers inclusivity by capturing feedback from diverse audiences, including children, individuals with limited language proficiency, or those with accessibility challenges.

It typically includes five smiley faces, ranging from a frowning face (1) to a big smiling face (5), representing varying degrees of satisfaction.

1 to 5 smiley face scale

5. 1 to 5 Numerical Rating Scale

This is a straightforward numeric scale where respondents rate something on a numerical scale from 1 to 5, with 1 representing the lowest or worst option and 5 representing the highest or best option. Such 1 to 5 numeric scales are often used for quick and simple assessments. 

1 to 5 numerical rating scale

6. 1 to 5 Slider Scale

A 1 to 5 slider survey scale presents respondents with a slider control that can be moved along a continuum from 1 to 5. These rating scales offer a visually engaging way to collect feedback, allowing respondents to provide their ratings by positioning the slider at the desired point on the scale.

7. Other 1 to 5 Rating Scales Used in Surveys

There are several variations of the 1 to 5 rating scale that one can use to gauge customer sentiments on this point scale. Here are some of the most commonly used five-point scales:

  • Semantic Differential Scale: It uses a pair of opposite adjectives to let the respondents choose between a range of emotions. It could be from agree to disagree, efficient to inefficient, etc. It has two opposite options at the two poles and can also be classified as the bipolar scale.
  • Frequency Scales: These frequency scales measure how often something occurs or is experienced. This survey scale has five options ranging from very often to never. 
  • Importance Scale: These survey rating scales assess the importance of something to the respondent. The scale ranges from very important to not at all important.
  • Agreement Scale:  This scale asks respondents to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement with a statement or statement on a scale from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree).
  • Likelihood Scale: This scale assesses the likelihood of a future event or action occurring. Respondents rate the likelihood on a scale from 1 (Very Unlikely) to 5 (Very Likely).
  • Quality Scale: This scale is used to assess the quality of a product, service, or experience. Respondents rate the quality on a scale from 1 (Poor) to 5 (Excellent).

1 to 5 Rating Questions and Examples Based on Use Cases 

There are various survey questions tailored to different use cases to help you get maximum customer insights and improve your offering. 

1 to 5 Rating Questions on Business Objective/Purpose

Based on what you aim to gauge through 1 to 5 rating surveys, your questions will vary. Whether you want to build a successful marketing strategy or get product feedback, 1 to 5 rating questions will play an important role in collecting meaningful data. Let us look at some questions based on different business objectives. 

1. Market Research

In market research, 1 to 5 rating questions can help measure customer preferences, brand perception, and purchase intent. To make the most of your 1 to 5 rating scale survey, keep your market research questions focused, relevant, and aligned with your research goals.

Here are some questions using 1 to 5 rating scales suitable for conducting market research.

  • On a scale of 1 to 5, how interested are you in innovative product features?
  • How likely are you to choose a product that offers customization options?
  • How well does our brand align with providing value for money?
  • How open are you to trying out our premium subscription offering?
  • How likely are you to interact with our brand through reviews and feedback?

1 to 5 rating survey for market research

Here's a content rating survey template that you can implement to conduct market research related to content. 

Use this Template

2. Employee Satisfaction

To assess employee satisfaction or engagement, 1 to 5 rating questions can help gauge satisfaction with work conditions, managerial relationships, and growth opportunities. Your employee engagement survey questions should be carefully designed to capture the various dimensions of employee experience. The questions can include:

  • How well do you feel the workplace supports a healthy work-life balance?
  • How well does your supervisor support your professional growth and career development?
  • How satisfied are you with the opportunities for skill development within the organization?
  • How satisfied are you with the level of recognition and appreciation received for your work?

1 to 5 rating survey for employee satisfaction

Here's an employee feedback and check-in survey template that you can use to improve your business productivity and performance. 

Use this Template

3. Product Feedback

You can use these rating scales to get a rating from your customers on each product, service, and aspect of your business. By getting a quantifiable measure of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with various product aspects such as overall performance, new features, customization options, etc., you can easily understand the strengths and weaknesses of your product and reduce churn.

Consider these product survey questions to add to your 1-5 rating surveys to get effective feedback from your customers.

  • On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the performance of our product?
  • How well does our product meet your specific needs and requirements?
  • How would you rate the user interface and ease of navigation of our product?
  • How satisfied are you with the value our product provides for its price?

1 to 5 product rating scale question

Here's a product satisfaction survey template that can help you gain crucial insights and enhance your product experience. 

Use this Template

4. Website Usability

Your website’s ease of navigation, page loading speed, and overall usability play a vital role in user satisfaction. Through website feedback collected from 1 to 5 rating scale surveys, you can immediately identify the areas that require special attention and improve the overall website experience. Consider these website usability survey questions that can be seamlessly integrated into your 1-5 rating scale survey.

  • How satisfied are you with the loading speed of our web pages?
  • How well does our website's navigation guide you to different sections and pages?
  • How would you rate the clarity of our website's layout and design?
  • How satisfied are you with the overall user experience our website provides?
  • How well does our website adapt to different devices (e.g., mobile, tablet)?
  • How easily can you access the customer support section of our website when needed?
website usability 1 to 5 rating survey-1

Here's a website usability survey template that you can leverage to measure feedback on your website. 

Use this Template

5-Point Scale Questions Across Industries

The versatility of a five-point scale survey lies in the fact that they can be leveraged across various industries. Let us look at some 1 to 5 rating questions that you can utilize in different sectors to gather insights and drive improvements. 

1. SaaS & Technology to Drive Effective Improvements 

In the SaaS industry, the 1 to 5 rating scale is used for gathering specific feedback from customers regarding their experiences with the software and services provided. The survey questions can be used with open ended survey questions to capture nuanced insights that can help SaaS companies understand customer satisfaction, product usability, and areas for improvement.

These surveys are often conducted at different stages of the customer journey, such as after onboarding, following a customer support interaction, or periodically to gauge overall satisfaction.

Here are some of the commonly used rating scale questions to gauge feedback regarding your software or digital product. 

  • How easy was it to navigate through our platform?

  • How satisfied are you with the updates and new features we introduce?

  • How reliable do you find our software in terms of uptime and performance?

  • How satisfied are you with the speed and responsiveness of our software?

  • How likely are you to renew your subscription based on your experience with our software?

  • How satisfied are you with the ease of integrating our software with your existing systems?

1 to 5 rating survey question for SaaS
Real Life Example: SmartQ

SmartQ faced the challenge of effectively collecting and managing digital customer feedback. To address this, they turned to Zonka Feedback's on-premise platform, which has excellence in digital customer feedback management.

SmartQ implemented various surveys including 1 to 5 rating scale surveys, emoji surveys, and more using Zonka Feedback to measure customer satisfaction and gather valuable insights for enhancing their services. They used surveys with rating scale 1 to 5 poor to excellent to measure how their customers actually felt about their product. This enabled SmartQ to collect feedback from their customers in a structured manner, analyze the data, and make informed decisions to improve their offerings and overall customer experience.

2. Healthcare To Collect Patient Feedback

Surveys with a 5-point scale are common in healthcare.  They help capture patient feedback and insights such as patient experiences, service quality, and overall satisfaction. Through health survey questions, healthcare facilities can identify areas for improvement and enhance patient care.

These survey rating scales can have questions like:

  • On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the communication from your healthcare provider?
  • How well did the healthcare staff address your concerns and questions?
  • How would you rate the cleanliness and comfort of the facility?
  • How satisfied are you with the wait time for your appointment?
  • How well did the healthcare provider explain your diagnosis and treatment options?
healthcare 1 to 5 rating survey-1
Real Life Example: Sankara Eye Hospital

Sankara Eye Hospital faced the challenge of efficiently managing the high volume of feedback received from patients. To overcome this, they turned to Zonka Feedback's robust feedback management.

By utilizing surveys like 1 to 5 rating scale surveys, NPS surveys, and CSAT surveys, they found a solution capable of handling their feedback volume. With accessibility across all 13 hospital locations, Zonka Feedback provided a centralized system for convenient data storage, review, and analysis, ultimately improving their overall patient experience.

2. Restaurant & Hotel To Measure Guest Experience

1 to 5 rating surveys in the hospitality industry gather guest feedback to enhance services and experiences. The hotel feedback system runs around constantly improving dining experiences, room comfort, and overall stay. You can add these restaurant survey questions to your 1 to 5 rating surveys for your restaurant and hotel.

  • On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the quality of the food and beverages you ordered?
  • How would you rate the cleanliness of the dining area?
  • How well did the staff meet your special requests or preferences?
  • How comfortable was your stay in terms of room quality and amenities?
1 to 5 rating scale questions- restaurant & hotel industry-1
Real Life Example: Mozaic

Mozaic faced the challenge of managing a large volume of guest feedback and the need to act quickly to ensure customer satisfaction. To address this, they implemented Zonka Feedback's omnichannel feedback management system.

This system allowed them to collect feedback at all important touchpoints, including guest interactions, and implement surveys like 1 to 5 rating, emoji rating, and more CSAT surveys for quick feedback collection. Additionally, Mozaic implemented negative feedback SMS Alerts, which notify the team in real-time whenever negative feedback is received. This enables them to quickly address customer concerns and ensure a high level of customer satisfaction.

4. Financial Services To Capture Customer Feedback

Whether it's assessing the clarity of financial statements, the efficiency of transaction processing, or the effectiveness of customer support, the bank feedback survey system plays a pivotal role in shaping the experience.

  • On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied are you with the level of transparency in our financial services?
  • How well does our financial advisor address your financial goals and concerns?
  • How would you rate the accessibility and user-friendliness of our online banking platform?
  • How satisfied are you with the speed and accuracy of our transaction processing?
1 to 5 rating questions for Financial Services-1
Real Life Example: Simpl

Simpl sought to enhance its feedback mechanism and streamline its pre-implementation experience management partner. They needed a customizable feedback survey tool to design multiple surveys like 1 to 5 rating surveys, NPS surveys, and CSAT surveys comprehensively.

Choosing Zonka Feedback for its user-friendly platform, Simpl successfully collected feedback via email and SMS from its vast user base of nearly 6 lakh users. This enabled them to reimagine services, make informed decisions, and prioritize customer needs.

5. Retail & E-commerce To Boost Shopping Experience

Understanding customers' shopping experiences, whether in a retail store or online, is essential for enhancing the overall customer journey. While retail feedback focuses on aspects like in-store ambiance, staff assistance, and physical product interaction, e-commerce feedback hones in on virtual store navigation, website performance, online payment processes, and digital customer support.

  • How satisfied are you with the overall ambiance and cleanliness of our store?
  • How well did our staff assist you in finding the products you were looking for?
  • How easy was it to find the products you were looking for on our website?
  • On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the quality of the products you purchased?
  • How well did our customer service team address your inquiries or concerns?
  • How satisfied are you with the checkout process and payment options?
1 to 5 rating scale questions- retail and eCommerce-1
Real Life Example: Damas

Damas' major concern was enhancing their in-store shopping experiences across 163 stores but lacking insight into post-transaction customer interactions.

Through Zonka Feedback's surveys, they could assess customer satisfaction and loyalty across all store locations. They also used email surveys and offline surveys to collect personalized feedback and gain real-time insights into the customer experience.

6. Education To Gauge Student Feedback

1-5 rating surveys in education collect student feedback to improve courses, teaching methods, and educational experiences. They guide educators in enhancing the learning environment. Here are some 5-point scale survey questions that you can use in the education sector.

  • On a scale of 1 to 5, how effective do you find the course materials provided for your studies?
  • How satisfied are you with the clarity of instructions and assignments given by your instructors?
  • How well does the course content align with your learning goals?
1 to 5 rating survey for education sector
Real Life Example: Queensland University of Technology

Queensland University of Technology (QUT) leveraged Zonka Feedback's iPad software to collect valuable feedback from students, faculty, and clients at various touchpoints and events. This included implementing 1 to 5 rating scale surveys, allowing QUT to gauge satisfaction levels and gather specific insights from their survey apps on iPad to enhance their services and offerings based on the feedback received.

Best Practices & Tips for 1 to 5 Rating Survey

Now that you know what questions to put in your 1 to 5 rating surveys, let us explore some proven tips and practices that you can implement to get better results.

  • Avoid Double-Barreled and Leading Questions: Double-barreled questions, which combine two questions into one, can confuse respondents and lead to inaccurate results. Similarly, leading questions that guide respondents toward a particular response can bias the data. 
  • Use Balanced Scale Labels: Ensure that the scale labels are balanced and neutral. The labels should represent an even progression from one end of the scale to the other without favoring any particular response.
  • Limit the Number of Questions: Keep your 1 to 5 rating survey concise by limiting the number of questions to avoid respondent fatigue. Prioritize the most important questions to gather relevant insights. 
  • Add a Follow-up Question: Including an open-ended question to follow up after this rating scale question allows respondents to explain their rating. This qualitative data can provide context to the numerical ratings and offer deeper insights into the reasons behind the ratings.
  • Target Specific Audience through User Segmentation: Different groups may have varying preferences or experiences, so creating targeted rating survey scales with 1 to 5 pointers allows you to gather more relevant, meaningful, and actionable responses.

Best Survey Channels for Collecting 1 to 5 Rating Surveys

Based on your industry and the channel that your target customer is mostly using, you can choose different survey channels to share the five point scale surveys. 

1. Website Surveys for Rating Scale 1-5 Poor to Excellent

Website surveys can be really effective in gauging customer satisfaction with the website content, ease of navigation, page loading speed, etc. Visitors can easily rate their experiences, helping you gauge satisfaction and highlight areas for improvement. Website surveys can have post-purchase survey questions and questions on website usability, effort, etc. They can be in the form of pop-up surveys, feedback buttons, slide-up surveys, and website embeds.

2. Email Surveys for Rating Scale 1-5

Embedding 1 to 5 survey rating scales in the email can fetch you a high response rate and quality feedback. You can embed email surveys in the signature to measure customer feedback with recent customer support interactions, product experiences, or any other touchpoints. Using an email survey tool to send these surveys help ensure that they can be triggered at regular intervals, or automated to be sent after transactions or events have occurred to get customer insights. While collecting surveys via email it's important to use a custom business email for a high response rate.

1 to 5 rating surveys on email

3. In-Product and In-app Surveys for 1-5 Rating Scale

Using 1-5 rating scales in your in-app surveys or product surveys can be highly impactful if you want to capture contextual feedback and eliminate the need for users to navigate to a separate website or page. In-app and in-product survey channels enhance the effectiveness of 1-5 rating surveys by seamlessly integrating them into the user journey, such as while onboarding, post-purchase, and during product feature requests.

1 to 5 rating survey -product feedback

4. Offline Surveys for Satisfaction Scale 1-5

Collecting feedback in offline mode can be done by leveraging kiosk surveys or survey apps on Tablets, iPads, and mobile phones. They can be set up easily at different physical locations to capture feedback from visitors. Zonka Feedback's offline survey app offers a seamless solution for capturing feedback through touchscreen tablets, even without an active internet connection and the data can be effectively analyzed once the internet is available as it remains stored in the app. 
Tablet-based Feedback Kiosk with 5 Star Rating Question
Offline surveys are particularly advantageous in a range of settings, including retail stores, healthcare facilities, shopping complexes, and airports where consistent internet access might be challenging.

Why Use 1 to 5 Rating Scale?

Choosing a 1 to 5 rating survey offers a strategic approach to gathering feedback that holds several compelling advantages. Here’s why you should use this survey format for your next survey.

  • User-Friendly Visual Presentation: The 1-5 rating scale's numeric format offers a clean and visually appealing look. This aesthetic clarity elevates the user experience, creating a more engaging survey that boosts the survey response rate.
  • Multi-faceted Responses with Simplicity: The 1 to 5 rating survey scale allows participants to express diverse opinions with five distinct levels, capturing nuanced feedback.
  • Data Analysis and Comparison: The numeric nature of 1 to 5 rating surveys allows responses to be easily quantified and summarized, making it conducive for statistical analysis. This enables you to identify trends and areas for improvement.
  • Universal Applicability: The 1 to 5 rating survey is versatile and applicable to various survey types and industries. It allows you to effectively gather feedback and make informed decisions regardless of your industry.


Even though 1 to 5 rating surveys are super simple, they are an effective approach if you want a window into customer opinions and to promote business growth. From gauging satisfaction levels to understanding user experiences, the 1 to 5 rating surveys prove their versatility across industries, helping to fine-tune strategies, enhance products, and refine services.

By adhering to best practices and crafting well-structured questions, you can harness the potential of this survey format to form stronger connections with your customers. You can leverage a survey tool like Zonka Feedback that comes with advanced features for creating, distributing, analyzing 1 to 5 rating surveys and closing the feedback loop effectively.

Sign up for a 14-day free trial to see how it works for your business.


Written by Kanika

May 13, 2024

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