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Measure & Elevate Customer Experience by using VoC Surveys

Use Zonka Feedback to implement the voice of the customer methodologies and improve customer experience. Get real-time feedback alerts and actionable insights to close the feedback loop effectively.  

Voice of Customer Methodologies

Top 15 Voice of Customer Methodologies to Generate Customer Feedback

In today's fiercely competitive business landscape, the path to success hinges on your ability to provide exceptional customer experience and retain customers. Your capacity to tune in to the voice of the customer, understand their issues, and proactively address their needs can make all the difference in setting you apart from the crowd.

It's an irrefutable fact that customer experience is as important as your product or service. No wonder 45% of companies are keeping customer experience as their top priority for the next five years.

So gear up as we unravel the top voice of customer techniques and methodologies that will help you understand customers' interests and expectations, align your CX strategies and take your business to new heights. Let's get started!


  • Voice of customer methodologies are essential for businesses seeking to create customer-centric strategies, improve customer satisfaction, and ultimately drive growth and competitiveness in the market.

  • They help you perform targeted marketing, personalize customer experience, and improve products and services to meet customer expectations effectively and get an edge over competitors.

  • Some popular voice of customer methodologies include conducting surveys, customer interviews and hosting focus groups, listening to recorded calls, social media monitoring, and more to gather feedback from the target audience and establish a successful VoC program.

  • Zonka Feedback offers an extensive set of capabilities like creating engaging surveys of various types, sharing through multiple channels, and managing reports in real-time to devise voice of the customer strategies. Sign up for a free trial or schedule a demo to execute various voice of customer methodologies and strengthen customer relationships.

Hear the Voice of Every Customer🔊

With VoC Surveys, reach your customers wherever they are and capture their feedback. Leverage customer feedback to boost customer experience.

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What is Voice of Customer Methodology?

Voice of Customer (VoC) methodology is a systematic approach that businesses and organizations use to collect, analyze, and act upon customer feedback software insights. The primary goal of VoC methodology is to gain a deep understanding of customers expectations, preferences, and needs, in order to improve products, services, and the overall customer experience.

Conducting online surveys, interviewing customers, hosting focus groups, and monitoring via social media are all part of a voice of customer methodology.

Voice of Customer Methodologies Product Feedback Question

Why is Voice of Customer Methods Important in a Business?

Understanding customer requirements and implementing voice of customer methodologies is essential to increase customer satisfaction, optimize operations, and achieve long-term success. Let us look at some of the reasons why you should consider it for your business.

  • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction:  By actively listening to feedback, you can identify customer preferences, pain points, and expectations. This insight can enable you to make necessary adjustments and improvements, leading to higher customer satisfaction. Satisfied customers are more likely to stay loyal, make repeat purchases, and recommend your brand to others.

  • Improved Product & Service Development: Customer feedback collected through VoC methodologies provides insights into how products and services can be enhanced. By acting upon this valuable feedback, you can create offerings that better align with existing customers and attract new ones.

  • Preventing Attrition & Increasing Customer Retention: By spotting signs of dissatisfaction or potential issues early on through customer feedback tool, you can prevent customers from leaving your side. This not only reduces customer churn but also helps to increase customer retention and loyalty.

  • Competitive Advantage: VoC methodologies help you understand what customers really want, find new opportunities, and keep up with market trends. This gives your business an edge by staying innovative and ahead of the competition.

  • Targeted Marketing & Personalization: Through VoC data, you can segment your customer base and create targeted marketing campaigns, send tailored messages and personalized offers that resonate with specific customer groups. This can result in higher conversion rates and a better return on investment for marketing efforts.Voice of Customer Methods Personalization

Voice of Customer Methodologies to Capture Customer Data

Let us look at the voice of customer methodologies that can help you collect customer feedback and make effective decisions.

1. Send Voice of the Customer Surveys for CX Metrics

Voice of customer surveys is undoubtedly one of the most important methodologies of a successful voice of the customer program that allows capturing customer data at various touchpoints, shedding light on customer profiles, purchase patterns, and the underlying reasons behind customer choices. There are three key metrics to measure customer feedback through VoC surveys:

a. Net Promoter Score (NPS) to Measure Customer Loyalty

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is among the most popular customer surveys that assess whether customers would recommend your brand to others. NPS surveys offer a comprehensive view of customer engagement and loyalty across different product or service lines. By categorizing respondents into Promoters, Passives, and Detractors, Net Promoter Score identifies satisfied customers willing to advocate for your brand, those who may be content but not enthusiastic, and individuals who have expressed negative feedback.Voice of Customer Methods NPS Surveys

b. Customer Satisfaction Score to Measure Satisfaction

CSAT score measures customer satisfaction on a rating scale using surveys like 1 to 5 rating scale survey, 1 to 7 rating scale survey, and 1 to 10 opinion scale survey helping you gauge how customers expectations align with their experiences. Further, you can encourage customers to share their challenges with open-ended questions, such as ‘What could we improve to serve you better?' All this data obtained from CSAT surveys can then be analyzed to identify purchase patterns, customer behavior, common challenges, and areas of improvement.Voice of Customer Methodologies CSAT Surveys

c. Customer Effort Score to Measure Customer's Perceived Effort

The Customer Effort Score (CES) evaluates how easy or difficult it was for a customer to interact with your business, seek assistance, and have their concerns addressed. You can send this voice of the customer CES survey after a customer interacts with your staff or customer service team to determine if they found the experience helpful, if their issue was resolved, and if their request was fulfilled without unnecessary effort.Voice of the Customer Techniques CES Survey

2. Listen to Recorded Phone Calls

Every customer conversation, whether it's customer support phone calls, a product demo, or a sales call, holds important insights. It can also be beneficial to collect insights from the sales prospecting tools you’ve used, comparing those with the existing customer insights. During direct interactions with your support team, customers tend to express their challenges and feedback openly. As a VoC manager, you can record and analyze these calls, tagging each conversation with human sentiments, such as satisfaction, dissatisfaction, anger, or neutrality.

Extracting detailed feedback from recorded customer support calls is a valuable voice of customer methodology in your voice of the customer program that can be instrumental in:

  • Identifying staff training requirements.

  • Recognizing patterns in customer complaints and improving first-call resolutions.

  • Identifying best practices in servicing customers and replicating them.

  • Discovering emerging customer challenges and more.

3. Monitor Online Customer Reviews

Another one of the most important ways to collect customer feedback is online reviews. Online reviews have a significant impact on purchasing decisions, with over 99.9% of customers reading reviews before making the final purchase decision.

Customers leave online reviews when they are highly satisfied or deeply disappointed. Both kinds of reviews are helpful in understanding trends across customer loyalty and customer demands. Therefore it is important that your business is verified on Google and maintains a social media presence.

Leverage various channels relevant to your industry, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, G2, Capterra, TripAdvisor, Google My Business, and HomeAdvisor to gather VoC data without reaching out to customers individually.

After gathering reviews from multiple sources, you can:

  • Analyze negative reviews and address issues promptly to enhance the customer experience.

  • Respond to all comments, including negative feedback, demonstrating commitment to issue resolution.

  • Highlight positive reviews on your website and across social media platforms for wider visibility.

  • Utilize common complaints for ongoing internal training and improvement.

VoC Methodologies Customer Review

4. Collect Data Through Focus Groups

Focus groups involve in-person discussions moderated by a facilitator where customers freely express their expectations and experiences. These sessions serve as a crucial component of exploratory voice of the customer research, providing a holistic view of customer sentiment and the "why" behind their opinions.

The diverse perspectives shared in focus groups can uncover unexpected insights, such as emerging product demands while fostering two-way communication to address existing challenges. These groups are particularly valuable when considering innovations or product updates, allowing you to test with a sample before wider implementation.

However, focus groups are complementary to a comprehensive VoC strategy and may not scale effectively for broader opinion collection.

5. Conduct Customer Interviews

Customer interviews are an important voice of customer methodologies since they allow communicating with customers directly and getting insights into their sentiments and underlying reasons.

You can conduct ad-hoc interviews, target specific customer segments, or sample audiences for detailed, personalized research. One-on-one interviews, ideally conducted immediately after customer interactions with your brand, yield the most accurate VoC data as experiences are fresh in their minds.

Additionally, reaching out to customers with open complaint tickets offers a deeper understanding of reported issues. This will not only help you understand customer expectations and experiences but will also help you deliver personalized experiences, resulting in improved customer relationships.

6. Listen Through Social Channels

Social media has evolved into one of the most powerful voice of customer survey tools in the current times. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are now the go-to places for customers to explore brands and their followers.

A well-crafted product description may not sell a product, but a positive review from an influential social media personality can drive rapid sales. It's essential to monitor your brand's social media presence because a single negative review can impact your image. Facebook advertising is a good option for promoting brands and you can also track the performance using Facebook ads reporting tools.

Social media offers a casual setting for honest customer interaction, where genuine feedback is invaluable. It's also a simple and effective way to participate in customer conversations and understand their preferences. Beyond tracking brand mentions, social listening also works as a market research tool that helps identify market trends and gain a competitive edge.

7. Collect Data Through Live Chat

Over 41% of customers now expect live chat on websites for its immediate interaction benefits. Live chat is a valuable customer experience software tool for collecting VoC data during online interactions. By reviewing chat transcripts, VoC professionals can extract key information, categorize it, and uncover customer trends and expectations.

This information can drive issue resolution, personalized experiences, targeted marketing, and more. For instance, if customers express difficulty finding a product via live chat, it can lead to improvements like fixing website filters.

Beyond listening to customer feedback, live chat is cost-effective compared to voice support. Coupling it with voice processes can serve more customers while reducing costs. Live chat also aids in closing sales and increasing average order values by suggesting complementary products. Additionally, live chat provides essential customer insights, keeping brands competitive and informed.

Voice of Customer Methodologies Live Chat Support

8. Leverage Multiple Feedback Channels

Leveraging multiple feedback channels is another important voice of customer methodology that involves collecting customer feedback from diverse sources and channels to gain a comprehensive understanding of their preferences and opinions. By tapping into various survey collection channels, you can enrich your dataset with a wide range of insights.

This approach not only enables real-time responses to customer concerns but also builds holistic customer profiles, fosters cross-channel analysis, supports data-driven decision-making, and enhances the overall customer experience.

Here are some popular feedback channels that you can utilize to identify customer problems and gather feedback.

  • Email: Utilize email surveys as means to collect email feedback to reach customers conveniently through their inboxes, allowing for structured feedback collection and personalized follow-ups.

  • Website: Embed website surveys and a website feedback button on your site to capture real-time website feedback from visitors, helping you understand their online experience and gather valuable opinions.

  • In-product/In-app: Integrating feedback mechanisms like in-app surveys directly into your app or product enables users to provide feedback seamlessly during their interactions, enhancing user experience.

  • SMS: Send SMS surveys to gather feedback quickly and directly, ideal for gathering insights from mobile users and ensuring a high response rate.

  • Offline: Offline survey methods like kiosk surveys helps gather in-person customer insights in physical settings like stores and restaurants.

Voice of the Customer Methodology Multichannel Feedback

9. Use Web Analytics

Employing web analytics as a VoC methodology involves the analysis of website data to understand customers behavior, preferences, and pain points. Analyzing website behavior through advanced analytics tools can uncover vital insights into how users interact with your site, helping you optimize the online customer experience.

You can utilize website feedback tools like Google Analytics, that offer traffic analysis, bounce rate measurement, heatmaps, scroll maps, and more to track user behavior across every customer journey stage, identify drop-off points, and optimize the online customer experience.

10. Utilize Advanced Reporting & Analytics

This is a popular voice of customer methodologies that involves gaining deeper insights into customer feedback and behavior. By employing sophisticated survey software, you can identify trends, patterns, and correlations within customer data and more informed decision-making.

Voice of the customer tools with advanced reporting and analytics capabilities provide the ability to conduct complex data analysis, visualize findings, and generate in-depth reports, ultimately guiding strategic improvements in products, services, and the overall customer experience.Voice of the Customer Methodology Reporting & Analytics

11. Integrate Dedicated Feedback Forms

This voice of customer methodology involves the integration of specialized feedback forms into various touchpoints of the customer journey, such as websites, applications, or emails. These forms are designed for collecting feedback that is structured, directly from customers, making it convenient for them to express their opinions, suggestions, and concerns.

By integrating these forms, you can systematically capture valuable VoC data and customize the data collection process to align with your specific objectives. Some examples of dedicated data collection forms include:

  • Post-Purchase Surveys: You can dedicate feedback forms after a customer completes a purchase, allowing them to rate their shopping experience, provide product reviews, or suggest improvements.

  • Customer Support Forms: After a customer interacts with a support agent, you can embed customer support forms to gather insights about the quality of customer service, response times, and issue resolution.

  • Website Feedback Widgets: Many websites employ feedback widgets that appear in the corner of webpages, enabling visitors to share their thoughts on site usability, content, and overall experience.

  • In-App Feedback Forms: In-app forms can be used to collect user opinions, bug reports, or suggestions for new features in your mobile applications.

  • Product Feedback Forms: Dedicated forms for collecting product feedback on specific products allow customers to provide input on features, usability, and their overall experience with the product.

  • Bug Report Forms: These specialized forms have bug report questions that are designed to capture error reports from customers who encounter technical issues, helping companies identify and resolve software or functionality problems.Voice of Customer Methodologies Bug Report Form

12. Apply Sentiment Analysis

In this voice of the customer methodology, you can utilize advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to evaluate customer feedback, social media interactions, and reviews. The core objective is to precisely categorize customer sentiment as positive, negative, or neutral, enabling companies to delve into the emotional nuances within customer expressions.

By automating sentiment analysis, you can extract valuable insights from unstructured text data, allowing for personalized responses and finely-tuned strategies to address customer needs and sentiments effectively. This approach can empower you to proactively respond to feedback, enhance customer satisfaction, and make informed decisions based on a nuanced understanding of customer sentiment.

13. Perform Competitor Analysis

Within the realm of the voice of customer methodologies, competitor analysis involves systematically evaluating the performance and strategies, and gathering customer feedback of direct and indirect competitors in the market. It offers insights into your competitive landscape, allowing you to align your strategies with customer anticipations, stay competitive, and proactively address market shifts.

Performing competitor analysis by utilizing competitive intelligence tools. if you discover that a rival company consistently receives positive customer feedback for its quick and hassle-free returns process, you can revamp your own returns policy, making it more customer-friendly to increase customer loyalty and satisfaction among customers.

14. Map Customer Journey

Mapping customer journey is often useful in customer experience management, product development, and marketing to better understand how customers perceive your brand. It involves creating a visual representation or narrative of the customer's experiences at various stages, such as awareness, consideration, purchase, usage, support, and advocacy.

This customer journey map should include monitoring customer account across key touchpoints, channels, and moments of truth where customers make decisions or have significant interactions with the company.

Voice of Customer Methodologies Mapping Customer Journey

15. Implementing Customer Advisory Boards

Customer Advisory Boards (CABs) involve creating a formal group of selected customers to provide ongoing feedback, insights, and strategic guidance to a business. These CAB members are carefully chosen to represent diverse customer segments and preferences.

Through regular engagement, CABs serve as a valuable source of strategic input for the company, offering feedback on product development, service enhancements, marketing strategies, and other aspects of operations. The relationship is mutually beneficial, as members gain a sense of influence over the brand, while the company fosters stronger customer loyalty, ultimately leading to improved customer satisfaction and business success.


In a world where customer experience reigns supreme, the voice of the customer methodologies is the compass guiding businesses towards success. From the implementation of structured voice of the customer programs and leveraging multiple feedback channels to performing sentiment analysis and establishing CABs, these methodologies are the keys to unlocking the true potential of customer-centric excellence.

To execute most of the mentioned VoC methodologies, you need to leverage an online survey tool like Zonka Feedback which offers a comprehensive suite of features like creating intelligent customer surveys (NPS, CSAT, and CES), customizable templates, real-time feedback, user segmentation, survey logic and branching, white-labeling, and so much more. It not only helps to collect valuable feedback and analyze it but also helps you to improve, evolve, and excel in your customer relationships by taking action and closing the feedback loop.

Sign up today for a 14-day free trial and see how it helps transform your business through the voice of the customers.


Written by Kanika

Nov 07, 2023

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