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Real-Time Feedback Notifications that your Company Needs

Our feedback platform is all set to collect feedbacks? Good. It captures feedbacks in the moment. Great! What's next? Is that all you're doing - capturing feedback and nothing after? Then what's the feedback being captured for? Real-time feedbacks have no essence whatsoever if you're only capturing feedback in real-time but not really addressing them in real-time. If you're not really 'listening' to the feedbacks, you might as well not take feedback at all. We're serious - at least it will save you and the customer a whole lot of time and effort and money!

Streamline Customer Feedback Management with Actionable Insights

Build omnichannel experience for your customers and collect feedback throughout customer journey to improve satisfaction, loyalty, and engagement with Zonka Feedback.

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In Zonka Feedback - the feedback management app, custom notifications can be set which help curb the turbulence in the customer experience by reporting and addressing the same in real-time.

In this guide, you’ll learn the types of alerts and notifications available and tips to ideally set up them in Zonka for closing the feedback loop.


Types of Alerts and Notifications Available in Zonka


Alerts are the instant emails or SMSes that are sent to the registered email id or registered mobile phone number. You can set two types of response alerts -

SMS & Email Alerts for New Response

In this alert, the details of a new response received will be sent to the registered email address or mobile number instantly. The user can choose between short or detailed alerts; where short alerts have limited details and detailed alerts have all survey questions.

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SMS & Email Alerts for Low-rating Response

In this alert, the details of a new low rating response received will be sent to the registered email address or registered mobile number instantly. The user can choose between short or detailed low rating alert email. Short and detailed work exactly the same as in new responses wherein short alerts have some limited details about the feedback and the detailed alerts have all details including all survey questions and their answers. 


The SMS alerts are crucial for the on-duty staff as well as the managers because these help them to identify an unpleasant customer experience, right at the moment that it happens, which they can acknowledge and probably resolve on the premises too.

Task Updates via Email

In order to resolve customer issues, complaints and follow-up with them ‘tasks’ can be created and assigned in Zonka’s collaborative response manager to be accomplished by the team/staff collectively.

Email me when a Task is Assigned by me

You can assign a task to anyone in the staff and to yourself too. You can select this option if you want to receive an email whenever you assign a task to someone or to yourself. 

Email me When a Task is Assigned to me

Other people like the manager or fellow staff members can also assign tasks. Select this option if you want to receive an email as soon as a task is assigned to you by any staff member or yourself.

Email me when a Task is Due

Select this option to receive an email update of the tasks that are due for that particular period.

Task update summaries can be set as you like - Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.

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Feedback Summaries & Digests

Digests are the summary of feedback and survey data. The feedback data captured is summarized into a digest which Zonka automatically emails to you (every evening or morning).  All the digests are location-wise and survey-wise (if you have multiple locations or surveys set up). Enable daily, weekly or monthly email digests which provide a crisp overview of the responses without you having to log into Zonka reporting at all.

Types of Feedback Digests

Quick Trends

Gives you a super quick idea of your day, week or month in comparison to the previous period highlighting the upward or downgrade trend.

Short Daily Summary f

Quick Trends with Comments

Same as the Quick Trends digest which gives you the comparison between present day, week or month with the previous period but with open-ended comments, as entered by the survey respondents.

Detailed Feedback Digest

Detailed Feedback Digest gives you the Quick Trends report and in addition, provides an analysis and comparison of each question with the previous period.

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 Detailed Feedback Digest with Comments

Detailed Feedback Digest gives you the Quick Trends report and in addition, provides an analysis and comparison of each question with the previous period. Open-ended comments as entered by the respondents are also provided.

How Alerts and Notifications should Ideally be Set

Based on our experience working with many companies spread over various industries we have zeroed down to an ideal set of alerts and notification settings which can be set by the users. Needless to say that setting up the notifications and alerts depend upon the type of business, organization structure, and many other factors but users can choose to set alerts in the manner we have prescribed to kick-start with receiving feedback alerts on their devices. We have recommended the alerts to be set hierarchy-wise and based on the person's level of involvement with the customers.

On-duty Staff

The on-duty staff is closest to the customers. They hold the power to turn the table around for the customers. The staff gradually should be given enough permission and authority so that they can become self-sufficient in not only collecting feedbacks but resolving customer issues and ensuring proper follow ups. Thus, along with the SMS and email updates of the responses they should be given the access to the detailed digests gradually over a period of time. Also, the staff should be trained not to get startled by a negative feedback rather treat it as an opportunity to improve and deepen their relationship with the critic.

Suggested Survey & Feedback Notifications and Alerts for On-Duty Staff

  • Real-time Email notifications for - 
    • New Feedback
    • Negative Feedback
  • Real-time SMS Alert for -
    • New Feedback
    • Negative Feedback
  • Daily, Weekly and Monthly Task Summary Emails for facilitating quicker resolutions

You can set up email alerts for all feedbacks including negative feedbacks to stay in the loop.

Managers and Process Owners

The high-level positions in the hierarchy consist of the Managers and process owners. They tend to play a key role in feedback management process. Though other staff members are the ones who are closely connected with the customers the accountability always lies with the manager. A manager should ideally receive the alerts for the negative feedbacks so that he can immediately get notified and then handle the situation accordingly. At such times, he can also assign tasks to the staff members to be accomplished by a due date. He should be entitled to receive the detailed digests so that he can keep an eye on the daily feedback trends and customer’s sentiments about the business as a whole.

Suggested Survey & Feedback Notifications and Alerts for Managers & Process Owners

  • Real-time email alerts for all low rating feedbacks in order to initiate corrective actions.
  • Set SMS updates for all low rating feedbacks to ensure quicker resolutions.
  • Set Digests with detailed feedback trends + comments to be delivered daily.


The involvement of the management in the feedback process depends highly on the frequency of feedbacks received by the business and the business type. The businesses which receive say 200+ feedbacks every day, the new response or negative response alerts would obviously bug the management. They rather can opt in to receive the detailed digests monthly or weekly and have a feedback or performance review session based on the same. While other businesses where the size of the business is small and they receive comparatively fewer feedbacks, the management can opt in to receive daily and weekly feedback trends and digests.

Suggested Survey & Feedback Notifications and Alerts for Management

  • Digests with detailed feedback trends + comments to be delivered weekly and monthly basis
  • Email updates for all the tasks pending on weekly and monthly basis

Setting up notifications and alerts in the right manner is not only important for the people in the organization but also for key stakeholders - to really hear what the customers are saying and to take some real action - people who can ensure that issues are resolved or at least feedbacks are addressed to and customers are reassured that someone is really listening. Of course, a miffed customer who has left some feedback expects some action, but even a happy customer gets even happier when his feedback gets acknowledged. And none of this is possible if you’re only capturing real-time feedback but not really setting up any notifications and alerts to hear the feedback in real-time.

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Team Zonka

Written by Team Zonka

Aug 01, 2017

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