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Top 10 Website Feedback Form Ideas (With Templates & Examples)

A website feedback form is a powerful survey tool for businesses that operate online. That's because the user feedback not only gives insights into how your product(s) is perceived, but also helps to enhance the website's user-friendliness, reduce bounce rates, and boost conversions.

However, a static online feedback form just lying in a corner of your website pages may not do the job. To collect insightful customer feedback, you need a touch of creativity and website surveys excel in this regard with their interactive and engaging features.

In this article, we talk about how you can use a website feedback form intelligently to capture more as well as relevant feedback. We will also explore feedback form templates and examples and how you can create your own website feedback form within minutes.


  • Website feedback forms are interactive online surveys that are integrated into websites to capture insights from website visitors or customers to identify areas of improvement and enhance user experience.

  • Creating page-specific customer surveys, locating bounce rate causes, leveraging the floating feedback button, and using time-delayed popups are some of the website feedback form ideas that help to improve customer experience.

  • Microsurveys like NPS surveys and CSAT surveys help capture website feedback data by strategically placing them at key touchpoints on a website, such as after a transaction or on a particular page.

  • To collect website feedback from customers, you can utilize an online survey tool like Zonka Feedback that has free feedback form templates and allows creating surveys like customer satisfaction surveys, website usability surveys, and more and analyze results, take action, and close the feedback loop effectively. You can try it for free for 14 days and or schedule a demo to see how it works for your business.

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How to Get Feedback from Customers?

Customers enjoy offering feedback when it is easily accessible. To maximize visibility and response rates, it's essential to strategically position your feedback forms.

Leveraging various feedback channels can significantly boost your response rate. Let's explore some of the most widely used channels for collecting customer feedback.

Website Feedback

Website feedback involves capturing customer satisfaction or concerns directly on your website. The best part about using website feedback is capturing authentic real-time responses from users while they are actively engaging with your website.

Website feedback tools can come in handy in collecting feedback and facilitating user experience.

In-app Feedback

If most of your users are available on your application, in-app feedback can be highly effective in collecting user responses. In-app feedback is collected within the context of the user's interaction with your application.

There are many in-app feedback tools that you can utilize to capture user sentiments and suggestions while they are experiencing the app firsthand.

Feedback Button Survey

Feedback buttons are interactive elements that can be strategically placed on your website or within your app to gather actionable feedback. Placing a feedback button survey on your web page can help you take feedback from customers without disrupting their browsing experience.

Popup Survey

Popup surveys appear as pop-up boxes on a website or within an app and are designed to capture customer feedback at the moment. You can use popup surveys to get triggered based on user behavior or specific touchpoints such as after a purchase or when a user is about to leave a webpage.

Adding popup survey questions can help you capture feedback immediately and increase user engagement. They also help in facilitating data-driven decision-making processes for website and app optimization.

10 Website Feedback Form Ideas

Let us dive into the top website feedback ideas that can help you improve your online presence and enhance customer satisfaction. These strategies will not only provide valuable insights but also contribute to the growth and success of your website.

1. Create Separate Page-Specific Surveys

Websites serve various purposes such as sales, montezing a blog, branding, promotion and lead generation. Accordingly, you can employ customer feedback forms differently, placing them on specific pages for targeted insights.

You can use a home page form to track traffic sources, thumbs-up/thumbs-down surveys for blog post feedback, and a shopping experience survey on the order confirmation page after visitors make a purchase.

2. Find Out the Reason for a High Bounce Rate with an Exit Intent Survey

A high bounce rate is a common problem that website managers often have to tackle. But with website exit intent surveys, you can understand the reason for a high bounce rate directly from your visitors. When visitors make a purchase, you can implement a post transaction survey feedback but if they don't, you can display an exit-intent survey to know the reason.

Website Feedback Form Exit Intent Survey Questions

3. Take Product Feedback

A website feedback form is a great tool to understand how satisfied your customers or audiences are with your product and how you can improve. For example, if you sell a SaaS product, you can add a website or in-app survey alongside the features you wish to take product feedback on.

With the feedback, you can understand what is performing well and what needs more attention and optimize your product to enhance overall experience.

4. Use Lead Magnets to Get Leads with Feedback Forms

A website feedback form can help you do a lot more than collect feedback. You can create a simple form that can turn your lead generation game around. However, most visitors may not be willing to share their contact information. So, you can create lead magnets and use feedback forms to quickly capture leads.

For instance, a beauty and healthcare site offers a free spa session in exchange for contact details. Use auto-responses in Zonka Feedback to instantly deliver coupons upon form submission. You can enable auto-responses based on action and trigger follow-up emails based on the feedback you have received.

Website Feedback Form Zonka Feedback Auto Responder

5. Use Time-Delayed Popups to Improve Experience

You can enhance the website experience of your visitors by using a time-delayed popup survey. If they are spending a significant amount of time on your website, you can proactively offer help through popup survey questions.

Choosing the popup method in a website feedback widget can enhance the website visitor experience, ensuring a smoother journey through your site.

Website Feedback form time delayed pop up survey

6. Use a Floating Feedback Button to Collect Feedback

A floating website feedback button, unlike a static one, remains visible on the screen as users scroll. This allows visitors to share feedback easily whenever they encounter a challenge. This can encourage users to share unsolicited feedback, which may help you understand more about what your audience is looking for and align your offerings with their expectations.

7. Show Relevant Survey to Specific User Segments

Not all users are the same nor are their requirements or response. Therefore, optimizing your website feedback form relevant to a user's profile or actions on your website can help you enhance customer experience and gain actionable and detailed feedback.

Users are more likely to complete surveys that resonate with them. When website feedback forms are relevant, response rates tend to be higher, providing you with a more significant dataset for analysis.

Creating Advanced User Segmentation

8. Use Smiley Face Surveys to Get Customer Feedback

Using smiley face surveys in a website feedback form provides quantifiable data to measure customer satisfaction and make it more engaging and user-friendly. It uses simple and universally recognized smiley face symbols to collect user sentiment. Users can quickly convey their level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with just a click, making it an ideal method for capturing fast and concise feedback.

Smiley face surveys are self-explanatory and using them in multilingual surveys ensures that your customers, no matter which language they speak, can effectively communicate how they feel and their experience.

smiley face survey website feedback

9. Take Content Feedback Post Engagement

The content on your website plays an important role in how much users will be willing to engage with your brand. Capturing feedback when users have engaged with specific content such as AI-generated content, blog posts, videos, or product descriptions can help you collect information that can improve your offerings.

Moreover, this feedback can help you make data-driven decisions about your content strategy and you can identify the topics that resonate with your audience the most.

10. White Label Survey to Build Brand Identity

White-labeling and branding a website feedback form survey bolsters your brand's online presence. By customizing your own feedback form with your brand's unique elements such as logo, color scheme, and messaging, you ensure a consistent brand image across user interactions. This enhances your brand's credibility and helps you gain user trust.

Additionally, the branded form serves as a subtle promotional tool, driving traffic to your website. Users encountering a familiar and trusted brand in feedback forms are more likely to engage and provide candid and honest feedback, contributing to valuable insights.

Website Feedback Form White Labeling Zonka feedback

Website Feedback Form Examples & Templates

Let us look at the website feedback form examples and templates that can help you collect customer feedback effortlessly.

1. Net Promoter Score Survey

A Net Promoter Score survey measures customer loyalty by asking how likely users are to recommend your product or service to others. Through the website NPS survey, you can assess overall satisfaction and identify promoters (loyal customers), passives (neutral customers), and detractors (unhappy customers).

You can add open-ended questions to follow up on the rating provided by the users to get more insights.

When to Use: Use NPS surveys after a purchase or after customers had a chance to use your product or service.

Here's a NPS survey template that you can use to collect customer feedback.

Use this Template

2. Customer Satisfaction Score Survey

Customer Satisfaction Score survey is one of the most popular website feedback form examples that gauges customer satisfaction by asking users to rate their satisfaction with your product or service on a scale.

When to Use: CSAT surveys are effective for collecting feedback on specific interactions or transactions, such as after a customer support call, after the onboarding process, purchase experience, and sales transactions.

You can leverage this customer satisfaction survey template to assess customer satisfaction.

Use this Template

3. Customer Effort Score Survey

Customer Effort Score measures the ease of customers' experience in completing a task or resolving an issue. Analyzing the aggregated CES responses from the feedback forms provides valuable insights into the user-friendliness of the website.

You can integrate CES survey questions into website feedback forms to understand website issues and optimize the online experience to minimize user effort and enhance satisfaction.

When to Use: After a purchase/subscription, customer service interaction, or after reading a help center article or similar documentation.

Use this website Customer Effort Score survey template to get customer feedback on the effort it took to perform a task.

Use this Template

4. Website Visitor Experience Survey

Website visitor experience survey captures feedback on the overall experience users have when navigating your website. It can be collected from new visitors or existing users.

When to Use: Implement website visitor experience survey questions periodically to gather insights into how visitors perceive your website's usability, design, and content.

Here's a website visitor experience survey template to enhance your online presence.

Use this Template

5. Website Content Feedback Form

Website content feedback form gathers feedback on specific pieces of content, such as articles, blog posts, or videos, to assess their quality and relevance.

When to Use: Use this form after users engage with specific content to understand its effectiveness and make continuous improvements.

Utilize this website content feedback form template to gather valuable insights and refine your online content for a more engaging and informative user experience.

Use this Template

6. E-Commerce Website Feedback Survey

The e-commerce website feedback survey collects feedback from customers who have made purchases on your e-commerce website to evaluate their shopping experience.

When to Use: Implement this survey after transactions to identify areas for improvement in the shopping process and customer satisfaction.

Here's an online shopping experience feedback form template that you can use to gauge the buying experience of your customers.

Use this Template

7. Product Feedback Form

Product feedback forms allow users to provide feedback on your product. Whether it is validating a product idea with feedback, conducting product research survey, or driving product led growth with customer feedback, a feedback form for products can be extremely useful.

When to Use: Use this form to continuously gather user insights for product improvement and development.

You can leverage a form survey builder, like Zonka Feedback, or simply utilize this product feedback form template to gather feedback from customers on product enhancements.

Use this Template

8. Subscription Cancellation Survey

If your customers are unsubscribing, knowing the reason for churn for it is crucial. Asking churn survey questions can help you get answers to why your customers are deciding to cancel their subscriptions. With customer insights, you can make required changes and improve customer retention.

When to Use: Implement this survey when users decide to unsubscribe or cancel to understand the reasons behind their decision and prevent customer churn.

Here's a subscription cancellation survey template that can help you get important data regarding customer dissatisfaction and churn.

Use this Template

9. New Feature Request

Getting product feature requests can help you get ideas and suggestions from users regarding new features or improvements they'd like to see in your product or service.

When to Use: Use this survey to involve users in the product development process and prioritize new feature requests.

A product feature request template like this one can get you started with capturing user input and driving product improvements immediately.


Use this Template

10. Bug Report Survey

Through bug report form questions, you can allow your users to report technical issues, glitches, or bugs they encounter while using your product or website.

When to Use: Implement bug reports to quickly identify and address technical problems, enhancing the user experience and product quality.

Here is a bug report form template that you can leverage to catch issues with specific features for your product or website in general.

Use this Template

How to Create & Share Feedback Form with Zonka Feedback?

You can create a feedback form with Zonka Feedback in just a few simple steps and share it across through your preferred communication channel. Let us look at how you can do it.

Step 1: Create the Website Feedback Form

Log in to your account and click on 'Add Survey'. Select the template of your choice.

Website Feedback Form Zonka Feedback templates

Step 2: Select the Distribution Channel

A preview of the selected survey template will appear. Click on the distribution option on the left hand side as 'Website & In-product.'

Website Feedback Form Zonka Feedback

Step 3: Select the Web Widget

Select the web feedback widget name that you would want to utilize for your web feedback form and click on 'Continue'.

Step 4: Customize your Feedback Form

Edit the survey and explore other functionalities like survey logic, design, variables, etc. You can also add a question, reposition it, choose rating and scales, and contact information to your survey here.

Website Feedback Form Zonka Feedback CSAT Survey

Step 5: Optimize the Web Widget

Once you have customized the feedback form, click on 'next' and you can now configure the web widget that you have selected based on its appearance, target (devices, users, pages), behavior (when you want the web widget to appear)

Website Feedback Form Zonka Feedback Web Widget Configuration

You can also perform user segmentation here. For instance, if you want to display your CSAT survey only to those website visitors who have not taken the survey in the last month, go to 'Contacts and segment' on the left side', select 'Segments' and add segment. Fill in the details and conditions as required.

Website Feedback Form Zonka Feedback User Segmentation

Come back to your feedback form configuration page and select 'Segmenting' and choose the segment that you created from the drop-down menu.

Website Feedback Form Zonka Feedback CSAT User Segmentation

Step 6: Embed Ready-to-use Code into your Website

Move over to the 'Install code' option and you will see a readymade code that you can simply copy and insert the snippet in your website script.

Website Feedback Form Zonka Feedback Code

What Makes a Good Feedback Form?

To collect customer feedback that is useful, you need to create a feedback form that stands out and effectively captures the attention and engagement of your audience. Let us look at some best practices that can help you create a good customer feedback form.

1. Use Clear, Concise & Short Questions

The language in the feedback form should be straightforward and the questions should be brief to avoid survey fatigue. You should avoid complexity to ensure respondents understand and engage with your questions easily for a high response rate.

2. Keep Different Types of Questions

Using a variety of questions like a 1 to 5 rating scale, 1 to 10 opinion scale, 5 star surveys, Likert scale can help to collect quantifiable data while open-ended questions can provide reasoning for their rating.

3. Add Visual Appeal

Including visual elements like images, icons, or a user-friendly design can make your feedback form more engaging and visually appealing. Visualizations can help break up text and make the custom forms feel less boring, potentially improving response rates.

4. Avoid Leading Questions & Double-Barreled Questions

Leading questions are worded in a way that prompts a specific response, potentially biasing the data. Double-barreled questions combine multiple queries into one, making it challenging for respondents to provide accurate feedback.

While creating feedback forms, it is important to use clear, unbiased, and single-focused questions to obtain reliable responses.

5. Use Multiple Channels to Share across User Journey

To maximize the reach of your feedback form and increase the likelihood of receiving diverse and valuable feedback, share it through various channels at different stages of the user journey. This ensures that you target various customer touchpoints for feedback such as after a purchase, when they use a particular feature, or when they interact with customer support.


There are different ways to use website feedback surveys like a feedback button, an embedded survey, a popup survey, etc. You can use a website feedback form to capture any kind of feedback, for example, cart abandonment feedback, exit intent feedback, product feedback, purchase feedback, website feedback, etc. So, make sure you know what feedback type you're looking to get using surveys and you will be able to make the best use of feedback forms. 

Sign up for a 14-day free trial with Zonka Feedback which offers hundreds of survey templates that you can use to create your own website forms that are attractive as well as intelligent. With features like customizable triggers, integration with CRMs & communication tools, and much more, you can strengthen your customer database and close the feedback loop efficiently. 


Written by Kanika

Sep 20, 2023

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