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Use NPS Surveys in Healthcare to Improve Patient Satisfaction

Measure and improve the satisfaction levels of your patients by measuring your Net Promoter Score through effective NPS surveys with Zonka Feedback. Collect feedback, analyze responses, and take action to improve your NPS and the overall patient experiences.

Healthcare survey questions

NPS in Healthcare and Patient Satisfaction

Patient satisfaction is at the heart of successful healthcare delivery. With the rise of patient-centric care, healthcare providers are striving to not only treat illnesses but also to ensure that their patients feel valued, heard, and cared for. Satisfied patients are more likely to trust their healthcare providers, follow medical advice, and return for future care. This level of satisfaction is crucial, as it can significantly impact the reputation and success of healthcare organizations.

One effective way to measure and improve patient satisfaction is through the Net Promoter Score (NPS). NPS is a simple yet powerful metric that gauges the likelihood of patients recommending a healthcare provider to others. Businesses in almost all industries use NPS to measure customer loyalty. According to a study by Bain & Company, companies with high NPS scores grow at more than twice the rate of their competitors.

In the healthcare industry also, big brands use NPS to measure and improve patient loyalty and satisfaction. For example, Kaiser Permanente uses NPS to continuously enhance its services and maintain its reputation for excellence. Similarly, Johns Hopkins Medicine leverages healthcare NPS to gather actionable insights and improve patient care. By focusing on NPS, healthcare providers can identify areas for improvement, foster patient loyalty, and ultimately, deliver better care experiences.

In this article, we will explore the significance of NPS in healthcare industry and how it can be leveraged to enhance patient satisfaction. We'll delve into the benefits of using NPS, best practices for implementing healthcare net promoter score surveys, and how to analyze and act on the feedback gathered. Let’s get started!


  • Patient satisfaction and loyalty are crucial for healthcare providers, enhancing trust, adherence to medical advice, and return visits. Net Promoter Score (NPS) is an effective metric to measure and improve patient loyalty.

  • NPS categorizes patients into promoters, passives, and detractors based on their likelihood to recommend the healthcare service, providing actionable insights for improvement.

  • Implementing NPS surveys involves strategic dissemination across various touchpoints in different healthcare settings, ensuring comprehensive feedback.

  • Analyzing NPS data using AI-powered tools like sentiment and text analysis helps identify trends and specific areas for improvement, leading to better patient experiences.

  • Zonka Feedback is an effective software for leveraging NPS in healthcare, offering advanced features for survey creation, data analysis, and actionable insights. It also offers a 14-day free trial.

Understanding NPS in Healthcare

As healthcare providers, understanding and improving patient satisfaction is crucial to your success. One effective way to measure this satisfaction is through the Net Promoter Score (NPS). NPS provides you with a straightforward and reliable metric to gauge patient loyalty and satisfaction, helping you to better understand your patients' experiences and make informed decisions to enhance care quality.

What is Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

NPS is a metric that quantifies how likely your patients are to recommend your healthcare services to others. It is based on a single, simple question: "On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our healthcare services to a friend or family member?"

NPS Question

Your patients' responses categorize them into three groups:

  • Promoters (score 9-10): These are your loyal patients who are highly likely to recommend you and contribute positively to your reputation and growth.

  • Passives (score 7-8): These patients are satisfied but not enthusiastic enough to actively promote you. They are also at risk of switching to competitors.

  • Detractors (score 0-6): These patients are unhappy and can negatively impact your reputation through negative word-of-mouth.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)-1

How to Calculate Net Promoter Score?

Calculating NPS is a straightforward process. Here are the steps:

  1. Collect Responses: Administer the NPS survey question to your patients and gather their responses.

  2. Categorize Responses: Group the responses into Promoters, Passives, and Detractors based on the scores provided.

  3. Calculate the Percentage: Determine the percentage of respondents in each category.

    • Promoter Percentage: (Number of Promoters / Total Respondents) x 100

    • Detractor Percentage: (Number of Detractors / Total Respondents) x 100

  4. Subtract Detractors from Promoters: Subtract the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters to obtain the NPS.

NPS Formula: Net Promoter Score = % Promoters - % Detractors

For example, if 60% of your respondents are Promoters, 30% are Passives, and 10% are Detractors, your NPS would be 60 - 10 = 50.

By understanding and calculating NPS, you can effectively gauge patient loyalty. This metric serves as a benchmark to track your performance over time and compare with industry standards, providing critical insights for continuous improvement in patient care and satisfaction.

Importance of NPS in Healthcare Settings

As a healthcare provider, it's essential to continuously monitor and improve patient satisfaction. Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a powerful tool that can help you achieve this goal. NPS not only measures patient loyalty but also provides valuable insights into areas where your services can improve. By focusing on NPS, you can foster a culture of continuous improvement, ensuring that your patients receive the best possible care.

Benefits of Using NPS in Healthcare

Utilizing NPS in your healthcare setting offers numerous advantages. Here are some key benefits:

  • Improved Patient Experience: NPS helps you identify the strengths and weaknesses of your services from the patient's perspective. By understanding patient perceptions and what they value the most, you can enhance those aspects of care, leading to a better overall patient experience.
    Example: A patient survey might reveal that wait times are a significant concern. By addressing this issue, you can improve patient satisfaction and reduce frustration.

  • Increased Patient Retention: Satisfied patients are more likely to stay with your practice and recommend it to others. NPS allows you to measure patient loyalty and take steps to retain more patients, reducing churn and building a loyal patient base.
    Example: If your NPS indicates that patients are dissatisfied with follow-up care, you can implement better follow-up protocols to ensure patients feel cared for even after their initial visit.

  • Actionable Insights: NPS provides clear, actionable feedback that you can use to make informed decisions. By analyzing NPS data, you can pinpoint specific areas for improvement and track the impact of changes over time.
    Example: If you notice a drop in NPS scores after a change in appointment scheduling, you can investigate and address the issue promptly.

  • Enhanced Reputation: High NPS scores positive patient experience which reflects well on your practice and can enhance your reputation in the community. Patients who are promoters will spread positive word-of-mouth, attracting more patients to your practice.
    Example: Positive testimonials from satisfied patients can be featured on your website and social media, showcasing your commitment to excellent patient care.

  • Competitive Advantage: In a competitive healthcare market, having a high NPS can set you apart from other providers. It shows that you prioritize patient satisfaction and are committed to continuous improvement.
    Example: Highlighting your NPS scores in marketing materials can differentiate your practice from competitors and attract new patients.

By leveraging the benefits of NPS, you can create a patient-centric approach that not only enhances satisfaction but also drives your practice's growth and success.

Implementing NPS Surveys in Healthcare

Implementing NPS surveys in your healthcare practice is essential for gaining valuable insights into patient satisfaction and loyalty. By systematically collecting and analyzing patient feedback, you can identify areas for improvement and enhance the overall patient experience. This section will guide you through the process of implementing NPS surveys effectively, covering crucial aspects such as survey design, distribution, data analysis, and taking action on the feedback received.

Designing Effective NPS Surveys

Creating effective NPS surveys is the foundation of gathering meaningful patient feedback. Follow these steps to design a survey that captures the essential NPS metric and provides deeper insights into patient experiences and preferences:

  1. Choose an Appropriate Template: Good patient experience tools provide ready-to-use templates specifically designed for healthcare settings. Select a relevant template and customize it to fit your survey needs, ensuring it aligns with your objectives and captures the information you need. For example, use a template that includes the core NPS question along with sections for additional feedback on various aspects of the patient experience.

  2. Customize Questions: Start with the core NPS question: "On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our healthcare services to a friend or family member?" Add follow-up questions to understand patient expectations and the reasons behind their rating. Include additional questions addressing key aspects of patient experience, such as the quality of care, communication, wait times, and facility cleanliness.

  3. Utilize Whitelabeling: Whitelabel your survey to match your healthcare organization’s branding. This includes using your logo, colors, and fonts to create a seamless and professional look. A well-branded survey enhances trust and encourages patient participation by making the survey look official and part of their healthcare experience.

  4. Implement Skip Logic and Question Branching: Use skip logic and question branching to tailor the survey based on previous responses. This ensures that patients only see questions relevant to their experience. For example, if a patient gives a high NPS score, skip questions about issues and instead ask for positive feedback or suggestions for maintaining high standards.

  5. Ensure Mobile-Friendly Design: Choose a survey tool that supports mobile-friendly patient satisfaction surveys, as many patients will complete the survey on their phones. A responsive design ensures the survey is easy to navigate on smaller screens, improving completion rates.

  6. Use Clear and Neutral Language: Formulate questions in clear, neutral language to avoid leading questions that may bias responses. For example, instead of asking, "Did you have a long wait time?" ask, "How would you rate your wait time?"

  7. Keep the Survey Concise: Aim to balance gathering detailed feedback and respecting the patient’s time by keeping the survey concise. Focus on key questions that will provide actionable insights without overwhelming the patient.

  8. Assure Confidentiality and Anonymity: Assure patients that their responses are confidential and will be used solely for improving services. This encourages honest and open feedback. Consider offering anonymous surveys to further assure patients that their identity will not be linked to their responses. Include a confidentiality and anonymity statement at the beginning of the survey to build trust.

By following these steps, you can design an effective NPS survey that captures comprehensive patient feedback. This approach not only helps in understanding and measuring patient satisfaction but also provides actionable insights for continuous improvement in your healthcare services.

Sharing NPS Surveys in Different Healthcare Settings

Implementing NPS surveys in healthcare settings requires strategic dissemination to ensure comprehensive feedback across various touchpoints. The approach varies depending on the type of healthcare facility and the patient journey within each setting. Here’s a guide on how to effectively share NPS surveys in hospitals, clinics, aged care facilities, and pharmacies:

Hospitals and Clinics

Hospitals and clinics serve a wide range of patients through various services and departments. To ensure comprehensive feedback and improve patient satisfaction, it is essential to implement NPS surveys across multiple touchpoints in both outpatient and inpatient settings.

Outpatient Departments

Outpatients interact with the healthcare system differently than inpatients, necessitating distinct touchpoints for capturing their feedback.

  1. Post-Consultation: After a patient's consultation, whether it's with a general practitioner, specialist, or through diagnostic services.

  2. Post-Procedure: Following minor outpatient procedures or treatments.

  3. Post-Appointment: Immediately after the outpatient appointment to capture the overall experience, including scheduling, wait times, and interaction with staff.

  • Email Surveys: Send automated email surveys shortly after the appointment or procedure, ensuring the experience is still fresh in the patient's mind.

  • SMS Surveys: Utilize SMS for quick feedback, especially for patients who might prefer a short and simple survey on their mobile devices.

  • Kiosks/Tablets: Place kiosks or tablets in the waiting areas or at checkout points for immediate feedback collection before patients leave the facility.

Inpatient Departments

Inpatients have extended interactions with the healthcare facility, making it crucial to capture their feedback at multiple stages.

  1. During Hospital Stay: Mid-stay surveys to gauge ongoing satisfaction.

  2. At Discharge: Comprehensive feedback at the time of discharge.

  3. Post-Discharge: Follow-up surveys to understand the patient's experience post-treatment and any aftercare feedback.

  4. Post-Admission: Shortly after admission to gather initial impressions of the facility and staff.

  • In-room Tablets: Provide tablets in patient rooms for ongoing feedback during their stay.

  • Email or SMS: Send follow-up surveys via email or SMS a few days after discharge to capture post-discharge experiences.

  • Phone Calls: Conduct personalized follow-up calls for detailed feedback, especially for critical cases.

Aged Care Facilities

Aged care facilities require a sensitive and tailored approach to gather feedback, considering the unique needs of elderly residents.

  1. Post-Admittance: Shortly after a new resident is admitted.

  2. Regular Intervals: Monthly or quarterly check-ins to monitor ongoing satisfaction.

  3. Post-Event or Activity: After significant events or activities conducted within the facility.

  • Face-to-Face Interviews: Personal interviews conducted by staff or volunteers for detailed feedback, considering some residents might not be tech-savvy.

  • Paper Surveys: Easy-to-fill paper surveys that can be collected by staff.

  • Family Surveys: Email or postal surveys sent to family members to gather their perspective on the care provided to their loved ones.


Pharmacies can utilize NPS surveys to understand patient satisfaction with their services and identify areas for improvement.

  1. Post-Purchase: Immediately after purchasing medications or health products.

  2. After Consultations: Following consultations with pharmacists for medication advice or health consultations.

  • Receipt-Based Surveys: Include a survey link or QR code on receipts that customers can scan to provide feedback.

  • SMS or Email: Send follow-up SMS or email surveys after purchase or consultation to capture immediate reactions.

  • In-Store Kiosks: Place kiosks at the pharmacy exits for quick, on-the-spot feedback.

patient satisfaction surveys- survy channels with email, sms, and popupBest Practices for Sharing NPS Surveys

  1. Timeliness: Ensure surveys are sent promptly after the patient interaction to capture accurate and relevant feedback.

  2. Ease of Use: Keep surveys short and straightforward to encourage higher response rates.

  3. Multiple Channels: Utilize various channels to reach a broader audience and accommodate different preferences.

  4. Confidentiality Assurance: Clearly communicate that all responses are confidential and will be used solely for service improvement.

  5. Follow-Up: Act on feedback and inform patients about the changes made based on their input, fostering trust and encouraging future participation.

By strategically sharing NPS surveys across different touchpoints and channels, healthcare providers can gather comprehensive feedback that drives continuous improvement and enhances patient satisfaction.

Analyzing and Interpreting NPS Data

Collecting NPS data is just the beginning. To truly benefit from this feedback, healthcare providers need to effectively analyze and interpret the data. This involves identifying trends, understanding patient sentiments, and pinpointing specific areas for improvement. Leveraging advanced analytical features, including AI-powered tools like sentiment analysis and text analysis, can significantly enhance the insights gained from NPS data.

Steps to Analyze NPS Data

  1. Aggregate the Data: Collect all the responses from your NPS surveys and aggregate them into a central database. This includes both quantitative data (NPS scores) and qualitative data (comments and feedback).

  1. Calculate the NPS: Calculate your overall NPS by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. This gives you a single score that reflects overall patient loyalty and satisfaction.

  1. Segment the Data: Segment your data based on various factors such as department, type of service (outpatient vs. inpatient), demographics, or time period. This helps in identifying specific areas that need attention.

  1. Identify Trends: Look for trends in your NPS scores over time. This could be monthly, quarterly, or annually. Identify any patterns or fluctuations that could indicate changes in patient satisfaction.

  1. Analyze Subgroup Performance: Compare NPS scores across different subgroups to identify which areas are performing well and which are not. For example, you might find that inpatient services have a higher NPS compared to outpatient services, or that a particular department consistently receives lower scores.

Leveraging AI Analytical Features

  1. Sentiment Analysis: Utilize AI-powered sentiment analysis tools to automatically analyze the text comments from patients. Sentiment analysis can categorize feedback as positive, negative, or neutral, providing a deeper understanding of patient emotions and attitudes.

    Example: If many comments express frustration about long wait times, sentiment analysis will highlight this as a negative sentiment trend, prompting further investigation and action.

  1. Text Analysis: Use text analysis to identify common themes and keywords in patient feedback. This involves processing and categorizing large volumes of text to uncover recurring issues or areas of excellence.

    Example: Text analysis might reveal that terms like "friendly staff," "clean facilities," and "efficient service" frequently appear in positive feedback, while "long wait," "poor communication," and "billing issues" appear in negative feedback.

  1. Root Cause Analysis: Conduct root cause analysis to determine the underlying reasons behind low NPS scores or recurring negative feedback. This involves looking beyond the scores to understand the specific factors contributing to patient dissatisfaction.

    Example: If patients consistently rate follow-up care poorly, root cause analysis might uncover issues such as inadequate follow-up protocols or insufficient patient education.

  1. Dashboard and Reporting Tools: Implement AI-driven dashboards and reporting tools that provide real-time insights and visualizations of your NPS data. These tools can generate detailed reports, highlight key metrics, and track progress over time.

    Example: A dashboard might show a drop in NPS scores after implementing a new appointment scheduling system, indicating the need for adjustments or additional staff training.

Taking Action on Feedback Collected through NPS Surveys

Collecting and analyzing NPS data is crucial, but the true value comes from taking action based on the insights gained. This involves addressing identified issues, implementing improvements, and communicating changes to patients. Closing the feedback loop is an essential part of this process, ensuring that patients feel heard and valued.

Steps to Take Action on NPS Feedback

  1. Identify Key Areas for Improvement: Prioritize the areas that have the most significant impact on patient satisfaction. Use the insights from your NPS analysis to focus on specific issues that need immediate attention. For example, if feedback indicates long wait times are a major concern, prioritize initiatives to streamline scheduling and reduce wait times.

  2. Develop a Response Plan: Create a detailed action plan to address the identified issues. This plan should include specific steps, responsible parties, timelines, and required resources. For instance, to tackle long wait times, your plan might involve hiring additional staff, implementing a more efficient appointment scheduling system, and regularly monitoring wait times.

  3. Implement Changes: Execute the response plan by making the necessary changes to your processes, systems, or services. Ensure that all relevant staff members are informed and trained on the new procedures. For example, roll out the new appointment scheduling system, provide training for staff, and start monitoring the impact on wait times.

  4. Monitor and Evaluate Progress: Continuously track the effectiveness of the implemented changes using NPS surveys and other feedback mechanisms. Adjust the approach as needed based on ongoing feedback. For instance, conduct follow-up NPS surveys to assess whether patients are noticing improvements in wait times and overall satisfaction.

Closing the Feedback Loop

  1. Acknowledge Feedback: Let patients know that their feedback has been received and appreciated. This can be done through automated responses for online surveys or personal follow-up calls for more detailed feedback. For example, send an email thanking patients for their feedback and informing them that their input is being used to improve services.

  2. Communicate Actions Taken: Keep patients informed about the changes you have made based on their feedback. Transparency builds trust and shows patients that their opinions are valued and lead to tangible improvements. For instance, send a follow-up email or newsletter detailing the new appointment scheduling system and how it aims to reduce wait times.

  3. Showcase Success Stories: Highlight success stories and positive outcomes resulting from patient feedback. Sharing these stories can motivate both staff and patients, demonstrating the real impact of their contributions. For example, feature a case study on your website or social media showcasing how patient feedback led to a reduction in wait times and improved patient satisfaction.

Best Practices for Taking Action on NPS Feedback

  1. Be Proactive: Act promptly on feedback to show patients that their input is valued and leads to real change.

  2. Communicate Clearly: Keep patients informed about the actions you are taking and how it will benefit them.

  3. Involve Staff: Ensure that all relevant staff members are aware of the feedback and involved in the improvement process.

  4. Maintain Transparency: Be open about both the successes and challenges in implementing changes based on feedback.

  5. Foster Continuous Improvement: Use NPS feedback as an ongoing tool to drive continuous improvement and enhance patient satisfaction.

By effectively taking action on NPS feedback and closing the feedback loop, healthcare providers can significantly improve patient satisfaction, foster loyalty, and demonstrate a genuine commitment to patient-centric care.

Leverage NPS in Healthcare with Zonka Feedback

In conclusion, implementing NPS surveys in healthcare is a powerful strategy to measure and improve patient satisfaction. By identifying key areas for improvement, developing response plans, and taking action based on patient feedback, healthcare providers can enhance the overall patient experience. Closing the feedback loop ensures that patients feel heard and valued, fostering loyalty and trust. An effective patient feedback software can facilitate this process, making it easier to gather, analyze, and act on patient feedback.

Zonka Feedback is the right tool for healthcare providers looking to leverage NPS to improve patient satisfaction. With Zonka Feedback, you can effortlessly create and share NPS surveys tailored to your specific needs. Its advanced features go beyond survey creation, offering robust data analysis tools such as sentiment analysis and text analysis to gain deeper insights into patient feedback. Additionally, Zonka Feedback enables you to take actionable steps based on the feedback received, ensuring continuous improvement and enhanced patient care.

Experience the benefits of Zonka Feedback with a 14-day free trial. Discover how easy it is to measure NPS, analyze data, and implement improvements to elevate patient satisfaction. Try Zonka Feedback for free today and take the first step towards delivering exceptional patient care.

Nikhil Dawer

Written by Nikhil Dawer

Aug 02, 2024

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