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Use NPS Follow Up Emails to Boost Customer Loyalty

Use Zonka Feedback to create follow up emails and automate the process. Leverage features like workflow automation, advanced segmentation and AI insights to tailor your follow-up strategies. 

NPS Follow up emails

NPS Follow-Up Emails for Promoters, Passives & Detractors (With Examples)

The initial excitement of a good NPS score can quickly fade if you don't capitalize on the valuable feedback it provides. Imagine launching a fantastic product, only to see your score stagnate. The culprit? A silent feedback loop.

Think of NPS as a conversation starter, not a one-time question. A high score is fantastic, but it's what you do after that truly matters. Studies show companies that close the feedback loop see a 3x increase in the number of promoters the next time around.

Here's the catch: a silent loop leaves customers feeling unheard. Promoters lose their excitement, passives remain unengaged, and detractors become vocal critics.

The solution? Targeted NPS follow-up emails.

While measuring Net Promoter Score is important, closing the feedback loop and driving meaningful customer engagement through NPS follow-up emails is crucial for turning insights into action and cultivating long-term customer loyalty.

By reaching out based on a customer's score—whether they are a Promoter, Passive, or Detractor—you can significantly enhance your customer relationships and drive business growth.

For Promoters, follow-up emails serve to fuel their enthusiasm by thanking them for their loyalty and gathering insights on what keeps them raving about your brand. Engaging Passives through personalized follow-up emails allows you to understand their concerns better and nudge them towards becoming vocal advocates. Addressing Detractors with empathy and actionable solutions demonstrates that you care about their experience, helping to resolve their issues and potentially turning them into future promoters.

In this article, we will look at some NPS follow-up email templates that you can use to send to your specific NPS segment so that you can transform those scores into a springboard for customer loyalty and growth. Without any further ado, let's get started!


  • NPS follow-up emails are automated or manual emails sent to customers based on their Net Promoter Score (NPS) feedback. These emails are designed to engage customers, address their concerns, and encourage further action.

  • They are crucial for closing the feedback loop, enhancing personalized engagement, driving continuous improvement, building trust, and cultivating long-term customer loyalty.

  • We have included various NPS survey email templates to follow up with promoters, passives, and detractors that you can use based on your industry, use case, and ultimate goal.

  • Zonka Feedback is an NPS survey tool that helps you automate follow-up actions, send emails in various forms, segment and target your customer base, and close the feedback loop. You can sign up for a free 14-day trial or schedule a demo to see how it can help you ease your follow-up process.

Measure Customer Loyalty with NPS ❤️

Automate follow up NPS emails, address customer concerns, and close the feedback loop with Zonka Feedback.

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Why do NPS Follow-Up Emails Matter after Conducting the NPS Survey?

NPS follow-up emails are more than just a courtesy—they are a strategic tool for enhancing customer satisfaction, driving continuous improvement, and building long-term loyalty. Let us look at why you must share the NPS follow-up email once you have conducted the NPS survey and have the data with you.

  • Closing the Feedback Loop: After conducting an NPS surveys, it's vital to show customers that their feedback has been heard and acted upon. Follow-up emails are the perfect vehicle for this. They help close the feedback loop by acknowledging customer input and detailing the steps your organization is taking in response.

  • Personalized Engagement: NPS follow-up emails enable you to tailor your communication to different customer segments. To promoters, you can thank them for their loyalty and request referrals or reviews. To passives, you can attempt to engage them with targeted incentives or special offers. To detractors, you can address their issues with empathy and actionable steps that you are taking.

  • Driving Continuous Improvement: NPS follow-up emails provide actionable insights that drive continuous improvement. By systematically collecting and addressing customer feedback, enterprises can identify patterns and make strategic changes that enhance the overall customer experience.

  • Building Trust and Transparency: Transparency is key to building trust with your customers. Follow-up emails that clearly communicate the actions taken based on customer feedback help establish your organization as one that values and acts on customer input.

  • Measuring Impact and ROI: NPS follow-up emails are essential for measuring the impact of your customer experience initiatives and calculating ROI. By tracking responses and subsequent actions, you can determine the effectiveness of your follow-up strategies and make data-driven decisions.

NPS Follow up Email survey

NPS Follow-Up Email for Promoters

Let us look at some follow-up NPS survey email templates that you can use for different use cases, goals/purposes, and industries to gather feedback, show gratitude, and engage your promoters.

1. Based on Use Cases

There can be many different use cases to send follow up NPS email to promoters. Let us look at some of them and their NPS email examples for follow up.

a. Thank You Email

Sending a thank you email to your NPS promoters helps reinforce their positive experience and shows appreciation for their loyalty. It builds a stronger emotional connection between your customer and your brand, fostering long-term loyalty and encouraging continued engagement.

Subject: Thank You for Your Amazing Feedback, [Customer Name]!

Hey [Customer Name],

Thank you so much for your fantastic feedback and for rating us 10/10! We are thrilled to hear that you are enjoying our [product/service] and truly appreciate your loyalty.

Your positive feedback motivates us to keep delivering the best experience possible. As a token of our gratitude, we’d like to offer you an exclusive [discount/bonus/reward] on your next purchase.

Simply use the code THANKYOU at checkout or click here: [Link to Offer]

Thank you for being a valued customer and for helping us continue to improve. We look forward to serving you even better in the future.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Company Name]

b. Referral Request Email

Promoters are your biggest brand champions. By requesting referrals, you leverage their positive experience to attract new, like-minded customers. This not only boosts sales but also validates your product or service through trusted sources, further strengthening your brand reputation.

Subject: Share the Love: Refer a Friend and Earn Rewards!

Dear [Customer Name],

Thank you for being a loyal promoter of [Your Company] and giving us a stellar NPS score of 10! We're thrilled you're happy with our product/service. As a token of our appreciation, we'd love for you to share your enthusiasm with your network.

By referring others to our [product/service], you can help them enjoy the same great experience you’ve had.

Here’s how it works:

  • For every friend you refer who makes a purchase, you’ll receive [Referral Bonus/Discount/Reward].

  • Your friends will also benefit by receiving [Discount/Bonus] on their first purchase.

To refer a friend, simply share this link: [Referral Link]

Thank you for helping us grow and for being such an important part of our community. We look forward to rewarding you for your referrals!

We truly value your advocacy.


The [Your Company] Team

c. Review Requests

Business reviews have a significant impact on the purchase decisions of potential customers. Positive reviews build trust, enhance your brand reputation, and can significantly boost sales. Who better to write glowing reviews than your positive survey respondents, i.e., promoters, the customers who already love your products and services?

By encouraging promoters to share their positive experiences, you leverage their satisfaction to attract new customers and strengthen your market position.

Subject: We Value Your Feedback, [Customer Name]!

Hey [Customer Name],

We are more than happy to know that you liked our product. Thank you for rating us 10/10! Your feedback makes us incredibly happy and motivates us to continue delivering the best.

We have a small favor to ask – would you mind sharing your experience with others by writing a review on our website? Your positive review would help other customers make better purchase decisions and understand the value we strive to provide.

Here’s the link to leave your review: [Review Link]

Thank you for being such a valued customer. We appreciate your support and look forward to continuing to serve you with excellence.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Company Name]

d. Exclusive Offers Email

Offering promoters exclusive deals not only shows appreciation for their loyalty but also encourages them to continue engaging with your brand. Exclusive offers can enhance their experience, drive repeat purchases, and solidify their commitment to your products or services.

Subject: Special Offer Just for You, [Customer Name]!

Hey [Customer Name],

Thank you so much for your amazing feedback and for rating us 10/10! We are thrilled to have you as a loyal customer and appreciate your continued support.

As a token of our appreciation, we’re excited to offer you an exclusive deal on our latest products/services. We’ve put together something special just for our top customers like you.

Here’s what we have for you:

  • [Exclusive Offer 1]: Briefly describe the first offer and its benefits. (e.g., Get 20% off your next purchase! Stock up on your favorites and explore new products.)

  • [Exclusive Offer 2 (optional)]: If you have a second offer, include it here. (e.g., Free gift with every purchase over $50! Elevate your experience with a complimentary [gift item].)

To take advantage of these exclusive deals, simply use the code [PROMOCODE] at checkout or click here: [Link to Offer]

We hope you enjoy these special offers and continue to have a fantastic experience with our products/services. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for being a valued customer. We look forward to continuing to provide you with the best products and services.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Company Name]

e. Feedback on New Features

Promoters are already enthusiastic about your brand, and by involving them in the feedback process for new features, you not only validate their opinions but also ensure that your product evolves in ways that meet their needs. This engagement can lead to higher satisfaction, increased product adoption, and valuable insights for continuous improvement.

Subject: Help Us Shape the Future: Share Your Insights on New Features!

Dear [Customer Name],

Thank you for being a loyal customer and a vocal advocate for [Your Company]! We were thrilled to see your outstanding NPS score of 10 in our recent survey. Your continued satisfaction is our top priority.

As we strive to continuously improve our offerings, we'd love to hear your thoughts on some exciting new features in development. Your feedback has always been invaluable, and your perspective as a Promoter is particularly important to us.

We're currently exploring [Briefly describe 2-3 new features] and would appreciate any insights you might have on how these features could benefit your experience and potentially benefit others in your industry.

Here's how you can help:

  • Take a quick survey (optional): We've created a short survey to gather your detailed feedback on the [Feature Name] feature. Click here to access the survey: [Survey Link]

  • Reply to this email: Share your impressions of the [Feature Name] feature. What do you like? What could be improved?

Your participation is greatly appreciated!


The [Your Company] Team

2. Based on Goals

While deciding on the goals for sending NPS follow-up emails to promoters, we must keep in mind that the main aim for this email in the case of Promoters would be that they always stay our promoters, and we should use their feedback to create more of them.

Let's explore some of these goals and the examples of NPS emails to attain them.

a. Engagement & Retention

Keeping promoters engaged is key to retaining their loyalty and maximizing their lifetime value. By consistently engaging promoters with relevant content, updates, and personalized offers, you can strengthen the customer relationship, encourage repeat purchases, and reduce churn.

Subject: Thank You for Being a Champion of [Your Company]!

Dear [Customer Name],

Thank you for taking the time to complete our recent NPS survey and for your outstanding rating of 10! Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us, and we're thrilled to know that you're our highly satisfied customer.

At [Company Name], we're committed to continuously improving the experience for our valued clients like you. Your loyalty is a testament to the hard work of our team, and we'd love to hear more about what keeps you happy.

Here are a few ways you can stay engaged:

  • Share your experience: Consider leaving a positive review on [Review Platform] or [Social Media Platform]. Your insights can help others make informed decisions.

  • Connect with us: Follow us on [Social Media Platform] for industry updates, product announcements, and exclusive offers.

  • Be a thought leader: We're always looking for insights from our Promoters. If you have any ideas or suggestions on how we can improve, we'd love to hear them. We may even feature your ideas on our blog or social media channels!

We appreciate your continued partnership and look forward to exceeding your expectations.


The [Your Company] Team

b. Cross-Selling & Upselling

Your customers being your promoters means they like your products and services and trust you. If they trust you, they can buy complementary goods from you or purchase a higher-end version of a product. Then why make them rush to your competitors to purchase similar products if you have them!

By strategically targeting promoters with relevant product or service suggestions, you can maximize customer lifetime value, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive significant revenue growth. Additionally, promoters are likely to appreciate the personalized attention, further strengthening their loyalty to your brand.

Subject: Discover More Products You'll Love, [Customer Name]!

Hey [Customer Name],

We are thrilled to hear that you loved our products! Your satisfaction is incredibly important to us, and we are always striving to bring you the best.

Have you had a chance to explore our new range of products in the [Product Category Name]? We’ve introduced some exciting new additions that we think you'll love just as much.

Here are a few highlights:

  • [New Product/Feature 1]: Brief description of the benefits and how it complements what you already love.

  • [New Product/Feature 2]: Another product/feature that enhances your current experience.

  • [New Product/Feature 3]: Highlight any exclusive offers or promotions available for these new products.

As a valued customer, we’re offering you an exclusive [discount/bonus/extended trial] on your next purchase. Simply use the code [PROMOCODE] at checkout or click here to browse our new products: [Link to Products].

We’re confident that you’ll find these new additions to be a perfect complement to your current favorites. If you have any questions or need assistance, our team is here to help.

Thank you for being a valued customer. We look forward to continuing to provide you with products that you love.

Happy shopping!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Company Name]

c. To Get a Testimonial

People often read testimonials when deciding to buy something they haven't tried. Research suggests that testimonials on the sales page of your website can increase conversions by around 34% on average. By gathering testimonials from your promoters, you leverage their positive experiences to build trust and credibility, which can significantly enhance your conversion rates and attract new customers.

Subject: Share Your Success Story, [Customer Name]!

Hey [Customer Name],

Thank you so much for your amazing feedback! We are delighted to know that you rated us 10/10. Your positive experience means the world to us.

We would love to learn more about your journey with our product and share your success story with our customers. Would you please write a short testimonial? Your feedback could be featured in one of our case studies on our website.

Just a brief idea about your experience would be wonderful, and we’ll handle the rest.

Please let us know what you think. We truly appreciate your support!

Thank you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Company Name]

d. Understand Promoter Preferences

Promoters liked you, but what did they like the most? The answer to this question is essential to know your strengths and USP enabling you to maintain and enhance the quality of your products and services. This will help you maintain the quality of products and services you provide.

Subject: We Value Your Feedback, [Customer Name]!

Hey [Customer Name],

Thank you so much for granting us a rating of 10/10! This score makes us really proud and super happy. We would love to know what you liked the most about our product.

Would you please spare a few minutes to let us know what made you give this excellent rating? Your feedback will help us maintain the same high standards and provide even better experiences every time.

Thank you for your time and support!

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Company Name]

e. Identify Competitors

Promoters, being highly satisfied customers, often have a broad perspective on the market and can provide valuable insights into what competitors are doing right. Understanding competitors' strengths and strategies from your promoters' viewpoint can help you identify areas for improvement, benchmark against the best in the industry, and refine your own offerings to stay competitive.

Subject: We Value Your Insight, [Customer Name]!

Hey [Customer Name],

Thank you so much for giving us a fantastic score! It feels great to know that you are happy with our services.

As one of our valued customers, your opinion means a lot to us. We would love to get your perspective on how we compare with our competitors. Could you share with us the names of 2-3 companies you also like and what you appreciate about their products or services?

Your feedback will help us understand how we can continue to improve and offer you even better experiences.

Thank you for your time and support!

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Company Name]

3. Based on Industries

Based on the industry you belong to, you can tailor these NPS follow-up emails to resonate more effectively. Let us look at each of them.

a. Retail

In retail, follow-up emails nurture customer relationships built during a purchase. They express gratitude, encourage repeat business, and gather valuable feedback to improve the shopping experience. You can send follow up NPS email for:

  • Post-Purchase Follow-Up: Send a thank-you email after promoters make a purchase and provides a high NPS score.

  • Product Review Request: Encourage promoters to leave reviews on recently purchased products.

  • Gift Card Purchase: Follow up with promoters who purchase gift cards and provide high feedback.

Here's a sample NPS email template that you can use to welcome promoters who join your loyalty program and give positive feedback.

Subject: Welcome to Our Loyalty Program!

Hi [Customer Name],

Thank you for joining our loyalty program and for sharing your positive feedback! We’re excited to have you as a part of our community.

As a new member, you’re entitled to exclusive benefits, including early access to sales, special discounts, and more. Use the code WELCOME15 to enjoy 15% off your next purchase.

We value your input, so if you have any suggestions or comments, please let us know.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

Customer Success Team

[Retail Company]

b. Healthcare

NPS follow-up emails in healthcare reinforce patient trust and satisfaction by directly addressing patient feedback and demonstrating responsiveness. You can use follow up email for:

  • Post-Treatment Follow-Up: Send a thank-you email after a patient completes a treatment and gives a high NPS score.

  • Wellness Program Enrollment: Follow up with patients who enroll in wellness programs and rate the experience highly.

  • New Patient Registration: Follow up with promoters after they register as new patients.

  • Vaccination Clinic: Send a thank-you email to promoters who attend a vaccination clinic.

Subject: Thank You for Participating in Our Health Event!

Dear [Patient Name],

We are thrilled that you found our recent health awareness event valuable and enjoyable. Your feedback means a lot to us.

To show our appreciation, we would like to offer you a free consultation with one of our specialists. Please call our office at [Phone Number] to schedule your appointment.

Your health is our priority, and we look forward to continuing to support you. If you have any further suggestions, feel free to reach out.

Warm Regards,

[Your Name]

Patient Care Coordinator

[Healthcare Facility]

c. SaaS

In SaaS, follow-up emails after NPS surveys show appreciation for customer feedback, keep users engaged with the product, and unlock valuable insights to refine features and drive long-term satisfaction. You can use it for:

  • New Feature Usage: Follow up with users who try out a new feature and provide positive feedback.

  • Subscription Renewal: Send a thank-you email after a user renews their subscription and gives a high NPS score.

  • Onboarding Process Completion: Follow up with promoters after they complete the onboarding process.

  • Customer Support Interaction: Send a thank-you email to promoters who interact with customer support.

Subject: Congratulations on Your Project Completion!

Hi [Customer Name],

We’re delighted to hear that [SaaS Product] helped you successfully complete your recent project. Your positive feedback is greatly appreciated.

As a token of our appreciation, we’d like to offer you an exclusive webinar with our product experts to help you get even more out of our software. Register here: [Webinar Link].

If you have any more feedback or questions, we’re here to help.

Thanks again for your support!


[Your Name]

Customer Success Manager

[SaaS Company]


In BFSI, by engaging your promoters in conversation, you can uncover specific reasons for their loyalty. This deepens your understanding of their financial needs and allows you to tailor future products and services that keep them as satisfied, long-term advocates. You can use the NPS email for:

  • Post-Transaction Follow-Up: Send a thank-you email after a customer completes a transaction and gives a high NPS score.

  • Loan Approval: Send a thank-you email after a customer’s loan application is approved and they give a high NPS score.

  • Online Banking Experience: Send a thank-you email to promoters who use online banking.

  • Insurance Claim Process: Follow up with promoters after they complete an insurance claim.

Subject: Thank You for Your Trust!

Dear [Customer Name],

Thank you for choosing our new investment plan and for your positive feedback. We are pleased to hear that you are satisfied with your decision.

To show our gratitude, we’d like to offer you a personalized portfolio review session with one of our financial advisors. Please reply to this email or call us at [Phone Number] to schedule your session.

We appreciate your trust in us and look forward to assisting you further. If you have any additional feedback, please let us know.

Kind Regards,

[Your Name]

Customer Relationship Manager

[Bank/Insurance Company]

e. Hospitality

In hospitality, follow-up NPS emails open a dialogue to learn about your promoters' favorite stay aspects, allowing you to refine guest experiences and ensure continued positive word-of-mouth promotion. You can use such email for:

  • Post-Stay Follow-Up: Send a thank-you email after a guest stays at your hotel and provides a high NPS score.

  • Loyalty Program Sign-Up: Send a welcome email to guests who join your loyalty program and rate their experience highly.

  • Spa Service Experience: Send a thank-you email to promoters who use spa services.

Subject: Thank You for Attending Our Event!

Hi [Guest Name],

We’re so glad you enjoyed the special event at [Hotel Name]! Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us.

As a thank you, we’d like to offer you a complimentary dinner for two at our hotel restaurant on your next stay. To redeem this offer, simply mention this email when making your reservation.

We look forward to hosting you again soon. If you have any further comments or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

Warm Regards,

[Your Name]

Guest Relations Manager

[Hotel Name]

NPS Follow-Up Email for Passives

Let us look at some follow-up NPS survey email templates that you can use for different use cases, goals/purposes, and industries to gather feedback, show gratitude, and engage your passives.

Based on Use Case

Here are some use cases to send follow up NPS email to passives. Let us look at some of them with their templates.

a. Post-Purchase Follow-Up

NPS passives are a large group who could become promoters. Following up with a friendly email shows you care and helps you understand what would make them love your product. This can improve your offering and turn them into loyal fans.

Subject: Your Feedback Matters - Help Us Improve!

Hi [Customer Name],

Thanks for taking the time to give us a rating on your recent purchase. We appreciate your feedback!

We noticed you gave us a 8 on our Net Promoter Score survey. While we're happy you're not unhappy, we'd love to understand what would make your experience even better and turn you into a raving fan!

Did you have any specific questions or encounter any challenges while using [Product Name]? We're always looking for ways to improve, and your honest feedback is invaluable.

Feel free to reply to this email or give us a call at [Phone Number] to share your thoughts.

In the meantime, here are a few resources you might find helpful:

  • [Link to FAQ Page]

  • [Link to Helpful Blog Post]

Thanks again for your feedback!


The [Your Company Name] Team

b. Competitor Preference Inquiry

If your customers gave you a rating of 7 or 8, the reason might be that they like more than yours a similar product or service provided by one of your competitors. With this email, you can ask them who are your competitors, and how they satisfy them more than you.

Subject: Help Us Improve! Who Stands Out Among Our Competitors?

Hey [Name],

You recently purchased our (Product Name) and rated us 7/10. It's sad for us to know that we could not live up to your expectations. However, we are trying our best to make our customers' experiences awesome and better each day!

If you had to compare us with our competitors, who do you feel is providing better quality and experience? We would love to know your best three and what made them so!

Thank you.


[Name] from [Company Name]

c. Customer Support Interaction

Passives are like undecided voters in your customer base! A quick email after their support interaction shows you care and helps uncover hidden issues they might not have mentioned. This feedback can turn them into promoters and improve your future support experiences!

Subject: How'd we do? Help us improve your support!

Hi [Customer Name],

We hope your recent support interaction with us was helpful. We noticed you gave us a 8. Your feedback is important! Did anything prevent a perfect experience? Let us know how we can be better!


The [Your Company Name] Team

d. Get Suggestions

Passives must have some different expectations from your business, and they can share them in the form of suggestions. When you take suggestions from your customers and make changes to your business as per their advice, they feel connected to your business. With this email, you can ask for suggestions from your customers.

Subject: How'd we do? Help us improve!

Hey [Name],

We are delighted to have you as our customer, and we want to ensure you feel the same. However, if you are disappointed with our products and services, we would like to know how you think we can serve you better.

We would love to get your suggestions so that we can serve you better next time. Your opinion and satisfaction matter to us the most!

Thank you.


[Name] from [Company Name]

Based on Goal

While deciding on the goals for NPS follow-up emails for Passives, you must keep in mind that passives are the most vulnerable customers and tend to churn if they get a better offer from your competitors. So your main goals should be to know what they expect more from your end to delight them and convert them into promoters.

Here are some examples of follow up emails based on goals that you can send to your passive customers.

a. Improving Customer Experience

Understanding the aspects that passives didn't like is crucial for improving customer experience. By sending a follow-up NPS email, you can gather specific feedback, address their concerns, and make targeted improvements, turning a satisfactory experience into an exceptional one.

Subject: Help Us Improve Your Experience, [Customer Name]!

Hey [Customer Name],

Thank you for your recent purchase from [Your Company Name]. We noticed you rated us neutrally, and we’d love to understand how we can improve your experience.

Could you please take a moment to share what aspects of our product/service didn’t fully meet your expectations?

[Survey Link]

Your feedback is invaluable in helping us enhance our offerings and provide the best possible experience.

Thank you for your time and insights!

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Company Name]
[Contact Information]

b. Increasing Engagement

Passives are on the fence, but a little nudge can make a big difference! Following up with an NPS email shows you care and encourages them to interact with your brand. This two-way communication builds trust and opens the door for deeper engagement, leading to a more positive customer journey.

Subject: Stay Connected! We Value Your Feedback.

Hi [Customer Name],

Thank you for sharing your recent NPS score! At [Your Company Name], we're committed to continuous improvement. To keep you in the loop, would you like to receive occasional updates about new features, industry insights, and exclusive offers?

We value your continued engagement.

Best regards,

The [Your Company Name] Team

c. Promoting Advocacy

Passives represent a vast, untapped well of potential brand advocates! A follow-up NPS email helps identify what would make them rave about your service. By addressing their concerns and exceeding their expectations, you can turn them into loyal promoters who recommend you to their network, driving organic growth and brand loyalty.

Subject: Help Us Serve You Better!

Hi [Customer Name],

Your recent NPS score (of [NPS Score]) tells us you see potential in [Your Company Name]. We'd love to understand how we can turn you into a raving fan! What would make your experience truly exceptional?

Your advocacy matters.

Sincerely, The [Your Company Name] Team

d. Customer Retention

Passives might not be at risk of immediate churn, but they're also not actively invested in your brand. Following up with an NPS email shows you value their business and opens a dialogue to understand their needs better. Addressing their concerns and exceeding their expectations fosters a stronger customer relationship, ultimately increasing retention and customer lifetime value.

Subject: Your Experience Matters - Let's Keep Things Great!

Hi [Customer Name],

Thank you for taking the time to provide your NPS feedback. We value your business and want to ensure you have a consistently positive experience with [Your Company Name].

Is there anything we can do to improve your experience and keep you as a valued customer?

We're here to listen.

Best regards,

The [Your Company Name] Team

Based on Industry

Here are some NPS follow up email templates for different industries that you can use to connect with your passives.

a. Retail

Passives in retail represent a large group who haven't formed a strong brand preference. Following up can nudge them towards becoming loyal customers. You can use a follow up email to understand:

  • Abandoned Cart Recovery: Reconnect with passives who abandoned carts and understand what prevented a purchase.

  • Product Recommendation: Based on purchase history, suggest complementary products to passives and improve their overall experience.

  • Win-Back Campaigns: Design targeted email campaigns with exclusive offers for passives who haven't purchased in a while to re-engage them.

Here's an NPS follow up email that you can share with your passives to improve their shopping experience.

Subject: Help Us Improve Your Shopping Experience, [Customer Name]!

Hey [Customer Name],

Thank you for shopping with [Your Retail Company Name]. We noticed you gave us a neutral rating in your recent feedback, and we’d love to understand how we can make your shopping experience better.

Could you please share what aspects of our service didn’t fully meet your expectations and how we can improve?

Your feedback will help us enhance our products and services to better meet your needs.

Thank you for your time and insights!

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Retail Company Name]
[Contact Information]

b. Healthcare

Passives in healthcare might be satisfied but haven't experienced exceptional care. Follow-ups can identify areas for improvement.

  • Preventative Care Reminders: Personalize reminders for checkups or screenings based on passives' medical history and encourage online scheduling for convenience.

  • Feedback on New Services: Incentivize passives to provide detailed feedback on recently launched services through surveys or contests to gain valuable insights.

  • Telehealth Options: Highlight the availability of telehealth consultations for passives who might value remote healthcare access.

Here's a follow up NPS email that you can share with your passives to get feedback on their recent visit.

Subject: We Value Your Feedback on Your Recent Visit, [Customer Name]!

Hey [Customer Name],

Thank you for visiting [Your Healthcare Provider Name]. We noticed you rated your experience neutrally in your recent feedback, and we’d like to understand how we can improve our care and services.

Could you please take a moment to share what we could have done better during your visit?

Your feedback is crucial in helping us provide the best possible care for all our patients.

Thank you for your time and insights!

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Healthcare Provider Name]
[Contact Information]

c. SaaS

Passives in SaaS haven't fully utilized the product's potential. Follow-ups can uncover roadblocks and unlock their full value.

  • Feature Adoption Encouragement: Offer in-app tutorials or product tours specifically tailored to the features passives haven't used, showcasing their benefits with real-world examples.

  • Usage-Based Onboarding: Provide passives with step-by-step guides or video tutorials based on their limited usage patterns to help them get the most out of the product.

  • Community Engagement: Encourage passives to join user communities or forums to connect with other users, ask questions, and discover new product functionalities.

Here's a follow up template that you can send to your passive customers to enhance their product knowledge.

Subject: Get the Most Out of [Your SaaS Product]!

Hi [Customer Name],

Thanks for your feedback (score: [NPS Score]). We're always looking for ways to improve your experience with [Your SaaS Product]. We noticed you haven't explored all the features yet.

We have a comprehensive library of tutorials, webinars, and how-to guides to help you unlock the full potential of our product. Additionally, our friendly customer support team is always happy to answer any questions you might have.

Would you like us to recommend some resources tailored to your specific needs?


The [Your SaaS Company]

Customer Success Team


Passives in BFSI haven't fully explored your financial solutions. Follow-ups can personalize offerings and address any underlying concerns.

  • Product Education Follow-Up: Schedule personalized consultations with financial advisors to educate passives about relevant products or services based on their financial goals and risk tolerance.

  • Fee Transparency: Offer clear and concise breakdowns of fees associated with specific products or services, and provide easy access to FAQs or explainer videos to address any lingering doubts.

  • Streamlined Applications: Simplify the application process for new financial products or services for passives who might be hesitant due to complex procedures.

Here's a follow up email that you can send to your NPS passives to aware them of the new services you recently launched.

Subject: Did You Know? Exciting New Services at [Your Bank/Insurance Company]!

Hi [Customer Name],

Thank you for your feedback (score: [NPS Score]). We're always innovating to better serve your financial needs.

We recently launched [Name of New Service], a service designed to [Briefly explain the benefit]. We believe this could be a valuable solution for you based on your past banking activity.

Would you like to learn more about how [Name of New Service] can benefit you?

Kind Regards,

The [Your Bank/Insurance Company] Team

e. Hospitality

Passives in hospitality had a decent stay but haven't become loyal guests. Follow-ups can identify areas for improvement and encourage repeat visits.

  • Personalized Offers: Based on their stay preferences and any feedback provided, send passives targeted promotions for room upgrades, spa treatments, or other experiences during their next visit.

  • Addressing Specific Concerns: Proactively reach out to passives who mentioned minor issues and offer solutions or compensation to demonstrate that their feedback is valued.

  • Loyalty Program Incentives: Highlight the benefits of your loyalty program to passives, including exclusive discounts, reward points, or priority booking options to incentivize them to become repeat guests.

Here's an NPS survey template for follow up that you can share with passives to enhance their stay experience.

Subject: We Want to Make Your Next Stay Even Better, [Customer Name]!

Hi [Customer Name],

Thank you for choosing [Your Hotel Name] for your recent stay. We noticed your feedback was neutral, and we’re keen to learn how we can enhance your experience.

Could you share with us what aspects of your stay didn't fully meet your expectations? Your feedback will help us improve and provide an exceptional experience for you next time.

We appreciate your time and insights.

Best wishes,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Hotel Name]
[Contact Information]

NPS Follow-Up Email for Detractors

Let us look at some follow-up NPS survey email templates that you can use to send to your detractors and gather feedback.

Based on Use Case

Here are some use cases to send follow up NPS email to detractors. Let us look at some of them with their templates.

a. Service or Product Issue Resolution

NPS detractors who experience service or product issues can damage your brand reputation. Following up with an NPS email shows you care and want to resolve their problem. Addressing their concerns quickly and efficiently minimizes churn and fosters positive word-of-mouth.

Subject: We're Here to Help - Resolving Your Recent Issue

Hi [Customer Name],

Thank you for your feedback. We're truly sorry to hear you encountered a service/product issue with [Your Company Name]. We take such matters seriously and apologize for any inconvenience caused.

We'd like to understand the details of your experience to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. Could you please provide a brief description of the problem you faced?

Our dedicated support team is here to assist you. You can reply to this email, call us at [Phone Number], or visit our support page at [Support Page Link].

We're committed to regaining your trust and ensuring your satisfaction.


The [Your Company Name] Team

b. Schedule Direct contact

Your customers may not answer what they hated about their experience. Maybe they can better explain and share their bad experience with you over a direct call or chat. A personal conversation will help you understand better about their issues and resolve them in a better way. You can use this email to ask to schedule a call or chat to understand their concerns better.

Subject: Your Feedback Matters: Can We Schedule a Call to Discuss?

Hey [Name],

We always put in the best of our efforts to provide the best products and services to our customers. However, we noticed that something went wrong, and you rated us 5/10 yesterday. We are not sure what went wrong and want to understand where we missed to live up to your expectations.

Can you please give us a few minutes of your time for a short call, somewhere this week, where we get to know better where things went wrong and make things better for you?

Thank you.


[Name] from [Company Name]

c. Apologize and Improve Experience

If your customers have gone through a negative experience with your brand, you should apologize for it, especially when you know that there is a fault at your end. Further, you should genuinely try to improve their experience and should convey this to your customers. You can do this with the help of this email.

Subject: We're Sorry! Improving Your Experience with [Product Name]

Hey [Name],

We noticed that you were disappointed with our (Product name) and rated it 5/10. We read your feedback and got to know about the defect in the product. We sincerely apologize for your bad experience and are putting in our best efforts to make things right for you.

We have dispatched the new product for exchange which should arrive by tomorrow. Request you to hand over the faulty (product name) to our representative and receive the new product. We have double-checked it on our part and assure you that you will not face such an issue again.

We are happy to bear the exchange and delivery charges. Feel free to contact us in case of any concern.

Thank you.


[Name] from [Company Name]

d. Customer Support Interaction

Following up with detractors on their customer support interaction shows you care about their negative experiences and actively seek solutions. Addressing their concerns directly fosters trust, helps improve your support processes, and potentially turns a detractor into a neutral or even promoter customer.

Subject: We Heard You - Let's Make Things Right!

Hey [Customer Name],

Thank you for contacting [Your Company Name] support and for sharing your recent NPS feedback. We're truly sorry to hear you weren't satisfied with your recent support experience.

We take all customer feedback seriously, especially negative experiences. We'd like to understand how your interaction with our support team fell short of your expectations.

Would you be willing to share more details about your recent support interaction? This will help us identify areas for improvement and ensure we can provide the exceptional support you deserve.

Our team is committed to regaining your trust and resolving any outstanding issues.


The [Your Company Name] Team

e. Understand Competitor Preference

When you get detractors, you should also try to research who your competitors are in the market and how they are serving the customers better than you. In this way, you will know more about the changes you need to make in your business to satisfy your customers. You can use this email to get this information and utilize it to improve your business and Customer Experiences.

Subject: Help Us Improve! Tell Us About Your Preferred Brands

Hey [Name],

You rated us 6/10 a few days ago. We feel sad to know that we could not make it up to your expectations.

Would you please tell us if there is any specific aspect to improve and serve you better? Would you mind conveying some examples of companies that you think are doing a better job? We would love to know and try implementing things as you like.

Thank you.


[Name] from [Company Name]

f. Feature Usage

Detractors with low feature usage might not be getting the full value from your product or service. Following up with an NPS email shows you care and helps identify potential issues hindering feature adoption.

Subject: Get the Most Out of [Your Product Name]!

Dear [Customer Name],

Thank you for your recent NPS feedback (score: [NPS Score]). We noticed you haven't used some of the key features in [Your Product Name]. We'd love to understand how we can improve your experience.

Are there any specific features you're having trouble with? Perhaps you weren't aware of their full potential or needed additional support getting started.

We're here to help! We can offer personalized training or resources to ensure you're utilizing all the benefits of [Your Product Name].

Would you be open to a quick call or a personalized walkthrough of some of our most valuable features?

We're committed to your success and want to ensure you have a positive experience with our product.


The [Your Company Name] Team

g. Subscription Cancellation

Detractor feedback after a subscription cancellation is critical for understanding why customers leave and preventing future churn. Following up shows you care about lost customers and actively seek ways to improve. By addressing their concerns and potentially offering solutions, you might salvage the relationship and win them back in the future.

Subject: We're Sorry to See You Go - Feedback Appreciated

Hey [Customer Name],

Thank you for sharing your recent NPS feedback and for informing us of your decision to cancel your subscription. We're truly sorry to see you go.

We take all feedback seriously, especially from departing customers. Understanding why you decided to cancel is crucial for us to improve our service.

Would you be willing to share some details about your experience that led to your decision? Your honest feedback will help us address any shortcomings and improve our offerings for future customers.

Perhaps there's something we can do to address your concerns and convince you to stay. We're open to exploring options that might better suit your needs.


The [Your Company Name] Team

Based on Goal

Detractors are the customers that you should focus on the most. They are the most dissatisfied customers and tend to churn quickly. They are also most likely to share their negative experiences with others. So you must keep in mind that the primary goal while sending NPS follow-up emails to your detractors is to stop them from churning and bring them back by genuinely improving their experience.

a. Identifying Pain Points

After receiving a bad rating from a detractor, your main aim should be to know why they gave such a negative rating that made them detractors. With the help of this email, you can ask them what they don't like about your business, products, or services.

Subject: Tell Us What We Can Do Better

Hey [Name],

We noticed that you were disappointed with our services as you rated them 4/10 a couple of days ago. Our sincere apologies for your bad experience. We will do our best to improve your experience.

Could you please tell us what went wrong to help us fix up all your concerns?

Thank you.


[Name] from [Company Name]

b. Improving Product/Service Quality

Detractors are unhappy customers who can reveal blind spots in your product or service. Following up shows you care and helps you understand what went wrong. By addressing their concerns and fixing those issues, you can improve your offering for everyone.

Subject: We Heard You - Let's Make Things Right

Hey [Customer Name],

Thank you for your feedback (score: [NPS Score]). We're sorry to hear you weren't satisfied with your recent experience.

We take all feedback seriously, and your comments will help us improve. Can you tell us more about what went wrong?


The [Your Company Name] Team

c. Retain Customers

Retaining old customers is a profitable thing to do, as you know it's five times cost-effective than attracting new ones. To counter their negative experiences, you can offer your customers something that reduces their dissatisfaction and makes them happy. With an email like this, you can try offering them something to calm them down and win them again.

Subject: Special Offer to Make Things Right!

Hey [Name],

We got to know about your bad experience with delivering our products a few days back, on which you rated us 5/10. We put in our best efforts and fixed things up for you. However, we apologize for all the hustle you went through and truly feel bad about it.

As an apology gesture, we offer you free delivery for the next six months on any of our products as compensation. We hope you will like this and give us more opportunities to serve you. Feel free to contact us in case of any concern.

Thank you.


[Name] from [Company Name]

d. Reducing Churn

Detractor feedback is a goldmine for preventing churn. They're unhappy customers who might leave if their issues aren't addressed. Following up shows you care and opens a dialogue. By understanding their problems and offering solutions, you can win them back and prevent them from churning.

Subject: We Value Your Feedback - Let's Fix This Together!

Dear [Customer Name],

Thank you for your recent NPS feedback (score: [NPS Score]). We're sorry to hear that you're not happy with your experience at [Your Company Name].

Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us. We take all concerns seriously and want to understand what went wrong. Would you be willing to share more details about your experience?

We're committed to making things right and regaining your trust. Let us know how we can improve and keep your business.


The [Your Company Name] Team

Based on Industry

Based on the industry you belong to, you can tailor these NPS follow-up emails to resonate more effectively. Let us look at each of them.

a. Retail

Detractors in retail can reveal blind spots in your product quality, pricing strategy, or customer service approach. Following up allows you to unearth valuable insights to drive product innovation and enhance the customer experience.

  • Addressing Product Issues: Reach out to detractors who mentioned product quality concerns. Offer replacements, refunds, or store credit to rectify the situation and encourage them to reconsider your brand.

  • Price Negotiation: For price-related complaints, explore offering discounts, coupons, or loyalty program benefits to detractors to improve their perception of value.

  • Customer Service Recovery: Proactively apologize to detractors who had negative customer service experiences. Offer personalized solutions and highlight efforts being made to improve service quality.

Here's a follow up email that you can send to your detractors to get feedback on product designs in your retail segment.

Subject: Help Us Improve Your Shopping Experience!

Hi [Customer Name],

Thank you for your recent NPS feedback (score: [NPS Score]). We're sorry to hear you weren't completely satisfied with your recent shopping experience.

At [Your Retail Company Name], we're constantly innovating to meet the evolving needs of our customers. We noticed you haven't purchased any of our latest product lines. We'd love to hear your thoughts on some of our new designs.

Would you be interested in participating in a quick survey about your preferences for [product category]? Your insights would be invaluable in helping us develop products that resonate with customers like you.

As a token of appreciation for your time, we'd like to offer you a [discount/promotion] on your next purchase.


The [Your Retail Company Name] Team

b. Healthcare

Detractors in healthcare can expose inefficiencies in wait times, communication protocols, or treatment approaches. Use their feedback to transform the patient journey and improve overall healthcare delivery.

  • Addressing Long Wait Times: Apologize for long wait times and explain any extenuating circumstances. Offer solutions like appointment scheduling reminders or improved communication tools to minimize future delays.

  • Addressing Communication Issues: Engage with detractors who felt unheard or poorly informed. Gather details about their concerns and demonstrate a commitment to improved communication with doctors and staff.

  • Treatment Feedback Follow-Up: Reach out to detractors who experienced unsatisfactory treatment outcomes. Offer to connect them with relevant specialists for further evaluation or discuss alternative treatment options.

Here's an NPS follow up email you can send to address the lack of patient appointment flexibility for which customers turned into detractors.

Subject: Making Appointments Easier for You!

Hi [Patient Name],

Thank you for your recent NPS feedback (score: [NPS Score]). We take all patient feedback seriously, and we appreciate you letting us know about your experience.

We understand the importance of appointment flexibility, and we apologize if our scheduling options weren't convenient for you. We're excited to announce that we've launched a new online appointment booking system that allows you to schedule appointments 24/7 from the comfort of your home. Additionally, we've extended our office hours to accommodate a wider range of patient schedules.

Would you like to learn more about our new online booking system and explore available appointment times for your next visit?


The [Your Healthcare Facility] Team

c. SaaS

Detractors in SaaS can expose usability issues, lack of desired features, or technical glitches. Use their feedback to unveil the path to product excellence and ensure your offering meets the evolving needs of your users.

  • Troubleshooting Technical Issues: Offer personalized support to detractors experiencing technical difficulties. Provide clear troubleshooting steps, access to dedicated support channels, or potential workarounds.

  • Addressing Feature Concerns: Listen to detractors who feel the product lacks necessary features. Explain development plans or offer alternative solutions while considering their feedback for future updates.

  • User Experience Improvement: Analyze user data from detractors who struggled with product usability. Conduct targeted user interviews to understand pain points and implement changes to enhance user experience.

Here's a detractor NPS follow up email that you can use to help your detractors make the most out of your product.

Subject: Get the Most Out of [Your SaaS Product]!

Dear [Customer Name],

Thank you for your feedback! We're committed to providing a user-friendly experience for all our customers. We noticed in your feedback that you might be encountering challenges with some of our advanced features.

To help you unlock the full potential of [Your SaaS Product], we'd like to offer you a personalized walkthrough of the features you mentioned. Our dedicated customer success team can tailor a session to your specific needs and answer any questions you might have.

Would you be interested in scheduling a 30-minute call with a customer success representative?

Best regards,

The [Your SaaS Company] Customer Success Team


Detractors in BFSI can reveal frustrations with fees, account management, or loan application processes. Use follow-ups to build bridges of financial trust and address their anxieties.

  • Fee Transparency Clarification: For detractors confused about fees, offer detailed explanations and a breakdown of associated charges. Provide clear communication about future fee changes.

  • Account Management Improvement: Address concerns about poor account management by offering dedicated financial advisors or improved self-service options.

  • Loan Application Review: Review applications from detractors who had a negative experience. Identify reasons for rejection and address them to improve future application processes.

Here's a follow up email you can send to address inconsistent online banking experience with your detractors.

Subject: Streamlining Your Online Banking Experience!

Dear [Customer Name],

Thank you for your feedback. We're always striving to improve your online banking experience at [Your Bank Name].

We understand the frustration of encountering inconsistencies while navigating online banking tools. We're currently working on a major website redesign focused on improving user experience and functionality.

In the meantime, would you be willing to participate in a brief user testing session to help us identify areas for improvement? Your feedback would be invaluable in shaping the future of our online banking platform.

As a thank you for participating, we'll enter you into a drawing for a [reward].


The [Your Bank Name] Digital Banking Team

e. Hospitality

Detractors in hospitality can illuminate issues with room cleanliness, service quality, or amenities. Utilize their feedback to cultivate lasting guest relationships and constantly improve the hospitality experience.

  • Addressing Room Issues: Offer immediate rectification for detractors who had issues with cleanliness or amenities. Provide compensation or upgrades for future stays to demonstrate your commitment to guest satisfaction.

  • Service Recovery for Staff Interactions: Apologize to detractors who had negative interactions with staff. Offer additional service or amenities to improve their perception and encourage them to return.

  • Feedback on New Amenities: For detractors who disliked specific amenities, gather detailed feedback to understand their preferences. Consider modifications or offer alternative options to cater to a wider range of guest needs.

Here's a Net Promoter Score nps survey email for follow up that you can send to address limited local activity recommendations to your detractors.

Subject: Explore the Best of [City Name]!

Dear [Guest Name],

Thank you for your recent NPS feedback. We're committed to making your stay at [Your Hotel Name] enjoyable and enriching.

We noticed your feedback about limited recommendations for local activities. We're always looking for ways to enhance the guest experience beyond our hotel walls. We've recently partnered with local businesses to offer exclusive discounts and curated experiences for our guests.

Would you like us to send you a personalized list of recommended activities based on your interests? We're confident we can help you discover hidden gems and make the most of your time in [City Name].

Best Regards,

The [Your Hotel Name] Concierge Team

Best Practices to Create NPS Survey Email for Follow Up

Following certain practices can enhance the impact of your follow up NPS email and increase survey response rates. Here are some that you must keep in mind while sending your NPS email.

  • Set Clear Goals: Knowing your goal (e.g., understanding pain points, reducing churn, improving product quality) helps tailor your email content and track success.

  • Use Personalized Subject Lines: A generic email subject line often gets ignored. Use customer names, reference scores, or mention specific areas of feedback to grab their attention and increase response rate.

  • Timing is Key: Strike a balance between urgency and respecting their time. Aim for follow-up within a week, but adjust based on the feedback severity.

  • Offer Multiple Response Options: Provide easy ways to respond beyond just replying to the email. Include options like an NPS email survey link, phone call, or a quick click-through response button.

  • Highlight Actionable Steps: Demonstrate you take their feedback seriously. Briefly outline any actions being taken based on their input to show a commitment to improvement.

  • End with a Clear Call to Action: Clearly state what you'd like them to do next. This could be a call to action for further feedback, a request to schedule a call, or an invitation to participate in a solution.

How Does Zonka Feedback Help in Following Up with Your Customers?

Zonka Feedback is a powerful tool that enables you to effectively follow up with your customers after collecting Net Promoter Score (NPS) feedback. By leveraging its powerful features, you can streamline your follow-up process, engage with your customers, and turn insights into actionable improvements.

Here’s how Zonka Feedback can enhance your NPS survey emails and follow-up strategy:

  • Follow-up Email Methods: With Zonka Feedback, you get the freedom to send out NPS email surveys through various methods, enhancing your reach and engagement. This includes survey buttons or links, survey embedding, and in signature surveys within your follow-up emails.

  • Automating Follow-Up Actions: Zonka Feedback’s workflow designer is a powerful tool for automating follow-up actions based on NPS responses. You can set up automated workflows that trigger specific actions when customers respond to NPS surveys.

  • Segmented & Targeted Follow-Ups: Using Zonka Feedback, you can segment your customer base and target follow-up emails based on specific criteria such as NPS scores, customer behavior, and demographics. This ensures that follow-up communications are relevant and timely.

  • Customizable Workflows: Design closed-loop workflows that trigger actions based on NPS scores and feedback. For example, set up workflows to notify team members of negative feedback, ensuring timely resolution of customer issues.

  • Multi-Channel Feedback Programs: Zonka Feedback supports multi-channel feedback programs, allowing you to distribute NPS surveys and and follow up on feedback through various channels such as email, SMS, WhatsApp, web widgets, and in-app surveys. This ensures that customers can provide feedback through their preferred communication channel, enhancing response rates and the overall customer experience.

  • Analytics and Reporting: It offers robust analytics and reporting tools that allow you to track and analyze your NPS follow up data. You can generate detailed reports, filter data by various attributes, and visualize trends over time. This helps in making data-driven decisions to enhance customer satisfaction.

  • Closing the Feedback Loop: Zonka Feedback excels in helping businesses close the feedback loop effectively. By using the platform’s centralized response inbox and collaborative tools, teams can respond to customer feedback promptly and track the resolution process.Workflows and Automation (1)


By sending targeted NPS follow-up emails, you can close the feedback loop, personalize customer communication, address concerns, and turn customers into brand advocates. This will not only improve customer satisfaction and loyalty but also generate valuable insights to propel continuous improvement within your organization.

With NPS software like Zonka feedback, you can elevate your NPS follow-up strategy by automating tedious tasks and providing valuable insights. Its powerful features like NPS automation, advanced segmentation, customizable workflows, sentiment analysis, and more can help you unlock the full potential of NPS follow-up emails, turning customer feedback into a springboard for continuous improvement and long-term customer relationships.

Ready to take action?

Sign up for a free trial to experience the power of automated NPS follow-up emails and see how it can help you transform customer feedback into actionable insights!

Nikhil Dawer

Written by Nikhil Dawer

Jul 22, 2024

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