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In-app Surveys: Questions, Best Practices, Design & Examples

In this blog post, we'll explore a list of the best in-app survey questions based on different use cases to gauge valuable customer insights.

When it comes to creating a product that delights the users, their input is invaluable. Understanding their needs, preferences, and concerns lays the foundation for successful product development. But how can you gather real-time, contextually relevant product feedback?

Enter in-app surveys – the ideal solution to collect customer feedback right within your app. In-app user feedback offers a direct line of communication with your users, providing actionable insights that can shape your product's success.

Measure User Feedback with In-app Survey🔥

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In this blog, we'll uncover the art of crafting effective in-app survey questions and implementing best practices for seamless feedback collection and product improvement. Let's dive in!

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What are In-app Surveys? 

An in-app survey allows businesses and app developers to gather insights directly from users within the app's interface. Unlike surveys distributed through survey collection channels like emails, sms, or website, in-app surveys are integrated into the app itself, providing users with a seamless and convenient way to provide feedback while they are actively engaged with the app's features or content.

In-app surveys benefit multiple teams: product teams can optimize user journeys for a personalized experience and increased customer satisfaction, while marketing and sales teams can efficiently qualify leads, create targeted conversations, and boost overall conversion rates.

In-app Survey Questions for Different Use Cases

Before you create your in-app survey questions, you need to ask yourself why you want to conduct an in-app survey. Defining your survey's purpose is essential as it sets the direction for the questions you'll ask and the insights you hope to achieve.

Once you have a clear objective, tailor your questions accordingly to gather meaningful data and send your survey at the right time to the right audience. Let us look at different in-app feedback questions that you can use. 

1. Overall Product Feedback

In-app product surveys can help you to gather feedback from users and get valuable insights into their pain points. This information is crucial for product managers and developers to understand what features or improvements are most important to users. Here are some in-app feedback questions to gauge overall product satisfaction.

  • What features do you find most valuable in our product?
  • How would you rate the user interface and overall user experience of our product?
  • What specific features or functionalities do you find most valuable in our product?
  • Have you faced any challenges while using specific aspects of our product?
  • What other products or tools do you use in conjunction with ours to complete your tasks?
  • How satisfied are you with the frequency and quality of product updates and new features?
  • Is there anything else you would like to share or suggest to improve our product?

2. Product Roadmap

By seeking feedback from active users, you can validate new product ideas and concepts before investing significant resources in their development. This approach ensures that the direction you take aligns with your users' preferences and expectations, reducing the risk of building features that might not resonate with your target audience. Consider these in-app feedback questions to drive product roadmap improvements.

  • Which features or improvements would you most like to see in our product in the future?
  • Which feature do you find missing in our product?
  • Are there any specific tasks or processes that you find difficult to perform with our current features?
  • How does our product fit into your overall workflow, and how could it be better integrated?
  • Are there any third-party integrations or services you wish our product could integrate with?
  • What type of analytics or reporting features would you like to see implemented in our product?

3. Feature Feedback

In-app surveys serve as a powerful tool for collecting feature feedback from users across various stages of a product's lifecycle. Whether you want to get product feature requests or feature feedback on your current product, in-app surveys can be effective be extremely effective for all. Let us look at in-app feature feedback questions that you can ask your users to refine your product or service.

Current Product Feature

By regularly seeking input on existing functionalities, you can identify pain points, areas for improvement, and potential bugs. Addressing these concerns promptly enhances user satisfaction and ensures that your product remains relevant and competitive in the market.

  • Which product feature do you find most valuable in our product?
  • How satisfied are you with the performance and reliability of our current features?
  • Are there any features that you believe could be streamlined or simplified to enhance the user experience?

New Feature Release

When introducing new features, conducting in-app surveys allows you to gauge initial user reactions and gather insights into their expectations and usage patterns. This data is invaluable for making data-driven decisions on further refinements or potential adjustments and also helps in measuring customer satisfaction over time.

  • How useful do you think is our new feature?
  • Please rate your initial experience with the [new feature]. (Scale: Very Dissatisfied - Very Satisfied)
  • How likely are you to use the [new feature] regularly?
  • Were there any challenges or difficulties you encountered while using the [new feature]?
  • How would you rate the usability and intuitiveness of the [new feature]? (Scale: Difficult to Use - Easy to Use)

Feature Prioritization

By involving users in the decision-making process, you can better understand which features hold the highest value for them. This user-driven approach helps ensure that development efforts are aligned with customer demands and priorities, increasing the likelihood of building features that will have a significant impact on user satisfaction and engagement.

  • We are considering adding new features to our product. Please rank the following features in order of priority for you.
  • How often do you think you would use each of the listed features? 
  • What specific benefits do you see in implementing each of the listed features?
  • Are there any features not listed that you believe should be a priority for our product?
  • Which features do you believe are essential for our product to remain competitive in the market?

4. User Interface & User Experience

In-app survey questions allow users to provide immediate insights about the design, ease of use, and overall experience of the app or website. By asking targeted questions about specific UI elements, navigation, and interactions through Android survey apps, you can identify areas of improvement and potential usability issues. Here are some in-app survey questions to gauge the effectiveness of your UI & UX.

  • How satisfied are you with the overall user experience of our product? (Scale: Very Dissatisfied - Very Satisfied)
  • How would you rate the ease of navigating through our product?
  • Did you find the onboarding process clear and helpful?
  • How often do you encounter issues or errors while using our product?
  • Do you feel that our product meets your expectations in terms of performance and speed?
  • How visually appealing do you find the design and layout of our product?
  • Are there any aspects of our product's user experience that you believe could be improved or enhanced?

5. User Persona

Different users have different needs, and tailoring your in-app survey questions based on users' demographics, preferences, behaviors, and concerns can help to build comprehensive user personas in your Android Survey App. In-app surveys can help to ensure that the data collected is relevant and up-to-date, empowering you to continuously refine your user personas based on real-time insights. Here are in-app feedback questions based on user personas.

  • What best describes your role or occupation?
  • Which industry do you primarily work in?
  • What are your main objectives or goals when using our product?
  • Which features or functionalities of our product do you find most valuable for your needs?
  • How do you prefer to receive customer support or assistance when using our product?
  • Are there any specific features or improvements you would like to see in our product to better suit your needs?
  • Do you have any specific preferences or requirements related to data security or privacy when using our product?
  • What other tools or products do you currently use in conjunction with ours to achieve your goals?
  • How did you first hear about our product or decide to give it a try?

6. Market Research

In-app market research questions enable a systematic understanding of target user preferences, behaviors, and market trends. Unlike survey apps for field market research, in-app surveys can help perform market research to find product market fit. With higher response rates from active users, it's the ideal method for data-driven decisions in your business. Here are some in-app survey questions that you can use to perform market research.

  • What is your primary reason for using our product?
  • Which other products or solutions have you tried before using ours?
  • What is the most important factor influencing your decision to use our product?
  • In which regions or countries do you primarily use our product?
  • What price range do you consider reasonable for a product like ours?
  • What improvements or changes would you like to see in our product to better meet your needs?

7. Beta Testing

To collect beta testing feedback, leveraging in-app surveys can be a smart choice as they provide a direct channel for collecting feedback from beta testers within the app. Here are some in-app beta testing survey questions that you can consider asking your testers.

  • On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with your overall experience using our beta product?
  • What specific features or functionalities did you find most valuable or enjoyable in the beta product?
  • Are there any features or improvements you would like to see added to the beta product before its official release?
  • Were the provided instructions or onboarding materials helpful in getting started with the beta product?
  • Would you like to be part of future beta testing rounds for our product updates? 

8. Customer Support

By deploying in-app surveys right after a support session, you can capture real-time customer insights about customer service agents and identify areas for improvement. This will allow users to share their experiences and voice their concerns easily, enabling you to promptly address issues and enhance the overall support experience. Here are some in-app feedback questions related to customer support.

  • How satisfied are you with the level of customer support you received?
  • How quickly did our customer support team respond to your inquiry or request for assistance?
  • Did our customer support team resolve your issue or address your question to your satisfaction? 

9. Reduce Churn

In-app surveys are essential for reducing churn as they provide businesses with direct access to active users who may be considering leaving the product or service. By understanding the specific reasons behind user churn through targeted survey questions, you can implement measures to retain customers. Here are some in-app churn survey questions that can help you take proactive steps to retain customers.

  • What is the primary reason you might consider discontinuing our product/service? (Dropdown options: e.g., Cost, Lack of Features, Poor Support, etc.)
  • Is there a specific feature or improvement that would convince you to stay with us?
  • Would you be interested in personalized training or onboarding assistance to make the most of our product/service?

10. Post Purchase Feedback

In-app post-purchase feedback is effective in gauging customer satisfaction after they made a purchase as they help to collect real-time feedback. Tailored questions about the purchase process, product information, and overall satisfaction provide valuable insights for improving customer experience. Consider these in-app post-purchase survey questions for the same.

  • How satisfied are you with your recent purchase?
  • How would you rate the ease of the checkout process?
  • Did you encounter any issues or challenges during the purchase process?
  • Were the product descriptions and images accurate and helpful in making your decision?
  • How likely are you to purchase from us again in the future?
  • Is there anything we could have done differently to improve your post-purchase experience?

11. Cart Abandonment Feedback

In-app cart abandonment survey questions play a crucial role in understanding the reasons behind customers abandoning the cart. By strategically asking these questions just before customers exit, you can gather feedback without disrupting user experience and identify concerns and improve the overall conversion rate.

  • What led you to add items to your cart but not complete the purchase? (Dropdown options: e.g., High Shipping Cost, Payment Issues, Changed Mind, etc.)
  • Is there anything we could do to encourage you to complete the purchase?
  • Were there any technical issues or errors you encountered during the checkout process? 

12. Bug Reporting

When users encounter a bug or technical issue, they can immediately report it through the in-app survey without navigating to a separate bug reporting tool or website. This prompt reporting can help your developers identify and address the problem quickly, leading to faster bug resolution and improved product stability. Consider these in-app bug report questions to identify user issues.

  • How often do you encounter issues or bugs while using the product?
  • What type of device were you using when you encountered the bug?
  • Which operating system and version were you using? (Dropdown options: e.g., Windows 10, macOS Big Sur, iOS 15, Android 12, etc.)
  • What were you trying to accomplish when the bug occurred? 

In-app Survey Questions for CX Metrics

CX metrics like CSAT, NPS, and CES offer standardized measurements to gauge customer sentiment and drive product and overall performance improvements. Let us look at the in-app feedback questions based on CX metrics that you can include in your in-app survey.

a. NPS

Net Promoter Score can help you assess the level of user loyalty and identify promoters, passives, and detractors. You can implement NPS surveys in your app to measure the likelihood of users recommending your product or service to others. Consider these in-app NPS survey questions to gauge user loyalty.

  • On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our product/service to a friend or colleague?
  • On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our latest feature to others?


In-app CSAT survey question helps you to quantify user satisfaction levels with your product or service and get actionable insights to prioritize initiatives that enhance satisfaction. Consider these in-app CSAT survey questions to understand user satisfaction levels.

  • How would you rate your overall satisfaction with our product/service?
  • On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied are you with our latest product feature?

c. CES

In-app CES survey questions can help you identify areas where users may face difficulties or frustrations, allowing you to streamline processes, simplify workflows, and reduce friction. Consider these In-app Customer Effort Score questions to understand the level of effort users are taking while interacting with your product or service.

  • How easy was it to find the information you were looking for on our app?
  • How easy was your onboarding process with us?

Best Practices for In-app Survey Questions

Before you start framing your in-app survey questions, it is important that you know some best practices to ensure the effectiveness and reliability of your responses. Let us look at some practices that can help you make your in-app survey questions more impactful.

  • Use a Mix of Questions: Utilize a combination of rating scales, e.g., Likert scales, multiple-choice questions, and open-ended questions, to collect a variety of feedback and quantitative data, as well as insightful qualitative insights.
  • Tailor Survey Questions Based on User Segments: Customize survey questions based on user segmentation to gather specific feedback relevant to their attributes, visit analytics, survey interactions, or score.
  • Use Microsurveys to Get Feedback: Keep surveys short and focused by using microsurveys, which prompt users with quick and targeted questions to increase response rates and prevent survey fatigue.
  • Show Only Relevant Questions: Implement skip logic and branching in surveys to show questions based on previous responses, ensuring users are presented with relevant questions tailored to their experiences.

Companies Leveraging In-app Surveys

Many successful companies have leveraged the best survey apps that offered in-app surveys to improve customer experiences, products, and services and immensely benefited from them. Whether you utilize in-app survey tools or develop custom in-app survey solutions, incorporating this feedback mechanism can lead to several advantages for your business. Let us look at some in-app survey examples from top companies.

  • Slack: Slack uses in-app surveys to measure the most important customer satisfaction metrics, CSAT, with specific features, ease of use, and overall satisfaction.
  • Evernote: Evernote uses star-rating questions to gather customer feedback on the ease of use, feature availability, responsiveness, and reliability.
  • Twitter: Twitter is following an effective customer feedback example where it uses in-app surveys to collect user insight and sentiment on new & existing features and user interfaces to improve the app.
  • Netflix: Netlix’s in-app survey example particularly stands out in the way that they use in-app surveys to understand user preferences for content and recommendations. 

Importance of In-app Surveys

While there are plenty of ways to collect feedback, collecting in-moment feedback works best with in-app surveys. To do so, you can leverage in-app feedback tools to make the process seamless and efficient.

Let us look at the reasons why you must consider in-app surveys to collect user feedback.

  • Improve App Development: In-app surveys provide valuable feedback from users, helping developers identify and address bugs, usability issues, and performance problems to enhance the overall app experience.
  • Guide Product Roadmap: By seeking product feedback from users, you can validate new SaaS ideas and drive the product roadmap. Since it offers insights into users' feature preferences and concerns, it can guide product managers in making data-driven decisions for future updates and improvements.
  • Prioritize Feature Development: In-app surveys help prioritize feature development by gauging user interest and needs, allowing teams to focus on features that align with user demands.
  • Immediate Feedback Collection: In-app surveys allow for real-time feedback collection, enabling prompt identification and resolution of user issues, leading to higher customer satisfaction.

Top 10 In-app Survey Questions

In-app surveys are the most effective way to improve the product experience and user satisfaction. Now that you know its power, let us quickly recall the top 10 in-app survey questions that can drive your business forward.

  1. How would you rate your overall experience with our app?
  2. What do you like most about our app?
  3. Is there any specific feature or functionality you find challenging to use or would like us to improve?
  4. Is there any content or information missing from our app that you would like to see included?
  5. What made you choose our app over similar alternatives in the market?
  6. On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend our app to others?
  7. Have you encountered any bugs or technical issues while using our app?
  8. How satisfied are you with the app's performance and speed?
  9. Were the instructions or onboarding process helpful in getting started with our app?
  10. What improvements or additions would you suggest to enhance your experience with our app? 


In-app feedback helps to capture feedback from active users who know the product well and are engaged with it on a regular basis. Their immediate in-app feedback can help you to be agile in responding to their concerns and optimize the product to match and exceed user expectations.

To create effective in-app surveys, choosing the right survey software is crucial. With Zonka Feedback, you can effortlessly design effective in-app feedback surveys and distribute them across various channels to reach your target audience. You can leverage this in-app survey tool to collect responses and analyze them using powerful reporting features, take action, and close the feedback loop

Sign up for a 14-day free trial to create powerful in-app surveys and capture maximum responses to drive meaningful changes in your product or service.


Written by Kanika

Jul 31, 2023

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