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Feedback Widgets: Use Cases, Benefits, Best Practices

Are you looking for the best way to collect real-time feedback from your website visitors and product users? Look no further than Feedback Widgets. Learn how to efficiently capture valuable insights with this powerful tool.

With customer-centricity being paramount to any business, there is an immense need to recognize the importance of efficient feedback collection methods. Methods that can help gather valuable insights and improve products, services, websites, and overall customer experience.

There are many ways of collecting feedback, but the best ones enable you to collect in-moment feedback when the users or website visitors are using your product or exploring the website. Feedback Widget is one such survey collection tool that enables you to gauge user or visitor feedback in real time. They enable you to gather valuable insights in a quick and easy way.

Collect & Measure Web & Product Feedback  

With Feedback Widgets, collect feedback in real-time and understand what users need and learn ways to delight your customers.

Get Started

In this article, we will explore various types of Feedback Widgets, their benefits, and some best practices to leverage product or Website Feedback Widgets to collect valuable feedback and utilize that feedback to improve Customer Experience and ultimately grow your business. Let’s start with defining Feedback Widgets.

Table of Contents

What is a Feedback Widget?

A Feedback Widget allows you to collect valuable feedback in real time from your website visitors and product users. By simply integrating a code or snippet into your live website, product, or web app, you can gather valuable insights and improve your customer experience. So, whether you're looking to improve your website's usability, gather product feedback, or encourage newsletter subscriptions, a Feedback Widget is the perfect solution.

You can find different types of Feedback Widgets, like Feedback Button, pop-ups, and popovers. Let’s explore various types of Feedback Widgets that you can use to obtain meaningful insights from your website visitors and product users.

Types of Feedback Widgets

  1. Side Tab Feedback Widget
  2. Pop-Up Feedback Widget
  3. Popover Feedback Widget
  4. Bottom Bar Feedback Widget
  5. Slide Up Feedback Widget

Let's learn about these types of Feedback Widgets

1. Side Tab Feedback Widget

A Side Tab is a website feedback button that you can add on any webpage of your website or particular screens of your product to collect feedback. It is quite non-intrusive and opens up a box with the survey questions once triggered through a click.  Here are some of its characteristics.

  • It is a small button that you can place on either side of your webpage.
  • It takes up very less space on your website or web page.
  • It gives an opportunity for website visitors to share unsolicited feedback without asking them or overwhelming them by sharing feedback forms.
  • You can name it with a single or a couple of words like ‘Feedback’ or ‘Share Feedback’ to make its purpose self-explanatory for your website audience.
  • You can also select your target audience to which you want to show the side tab and to which you don’t want.
  • It captures instant feedback in real-time.
  • You can also be smart with Feedback Buttons and now showcase the button on mobile or smaller screens. 

When to use it?

Here are some perfect instances where you can use the side tab to collect feedback from your customers regarding various aspects. 

  • Content Feedback - You can use a side tab on your content pages, like articles and blogs, where you can ask for feedback regarding those content pieces. 
  • Website Usability Feedback- You can place side tabs on your website’s landing page to present a Website Usability Survey in which you can collect feedback about website design, aesthetics, information on your landing pages, and more.
  • Product Feedback - If you are into a product or app business, you can ask product feedback questions in your feedback button.
  • Newsletter Subscription - You can choose to show a side tab to the customers whom you want to motivate to subscribe to your newsletter. You can select to show the tab only to the non-subscribers.
  • Bug Report or Suggestion: You can place the side tab on specific pages and target beta users to ask bug report form questions or elicit suggestions on the product feature or improvement.  

2. Popup Feedback Widgets

A Feedback Popup refers to a small window or overlay that appears in the middle of your screen on specific triggers set by you. They can be used on your website or product screen to prompt visitors and users to provide instant feedback. These Feedback Widgets for popup surveys are ideal post-interaction or after an event has taken place. As these can be a little intrusive to the experience, it is crucial that you place popup Feedback Widgets on certain actions.  

  • A feedback popup window appears in the center of the screen, capturing users’ attention and asking them for feedback.
  • With a powerful survey software tool, you can choose when your popups should appear. You can choose the popup to appear when the visitors have spent a certain time, like 30 seconds or 2 minutes. 
  • You can also choose it to appear after the visitors have scrolled a certain percentage of your webpage, like 20% or 50% of the webpage.
  • You can choose a popup to appear after a certain event or transaction made by the customers or when they have reached or crossed a certain touchpoint of the user journey.

When to use it?

You can use Popup Surveys for multiple purposes and collect various types of feedback.

  • Post-Purchase Feedback Survey - You can trigger a popup survey just after your customers have made a purchase transaction, asking post-purchase survey questions to capture their feedback regarding their experience of making a purchase.
  • Website Experience Survey - You can use a time-based or scroll-based popup survey to ask the general website visitor experience survey questions about using your website after your visitors have spent a certain time or scrolled through your website.
  • Post-Interaction Survey - You can use a popup up just after a customer’s interaction with your service or support team to collect feedback about customers’ experience with your team and measure the CES survey score. 
  • Cart Abandonment Survey - If you are into eCommerce business, you can use popups as Cart Abandonment surveys which appear when the customer abandons a cart on an eCommerce platform or leaves the website or app without making the final purchase. Through Cart Abandonment Popup surveys, you can ask the reason for Cart Abandonment and work on the feedback to remove barriers (if any), improve customers’ shopping experiences, and convince them to make the final purchases.
  • Exit Intent Survey - You can use popups as exit intent surveys, which appear when visitors or users are about to leave a website. Through these surveys, you can exit intent survey questions eliciting the reasons for the visitors leaving the website and their likeliness to use the website again.

3. Popover

A Popover is a custom feedback button that you can embed anywhere on the web pages of your website or product pages. When the customers click it, a feedback form appears at the same place, which the visitors or users can fill up to submit their responses.

  • It is displayed as a button with a short name like ‘Feedback’ or ‘Share Feedback’.
  • It gets embedded anywhere in your website, product, or app on any webpage without consuming much space on the screen.
  • It pops open a survey box exactly where the button is upon clicking.  

When to use it?

You can use popover web widgets on pages like content pages to collect feedback about any blog or article, post-purchase screen to collect customers’ feedback about their purchase experience, or on any webpage at any point of the customer journey to collect feedback.

4. Bottom Bar Feedback Widgets

A Bottom Bar is a feedback tab or bar placed at the left or right bottom of your website's webpage or product page. When the customers click on the bar, a survey opens asking feedback questions from the visitors and product users, which they can easily answer and submit their responses.

  • A Bottom Bar is placed on the left or the right bottom of your web or product page.
  • It is displayed as a clickable feedback button or bar at the bottom.
  • It is non-intrusive and lets your users know that you're open to their suggestions and feedback. 

When to use it?

A Bottom bar is a great way to capture unsolicited feedback, as the website visitors and product users can choose to share feedback whenever they feel like sharing. 

Like Side Tab, you can use the Bottom Bar to collect Website Usability Feedback, Content Feedback, and Product Feedback and to motivate Newsletter Subscriptions.

5. Slide Up Feedback Widgets

A Slide Up Survey is designed to slide up on your web and product pages from the bottom of the screen, capturing the attention of your product users and website visitors. As it slides up on certain actions or triggers, it does not hamper the experience of your users and helps capture their feedback non-intrusively.  

  • Slide Up appears anywhere at the bottom of the screen without disturbing your audience by overshadowing the main content of the web or product page.
  • With a robust Survey Software, you can choose when your slide-ups should appear. Like popup, you can also choose the slide up to appear when the visitors or users have spent a certain amount of time on your website or app. 
  • You can also choose it to appear after the customers have scrolled a certain percentage of your webpage like 10% or 50%
  • You can choose a slide up to appear after a certain event or transaction made by the customers or when they have reached or crossed a certain touchpoint of the journey.

When to use it?

Like a Pop-Up Survey, you can also use a Slide Up Survey to share Cart Abandonment Survey, Exit-Intent Survey, to collect Website Feedback, Post-Interaction Feedback, and Post-Transaction Feedback.

Now, let’s explore the benefits of using Feedback Widgets.

Benefits of Feedback Widgets

By utilizing feedback widgets like buttons, popups, popovers, slide-ups, and bottom bars, you can gain valuable insights into the experiences of your customers in a simple and convenient way. These widgets not only provide an opportunity for customers to share feedback quickly and easily, but they also allow you to collect feedback in real time while users are engaging with your website or application. With higher response rates compared to traditional feedback collection methods, these widgets provide a streamlined bug reporting process, enabling you to address issues swiftly and improve the overall quality and performance of your product. 

Here are some of the key benefits that you can enjoy by using Feedback Widgets. 

  • Easy Way of Feedback Collection:
    Feedback Widgets provide you with a simple and convenient method to collect feedback from your customers. At the same time, it provides an opportunity for the customers to share feedback quickly and conveniently. By integrating these widgets into websites or product, you can create a seamless website feedback form collection process. This ease of use encourages more users and website visitors to provide their feedback, resulting in a higher quantity of valuable insights.
  • In-Moment Feedback

    Feedback widgets allow you to collect feedback in real time while the website visitors or users are engaging with your website or using an application. This in-moment feedback captures immediate impressions and experiences, providing you with timely insights to make the required changes, address issues, and thus improve Customer Experience. 

  • High Response Rates

    There are several benefits of using feedback buttons, popup surveys, and other feedback widgets. However, being present right across the screen during usability, Feedback Widgets often lead to higher response rates compared to traditional feedback collection methods. The convenience of providing feedback directly through a widget, without the need for separate forms or surveys, increases user participation. This higher response rate ensures more feedback, enabling you to make data-driven decisions based on a broader range of customer perspectives.

  • Streamlined Bug Reporting

    Feedback Widgets serve as an efficient means for the website visitors and users to report bugs or technical issues they encounter. This streamlined bug reporting process ensures that issues are reported, allowing you to address them swiftly and improve the overall quality and performance of your website, app, or product.

  • Enhanced Customer Engagement

    By incorporating Feedback Widgets, you can actively engage your visitors and users and create a sense of involvement. Customers feel valued when given the opportunity to share their opinions and suggestions, fostering a sense of ownership and connection to the product or brand. This increased Customer Engagement leads to a stronger relationship with your customers, ultimately driving loyalty and advocacy.

  • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction and Experience

    Feedback Widgets play a crucial role in improving Customer Satisfaction and experience. By actively seeking feedback, you gain insights into customers’ pain points, usability issues, and areas for improvement. Addressing these concerns and making feedback-driven changes helps to create a more satisfying and enjoyable Customer Experience, resulting in increased satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Targeted Feedback Collection
    Feedback widgets allow you to collect targeted feedback related to specific aspects of your business, website, or app. Whether it's gathering feedback on a new feature, content, or product, evaluating customer preferences, or seeking suggestions for improvement, the customizable nature of feedback widgets enables you to collect targeted feedback aligned with their goals and objectives.

Let’s explore some best practices and ways to use Feedback Widgets.

Best Practices for Using Feedback Widgets

  1. Keep your Surveys Short
  2. Don’t Annoy the Users
  3. Ask the Right Questions at the Right Touchpoints
  4. Close the Feedback Loop
  5. Keep them Mobile-responsive
  6. Use an Effective Survey Software

Let’s learn how you can follow these best practices and leverage Feedback Widgets.

  • Keep your Surveys Short

    To maximize participation and completion rates, it's crucial to keep your feedback surveys short and concise. Avoid overwhelming your respondents with lengthy questionnaires. Focus on capturing the most relevant information by asking targeted questions that provide valuable insights without causing survey fatigue.

  • Don't Annoy the Customers

    When implementing Feedback Widgets, it's important to strike a balance between asking for feedback and respecting the customers’ experiences. Avoid overwhelming your website visitors or app users with too many steps or pop-ups, as this can lead to frustration and annoyance. Strategically place widgets that allow your audience to provide feedback effortlessly.

  • Ask the Right Questions at the Right Touchpoints

    Ensure that you ask the right questions at the appropriate touchpoints in the user journey. Place your Feedback Widgets strategically and use survey questions to collect feedback about specific interactions or experiences. By aligning questions with the context, you can gather more relevant and actionable feedback that can drive meaningful improvements.

  • Close the Feedback Loop

    Closing the feedback loop is crucial for maintaining a strong feedback culture. Regularly communicate with the customers, acknowledge their feedback, take actions wherever required, and inform them about those actions to the customers. Keeping them informed about how their feedback is making a difference fosters a sense of engagement and encourages continued participation.

  • Keep them Mobile-responsive

    In today's mobile-driven world, it's essential to ensure that your feedback widgets are fully optimized for mobile devices. Researches suggest that more than 90% of internet users assess various websites via mobile phones.

    Mobile responsiveness allows your website visitors and product users to provide feedback conveniently, regardless of the device they are using. This inclusivity enhances Customer Experience and ensures a broader reach for your feedback collection efforts.

  • Use Effective Survey Software
    To streamline your feedback collection process and gain valuable insights, consider utilizing an effective Feedback Survey Software. Look for features such as customizable feedback form designs, customizable triggers for sharing a survey, data analysis capabilities, and integration options while choosing a survey software to create surveys.


Feedback Widgets offer a powerful solution to collect valuable insights and improve customer experiences. By implementing these widgets, you can easily capture feedback in real time while your website visitors or users navigate your website or use your product. 

By leveraging Feedback Widgets effectively with the help of an effective Survey Software, you can gather actionable feedback and drive continuous improvement to grow their customer-centric approach and overall success.

Zonka Feedback is one such tool that can serve the purpose. It offers comprehensive features to create and share surveys the way you want. With features like real-time feedback alerts and notifications, it helps you not only collect feedback but take action on it and close the feedback loop effectively to improve Customer Experience and avoid churn.

It also offers a free trial. Sign up for a free trial for 14 days and start harnessing the power of Customer Feedback to fuel your success.

Nikhil Dawer

Written by Nikhil Dawer

Jun 27, 2023

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