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Use NPS Survey Email to Boost Customer Loyalty

Create NPS email surveys and gather valuable customer insights with Zonka Feedback. Embed NPS surveys, automate distribution, segment customers, and take action to close the feedback loop.

NPS email survey

How to Craft the Perfect NPS Email Survey for Your Business? (With Examples)

Did you know that 96% of unhappy customers don’t complain, but 91% of them will simply leave? This startling statistic underscores a critical issue: silent dissatisfaction can erode your customer base without you even realizing it. 

Many customers simply don't feel comfortable voicing their frustrations. They might not want to waste your time, or they might fear their concerns will fall on deaf ears.  The result? A disconnect between your enterprise and the very people who fuel its success.

This disconnect is why staying attuned to your base is crucial. But how can you clearly understand customer sentiment and prevent churn?

Enter NPS email surveys!

NPS email surveys bridge the gap by offering a strategic and efficient way to gather valuable insights directly from your customers' inboxes.

But crafting an effective NPS email survey isn't just about sending a generic message. It's about creating an engaging experience that compels customers to participate and share their honest feedback. What are the key elements that make an NPS email survey effective? How can you ensure high response rates and actionable insights?

In this blog, we will explore the essentials of creating an NPS email survey that resonates with your audience. From designing engaging questions to implementing best practices, we’ll cover everything you need to know to turn customer feedback into your business’s greatest asset. Let’s get started!


  • NPS email surveys gauge customer satisfaction and loyalty by asking customers how likely they are to recommend your product or service on a scale of 0 to 10. 

  • Key components of NPS email survey include an engaging introduction, clear instructions, strong CTA, adding incentive, and showing gratitude by thanking customers. 

  • NPS email surveys can be used to collect and measure customer feedback, employee feedback, product launch, event feedback, feature update feedback among others.

  • By personalizing NPS email invitations, keeping the subject line short and personalized, asking the right set of NPS questions, and capturing feedback at the right time, you can enhance the effectiveness of NPS email surveys.

  • Zonka Feedback is an NPS survey software that helps you to create, distribute, and analyze NPS email surveys with features like advanced segmentation, automated feedback management, and comprehensive data analysis, ensuring effective feedback loop closure. Sign up for a 14-day free trial or schedule a demo to see how it can enhance your NPS email survey process.

Measure Customer Loyalty with NPS ❤️

Create NPS email surveys, measure customer loyalty, and close the feedback loop with Zonka Feedback.

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What is NPS Email Survey?

NPS email survey is like your company’s health check-up. Just like a regular medical check-up helps you understand your physical health and identify areas that need attention, an NPS email survey provides a snapshot of your customer’s overall satisfaction and loyalty – all delivered straight to your inbox.

The survey typically consists of a single key NPS survey question: "On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our product/service to a friend or colleague?" This question is followed by an open-ended question to gather qualitative feedback, such as "What is the primary reason for your score?"email survey template-NPS

Why are NPS Email Surveys Important?

If you are wondering why NPS email surveys should be an important part of your NPS feedback collection, then consider these reasons. 

  • Frictionless Feedback: Reach a wide audience with minimal effort. NPS email surveys are convenient and accessible, allowing your customers to provide feedback on their own time. This translates to higher response rates compared to traditional methods, giving enterprises a clearer picture of overall customer sentiment.

  • Personalized Touch at Scale: With NPS email surveys, you can personalize through greetings and tailor questions based on customer segments or purchase history. This would demonstrate that you value your customers' individual experience, leading to a more positive perception of your brand.

  • Actionable Insights in a Click: NPS email surveys often include open-ended follow-up questions. These qualitative insights can be easily analyzed through sentiment analysis tools, providing actionable data for targeted improvement initiatives across the enterprise.

  • Scalability: NPS email surveys are scalable, making them ideal for you to reach out to large customer bases. Whether you need to send out a few hundred or several thousand emails, the process remains efficient and manageable.

  • Streamlined Workflow: By using NPS survey tools, you can easily automate email deployment and integrate responses with existing CRM systems. This reduces manual effort and ensures timely follow-up with both promoters and detractors, allowing you to efficiently manage the entire NPS feedback loop.

Key Components of an NPS Survey Email 

Creating an effective NPS survey email involves several key components. Each element plays a crucial role in engaging your customers and encouraging them to provide valuable feedback. Let us look at each of these:

1. Engaging Introduction

First impressions matter, and your email's introduction is your chance to make a positive one. Forget dry greetings – start with a compelling hook that grabs attention and sets the tone for a positive interaction. Here's how:

  • Explain the "Why": Clearly communicate the purpose of the survey and how their feedback directly impacts them and your business. For example: "We're constantly innovating to make your experience exceptional, and your voice matters! Share your thoughts in our quick survey and help us serve you better."

  • Show, Don't Tell: Back up your request with a success story. Did past customer feedback lead to a recent improvement? Showcase it! Example: "Thanks to customers like you, we've streamlined our checkout process for faster purchases. Your input makes a difference!"

2. Clear & Concise Instructions

Nobody likes confusing instructions. You must ensure that your email provides straightforward guidance on completing the NPS email survey. Here's the recipe for clarity:

  • Keep it concise and easy-to-understand. Highlight the survey's brevity – it should take less than a minute! For example: "Click the link below and answer just two quick questions. It's faster than making a cup of coffee!"

  • Visual Appeal: Use bullet points or numbered lists to make instructions visually distinct and easy to follow. It should look something like this:

    1. Click the link.

    2. Answer two simple questions.

    3. Submit your valuable feedback!

3. Benefits of Completing the Survey

In a world of overflowing inboxes, why should your customer take the time to respond? You should clearly showcase the value proposition for them. Here are some tricks:

  • Focus on Improved Service: Emphasize how their feedback translates to a better experience for them. For example: "Your insights help us personalize your journey and make your interactions with us smoother."

  • Offer a Glimpse of the Future: Mention upcoming features or improvements planned based on past feedback. This shows them their voice is heard. For example: "By sharing your thoughts, you'll help us prioritize features you crave, like real-time order tracking."

4. Prominent Call-to-Action (CTA)

Your NPS email survey’s CTA (Call to Action) is the bridge between reading and responding. You must make it clear, compelling, and impossible to miss:

  • Action-Oriented Language: Use strong verbs like "Start the Survey Now" or "Share Your Feedback Today."

  • Visually Appealing Button: Make the CTA button stand out from the rest of the email. Consider making it dynamic – changing color on hover – to grab even more attention.

NPS email survey

5. Incentives & Rewards

Sometimes, a little incentive goes a long way. Consider offering a reward for increasing survey participation but with a strategic twist. 

You should offer tailored incentives and go beyond generic discounts. You can offer a reward relevant to the customer's purchase history or preferences. For instance: "Share your feedback and enjoy 20% off your favorite product category!"

6. Thank You & Follow-Up

Don't underestimate the power of a sincere thank you. You should end your NPS survey email by expressing gratitude and hinting at the future:

  • Express Appreciation: End the email with a thank you message to show appreciation for the customer's time and effort. Mention any follow-up actions that will be taken based on their feedback.

  • A Glimpse into the Future: Share a sneak peek of upcoming changes or improvements resulting from customer feedback. Keep them engaged in the conversation!
    For example: "Your insights are shaping the future of our service. Stay tuned for exciting announcements coming your way soon!"

NPS Email Survey Examples to Capture Maximum Response

Let us look at some of the NPS email survey examples that you can use to collect feedback from your customers:

1. Customer NPS Email Example

Imagine having a direct line to your customers' satisfaction and loyalty. Customer NPS emails provide exactly that! This feedback empowers you to craft targeted strategies that elevate customer experiences, cultivate unwavering loyalty, and ignite positive word-of-mouth recommendations. Real-time insights allow you to promptly address concerns and capitalize on strengths, ensuring a never-ending cycle of customer engagement and satisfaction.

Here’s a customer NPS email example that you can use to collect NPS feedback.

Subject: We Value Your Feedback, [Customer Name]

Hi [Customer Name],

Thank you for choosing [Company Name]. Your experience matters to us, and we'd love to hear your thoughts on our service. Please take a moment to answer two quick questions.

[Take the Survey Now]

Your feedback helps us improve and provide you with the best possible service. Plus, you'll get a 10% discount on your next purchase just for participating!

Thank you for your time, 

[Company Name] Team

2. Employee NPS Email Example

Happy employees translate to happy customers. Employee NPS emails are the key to unlocking internal sentiment and gauging employee engagement. By understanding how likely your employees are to recommend your company as a workplace, you gain invaluable insights into your organizational health and culture. This feedback empowers you to create impactful HR strategies, cultivate a thriving workplace environment, and foster a motivated, loyal workforce that propels your business to new heights.

Here’s an employee NPS email survey example that you can use to collect eNPS feedback.

Subject: Share Your Thoughts on Working Here!

Hi [Name],

We value your contributions at [Company Name]. Your experience as an employee is important to us.

We'd like to get your honest feedback on how likely you are to recommend [Company Name] as a great place to work.

Your feedback is completely confidential and will be used to improve the employee experience.

Click here to take the short survey: [Survey Link]

Thanks for your time!


The [Company Name] Team

3. Product Launch NPS Email Example

Product launch NPS emails are the secret weapon for dissecting market reception and identifying areas for rapid improvement. You can gather real-time customer enthusiasm and pinpoint any issues with your new offering. This immediate feedback loop empowers you to make prompt adjustments, refine your product, and establish a dominant market presence.

Subject: Tell Us What You Think About Our New Product

Hi [Customer Name],

We recently launched [Product Name], and we hope you're enjoying it. Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us. Please let us know your thoughts by answering a couple of quick questions. This wont take you more than a few seconds. 

Your feedback will help us refine and improve [Product Name]. Plus, you'll be entered into a draw to win a free accessory for your new product!

[Take the Survey Now]

Thank you for your time,

[Company Name] Product Team

4. Event Feedback NPS Email Example

Did your event leave a lasting impression? Event feedback NPS emails unlock the secrets to attendee satisfaction and event impact. By understanding attendee experiences, you can refine future events, streamline logistics, and elevate the overall event experience. This invaluable feedback ensures your next event is more engaging, meticulously organized, and flawlessly aligned with attendee expectations.

Subject: We Hope You Enjoyed the Event! Share Your Thoughts

Hi [Attendee Name],

Thank you for attending [Event Name]. We hope you had a great time! We would love to hear your feedback to make our future events even better. Please take a moment to complete this brief survey.

[Take the Survey Now]

Your feedback is essential in helping us improve. As a thank you, we're offering a 20% discount on tickets to our next event.

Warm regards,

[Company Name] Events Team

5. Subscription Renewal NPS Email Example

Why do customers renew (or churn)? Subscription renewal NPS emails hold the key. You can capture NPS feedback at this critical juncture to identify pain points, streamline renewal processes, and craft personalized incentives that entice customers to stay on board. 

Subject: Your Feedback Matters: Help Us Improve Your Subscription Experience

Hi [Customer Name],

Thank you for renewing your subscription with [Company Name]. We strive to provide you with the best possible experience and would love to hear your feedback. Please take a moment to answer this survey.

[Survey Link]

Your feedback will help us enhance our subscription offerings and serve you better. Complete the survey by Friday and enjoy a 10% discount on your next renewal.

Thank you for your time,

[Company Name] Team

6. Post-Purchase NPS Email Example

First impressions matter! Post-purchase NPS emails provide a window into the immediate customer experience with your product or service. You can gather detailed insights on product satisfaction, usability, and the overall purchase journey. This feedback is your launchpad for prompt improvements, product quality enhancements, and ensuring customer delight from the very first moment.

Subject: Share Your Thoughts on Your Recent Purchase

Hi [Customer Name],

We hope you are enjoying your new [Product Name]. Your feedback is important to us and will help us improve our products and services. Please take a moment to share your thoughts by answering this survey.

Click here to share your experience (less than a minute): [Survey Link]

Your feedback is crucial in helping us make better products for you. As a thank you, you’ll receive a 10% discount on your next purchase.

[Take the Survey Now]

Thank you for your valuable input,

[Company Name] Team

7. Customer Service Interaction NPS Email Example

Customer service interaction NPS feedback unveils your strengths and exposes areas needing improvement of your customer service team, empowering you to continuously elevate your service quality. By proactively resolving issues identified through this feedback, you can significantly boost customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Subject: How Was Your Recent Interaction with Our Team?

Hi [Name],

We hope your recent interaction with our customer service team was helpful.

We're always striving to improve, and your feedback is essential.

Click here to share your experience (less than a minute): [Survey Link]

Thanks for your time!


The [Company Name] Team

8. Feature Update NPS Email Example

Are your new features hitting the mark? Feature update NPS email example can provide the compass to navigate customer satisfaction with new enhancements. Understanding how customers perceive these updates can empower you to refine features, address any issues, and ensure that your changes align perfectly with customer needs. 

Subject: How Do You Like Our Latest Update?

Hi [Customer Name],

We’ve recently updated [Software/Product Name] with new features. We hope you’re enjoying the improvements. Please share your feedback by answering two quick questions. 

Your feedback helps us refine and improve our offerings. Complete the survey by Friday and receive early access to our next update.

[Take the Survey Now]

Thank you for your valuable input,

[Company Name] Product Team

9. Onboarding Session NPS Email Example

A smooth onboarding sets the stage for a successful customer journey. Onboarding session NPS emails provide a clear picture of the onboarding experience from the new employee or customer's perspective. This feedback acts as a roadmap for crafting more informative, engaging, and ultimately smoother onboarding processes, ensuring a positive start for all new additions to your community.

Subject: Help Us Improve Our Training Sessions

Hi [Participant Name],

We hope you found our recent training session on [Topic] helpful. Your feedback is crucial in helping us enhance our training programs. Please take a moment to share your thoughts by taking this survey. 

Your insights will help us improve our training content and delivery. As a thank you, you’ll receive a 10% discount on your next training session.

[Take the Survey Now]

Thank you for your feedback,

[Company Name] Training Team

10. Hotel Stay NPS Email Example

Every guest interaction is an opportunity to create a loyal advocate. Hotel stay NPS emails capture the essence of the guest's experience, from the moment they check-in to the moment they check-out. This invaluable feedback can empower you to identify areas where guest services can be enhanced, ultimately leading to higher satisfaction and facilitating guest loyalty.

Subject: We Hope You Enjoyed Your Stay! Share Your Feedback

Hi [Guest Name],

Thank you for staying with us at [Hotel Name]. We hope you had a wonderful experience. Your feedback is crucial in helping us improve our services and provide exceptional experiences to all our guests. Please take a moment to answer two quick questions.

Your insights will help us enhance our guest experience. Complete the survey by [deadline] and enjoy a 10% discount on your next stay with us.

[Take the Survey Now]

Thank you for your time and valuable feedback,

[Hotel Name] Team

Best Practices for Creating NPS Email 

Let us look at some of the best practices that you can follow to make your email survey even more effective. 

1. Personalize Your NPS Email Invitations

Imagine a generic email landing in your inbox. Now, picture an email that greets you by name and references your recent purchase of a ProBook 500. Personalization is the magic ingredient that grabs attention and compels customers to engage. You should start by addressing recipients by name and referencing their specific interactions or purchases.

For example, instead of a bland "Dear Customer," try a more welcoming approach: "Hi Emma, we hope you're enjoying your new subscription to our premium plan!"

2. Keep Your Subject Lines Short and Personal

Think of your email subject line as a billboard vying for customer attention in a crowded inbox. Brevity is key, but don't sacrifice clarity. Craft subject lines that are concise yet communicate the essence of your request. Personalization is a bonus – including the recipient's name or referencing a recent interaction shows that you value them as an individual.

For example, ditch a generic "Customer Survey" for something more engaging: "Hi John, How Was Your Recent Purchase?" or "Quick Survey: Share Your Thoughts with Us, Sarah!"

3. Ask the Right NPS Question

The heart of your NPS survey is the core question: “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our product/service to a friend or colleague?” This quantifiable metric provides a valuable NPS score. 

However, the real power lies in understanding the "why" behind the score. Follow the core question with an open-ended question, such as “What is the primary reason for your score?” This qualitative data unlocks deeper insights into customer experiences.

Net Promoter Score-follow-up

4. Add a Deadline to NPS Email to Create a Sense of Urgency

Let's face it, surveys can sometimes fall to the bottom of the to-do list. A well-placed deadline can gently nudge customers to prioritize your request. Adding a timeframe encourages recipients to respond promptly. Ensure the deadline is reasonable and clearly stated in both the email and the survey itself.

For example: "We value your feedback! Please respond by Friday."

You can take it a step further and combine urgency with an exclusive offer to make the call to action even more compelling.

Example: "Limited Time Offer: Complete the survey by Friday and get exclusive early access to our new product line!"

6. Capturing Feedback When it Matters Most

The timing of your survey can significantly impact response rates. You should choose a moment when the customer journey is still fresh in your customer’s mind. You can send the NPS email survey after a purchase, a customer service interaction, or after the completion of a project.

For example, for a customer who recently received an order, send the survey a week later. This gives them time to form an opinion while the experience is still fresh.

7. Segment & Automate Your Surveys

Segmentation is another powerful tool that you can utilize to categorize customers based on factors like customer journey stage, purchase history, engagement levels, and demographics. This will help you to ask relevant questions, improve the survey experience, and gain actionable insights. 

NPS automation takes this a step further. With automation, you can not only streamline your survey distribution but also set up triggers to send NPS email surveys based on specific events, like post-purchase or post-support interactions.  

For example, a first-time buyer receives a post-purchase survey automatically a few days after their order arrives, while a long-term customer receives an NPS survey after renewing their annual subscription. 

NPS Promoters - segmentation

How can Zonka Feedback Help in NPS Email Surveys?

Zonka Feedback is an effective NPS tool that helps you elevate your NPS email surveys to the next level. It is used across industries - from retail to healthcare to enhance NPS score and make customers into vocal advocates. From creating NPS email surveys to sharing to managing and closing the feedback loop, Zonka Feedback empowers you at every stage of the customer journey. 

Let us look at how it can help you with your NPS email surveys and close the feedback loop: 

a. Survey Creation & Customization

With Zonka Feedback, you can create fully branded NPS email surveys that seamlessly match your company's look and feel. Its intuitive drag-and-drop builder makes it a breeze, whether you choose from pre-designed templates or build your survey from scratch.

You can further use its survey builder to create: 

  • Smart Survey Design: No more generic questions! Zonka Feedback uses logic, redirects, and question piping. This means respondents receive highly relevant follow-up questions based on their initial NPS rating, ensuring you gather richer, more actionable data.

  • Effortless Customization: You can personalize your NPS email survey by customizing every aspect, from question types and logic to background images and branding. This creates a more engaging experience for your customers, leading to higher response rates.

b. Targeted Survey Distribution

With Zonka Feedback you can reach out to the customers wherever they are! You can automate survey distribution based on specific triggers such as post-purchase, after-customer support interactions, or other key touchpoints. This ensures that the NPS emails are sent at the most opportune moments to capture genuine customer feedback​.

For example, when a customer completes a purchase, Zonka Feedback automatically sends an NPS email survey three days after the order is delivered. This timing captures the customer's immediate reaction to their purchase experience.

Similarly, if a customer contacts support and their issue is resolved, Zonka Feedback can trigger an NPS email survey to be sent immediately after the resolution, asking for feedback on the support experience. 

These targeted surveys ensure that feedback is relevant, timely, and actionable, allowing you to continually refine and improve your customer service and product offerings.

c. Multiple NPS Email Survey Sharing Option

By embedding surveys into various parts of email communications, Zonka Feedback ensures that surveys reach customers naturally within their everyday interactions with your business. This integration minimizes disruptions to the customer’s routine, leading to higher participation rates and more comprehensive feedback.

Here’s how you can utilize its multiple email delivery option optimized for NPS surveys:

  • Email Button Surveys: Instead of burying a single NPS question in text, Zonka Feedback lets you include a clear button labeled "Share Your Feedback" or "Rate Your Experience" directly within the email. This button acts as a clear call to action, prompting recipients to participate in the one-question NPS survey with a single click.

  • NPS-Specific Link Text: When using Email Link Surveys, this NPS tool ensures the link text is clear and concise, mentioning NPS specifically. For example, "Take our 1-question NPS Survey" or "Share Your Honest Feedback (NPS)."

  • Embedded NPS Question: You can take advantage of Zonka Feedback's ability to embed the core NPS question ("On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our company to a friend or colleague?") directly within the email. This eliminates the need to click through for a single-question survey, streamlining the feedback process and potentially boosting response rates for busy recipients.

  • Email Signature NPS Integration: You can also seamlessly integrate an NPS button ("Rate Us!") or the NPS question itself into your email signature. This subtle reminder prompts feedback with every email you send.

NPS email survey - distribution

d. Advanced Segmentation

With advanced user segmentation of Zonka Feedback, you can categorize customers based on specific criteria such as purchase history, demographics, and engagement levels. This targeted approach ensures that NPS emails are highly relevant to each customer group, leading to more precise insights and actionable feedback. 

For example, if you run a software company, you can segment users based on their subscription tier and usage patterns, and send customized surveys to both basic and premium users to understand their unique experiences and improve service offerings. By tailoring surveys to distinct segments, you can effectively address diverse customer needs and drive strategic improvements across various touchpoints.

f. Automated Feedback Management

With automated feedback management, you can streamline the entire feedback process from distribution to analysis. 

Imagine managing NPS surveys across your entire customer base –  a daunting task, right? Zonka Feedback automates the entire process. You can set triggers to send NPS surveys based on specific customer interactions, like a purchase completion or service call closure. This eliminates manual scheduling and ensures timely feedback collection. With this feature, you can further offer: 

  • Efficient Issue Resolution: Automated alerts for low NPS scores enable immediate follow-up by the relevant team, facilitating quick resolution of issues. This proactive approach not only enhances customer satisfaction but also helps in retaining potentially dissatisfied customers by addressing their concerns promptly.

  • Enhance Data Analysis: Continuous and automated feedback collection provides a steady stream of data, which can be analyzed in real-time to identify trends, measure satisfaction across different segments, and inform strategic decisions. This comprehensive view of customer feedback supports data-driven improvements in products and services.

  • Get Actionable Insights & Offer Faster Resolution: Zonka Feedback intelligently analyzes NPS scores and open-ended responses. You'll receive real-time alerts for NPS detractors along with their specific feedback. This allows your team to prioritize critical issues and proactively reach out to dissatisfied customers, saving churn and fostering loyalty.

e. Comprehensive NPS Data Analysis & Reporting

You receive your NPS email survey results, but the overall score leaves you with more questions than answers. Zonka Feedback's comprehensive data analysis & reporting helps you dig deeper. 

For example, if your detractors frequently mention long wait times, Zonka Feedback's reports can pinpoint this as a key driver, allowing you to focus improvement efforts on streamlining checkout.

With Zonka Feedback’s effective data analysis and reporting, you can get:

  • Detailed Reports: You can break down responses by Promoter, Passive, and Detractor categories. Identify key drivers, the features or experiences most impacting customer loyalty, to prioritize improvements. This in-depth analysis helps you understand what's truly driving your score.

  • AI-Powered Analysis: With AI-powered sentiment analysis, you can dive deeper into customer sentiments, emotions, and themes from NPS email survey open-ended responses. This will help you get a clear picture of your customers' feelings and motivations.

  • Track Your Progress: You can view leaderboards by location and agents and analyze trends over time to identify patterns and areas for improvement. This enables you to benchmark performance and track the effectiveness of initiatives aimed at improving your overall NPS score.

NPS Trends Analysis Report

g. Closing the Feedback Loop

Feedback is important, but without action, it's just noise. You have to close the feedback loop to ensure that the voice of customer is heard. This means that you have to take action on the feedback offered and This means taking action on the feedback and demonstrating that your customers’ input truly matters. 

Zonka Feedback empowers you to take action, build trust, and cultivate stronger relationships - all from the valuable insights you gather through your NPS surveys. This is done by its: 

  • Automated Workflows: You can set up automated workflows to trigger actions based on survey responses. For instance, you can notify the support team to follow up with detractors or thank NPS promoters and invite them to leave reviews​​​.

  • Response Inbox and Collaboration: The platform features a collaborative response inbox where team members can see and manage incoming feedback. This centralized inbox allows teams to track feedback, assign tasks, add notes, and collaborate effectively to resolve issues raised by NPS passives, detractors or even promoters who provide actionable insights​​.

  • Case Management: The platform includes robust case management features, allowing your teams to create and manage cases based on the feedback received. This includes setting priorities, tracking the progress of resolution efforts, and ensuring that all feedback is addressed systematically​​.

  • Real-time Customer and Team Notifications: Built-in customer notifications ensure that respondents are kept informed about the actions being taken based on their feedback. The team is also made immediately aware of critical feedback on real-time basis so that they can take timely action. 

  • Integration with Other Systems: The platform integrates with various CRM, helpdesk, and other customer management systems like Salesforce, Zendesk, and Jira. This integration allows for a seamless flow of information, enabling teams to manage feedback and close the loop without switching between different tools​​.


NPS email surveys are a powerful tool for gauging customer sentiment and propelling your business forward. By incorporating the valuable insights gleaned from these surveys, you can cultivate enduring customer loyalty, refine your offerings, and ultimately achieve sustainable growth.

Remember, exceptional customer experiences are the cornerstone of success in today's competitive landscape. NPS email surveys empower you to gather real-time feedback, identify areas for improvement, and demonstrate to your customers that their voices are heard.

By using an effective survey tool like Zonka Feedback, you can further elevate your NPS survey process. With its advanced features such as customizable survey creation, targeted distribution, automated feedback management, and comprehensive data analysis, Zonka Feedback empowers you to close the feedback loop efficiently. This not only helps in resolving customer issues promptly but also in turning detractors into promoters, passives into promoters, and promoters into brand advocates.

Sign up with Zonka Feedback for a 14-day free trial to transform your NPS email survey process and help your business thrive today!


Written by Kanika

Jul 24, 2024

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