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How to Track Product Suggestions from your Customers [A Guide]

The success of your product depends on it being the best solution for the customers’ problems. If your product is able to solve customers’ problems and fulfill their needs, they will keep using it. But if it doesn’t do that, it will become worthless for them. But how would you know what your customers’ problems are and how they expect your product to solve them? By listening to the voice of the customers.

And how would you do that? The answer is, through Product Feedback. You often receive feedback in the form of customers’ issues, complaints, feature requests, reviews and ratings and product suggestions via different teams like the Sales team, Marketing team, Customer Success team, etc.

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The key is to collect the feedback timely and in a well-organized manner, analyze it, work on it to satisfy the customers, and utilize product suggestions to improve your products and make better product decisions. In this article, we will explore how you can track and utilize product suggestions from your customers to make better products and this helps you to enhance Customer Satisfaction and growth.

Here is the Step-by-step guide to do this. Let’s get started!

Steps to Track Product Suggestions from your Customers

  1. Collect Product Feedback through Surveys
  2. Identify other sources of Product Suggestions
  3. Centralize your Feedback in one place
  4. Analyze Feedback and track Product Suggestions
  5. Create a Product Roadmap considering Product Suggestions
  6. Use Suggestions in the Product Development Process

Let’s learn how to follow these steps of tracking and using Product Suggestions.

1. Collect Product Feedback through Surveys

The first step to tracking Product Suggestions is to collect Product Feedback from your customers. The best way to collect it is to create Product Feedback Surveys with the help of a Product Feedback Tool and share them with your customers. You can use multiple channels to share your surveys like email, SMS, website widgets, popups, slideouts, and feedback buttons.

Ask questions from your users about their experience with your product and give them an open-ended space to share their suggestions. With open-ended Product Feedback Questions, you provide your users with an opportunity to share their insights in their own words and suggest you what they feel about how your product should be. This helps you gain Product Suggestions from your customers and achieve better product-market fit.

Open-ended Product Feedback Survey to collect product suggestions

2. Identify other Sources of your Product Suggestions

Apart from Product Feedback obtained through surveys, there are some other sources too where you can find customers’ feedback and suggestions related to your product. The next step is to identify such sources and find suggestions through them.

These sources can be customer complaints, requests and feature requests in your CRM; online ratings and customer reviews on aggregator platforms like G2, Capterra, and GetApp; likes, dislikes, and comments on social media websites; and more. To track your product suggestions, you need to keep a track of feedback about your product from these sources.

Moreover, you can also use Product Analytics to obtain Customer Feedback. The customer data of product usage gives you a fair idea of how customers use your product and what they use more often, what they want, and where they stopped going ahead. All this information can be utilized to extract the hidden suggestions and expectations of your customers.

3. Centralize your feedback in one place

Now, you need to bring together all the feedback in one place to extract valuable suggestions for your product. You can do this in a spreadsheet or Excel file but we won’t recommend this, the reason being, it will cost long and tedious manual work, and that too with the chance of human errors.

A better way is to use such a Product Feedback software that not only helps you collect feedback but also enables you to get timely feedback reports. You can use a tool like Zonka Feedback which has powerful dashboard and reporting capabilities to fetch you actionable feedback reports of various kinds like Snapshot report, survey metric reports like NPS, CES, and CSAT reports, Trends report, Locational-wise feedback reports, and more.

Moreover, to bring product suggestions and feedback data from other sources than surveys, you can use powerful Integrations of the tool like integration with Zendesk,  Freshdesk, Hubspot, Salesforce, and more to map valuable feedback data from your CRM to your Product Feedback tool in one place.

Product Feedback Snapshot Report to track product suggestions from customers

4. Analyze Feedback and Track Product Suggestions

The next step is to analyze the feedback data. By analyzing feedback data and trends, you can uncover hidden suggestions from your product users. Look for what customers want and what they feel is missing in your product. You may find various feature requests, feature update requests, and other suggestions.

Extract these suggestions and see which are practical or which you can’t help, so that you have meaningful data in your hand on which you need to work in the next step.

5. Create a Product Roadmap considering Product Suggestions

The next step is to utilize the user suggestions and Product Feedback to influence the Product Roadmap you are going to create. A Product Roadmap outlines your vision, your priorities, short-term and long-term product goals, and the direction to achieve those goals.

When you have opinions and suggestions from your product users, you have a clear idea as to what should be your product goals and how you should work in the direction to achieve those goals. Utilize this information to create an effective Product Roadmap to follow the right path to developing and improving your products.

6. Use Suggestions in the Product Development Process

When you have created a Product Roadmap, the next step is to follow the roadmap and use the Product Suggestions to develop such products that provide maximum satisfaction to its users. Add the features that need to be added, and remove flaws and bugs wherever required in your existing product.

If you are developing a new product, develop it in accordance with what users actually require and present them with a product they’d love. In this way, you can track and utilize Product Suggestions from your customers to develop and improve your product and make it successful.


A good Product-market fit is necessary for your product to be successful. Product Feedback and suggestions are the way to know how much your product fits in the market. In order to achieve the goal of making your product a good market fit, you need to collect feedback and follow customers’ suggestions to make your product better.

You should use a good Product Feedback Tool to collect feedback and suggestions from customers. Zonka Feedback is one of the best Product Feedback Tools that you can use not only to collect Product Feedback through surveys but also from other sources like your CRM through its powerful integrations. Its advanced reporting capabilities help you create actionable reports and take action on feedback and suggestions to develop products that your customers love.

It also offers a free trial for 7 days. Try it for free and see how it works for your product.

Nikhil Dawer

Written by Nikhil Dawer

Nov 21, 2022

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